Solstice NFS Client 3.2 User's Guide for Microsoft Windows 95 and Windows NT

To Browse NFS Automount Maps on Windows 95

  1. Open Network Neighborhood and double-click Entire Network.

    Network Neighborhood displays a list of Microsoft network workgroups, including workgroups labeled NFS Servers and NFS Automount Maps.

  2. Double-click the NFS Automount Maps workgroup.

    Network Neighborhood displays a list of the local NFS automount maps on your machine, or a list of NIS/NIS+ automount maps (Figure 3-10).

    Note -

    If your network uses NIS/NIS+ but you do not see NIS/NIS+ automount maps, you may need to configure NIS or NIS+, as explained in "Configuring NIS or NIS+".

    Figure 3-10 NFS Automount Maps Listed in Network Neighborhood


  3. Double-click any NFS automount map.

    Network Neighborhood displays a list of all NFS mount points defined in the automount maps.

  4. Access these automount points as you would folders on your local computer.

    Note that you can open an automount point and map a network drive to a folder within it by right-clicking the folder, selecting Map Network Drive, and clicking OK in the Map Network Drive dialog box.