Solstice NFS Client 3.2 User's Guide for Microsoft Windows 95 and Windows NT

User Profiles and Connected Drives

Windows 95 and Windows NT differ in the way persistent drive mappings are treated when different users log in to a system.

Due to the default behavior of Windows 95, a network drive specified to be reconnected on login is mapped whenever a user logs in to Windows 95 on that computer. You can, however, set up Windows 95 so that drive mappings are associated with specific users. See the Solstice Network Client Administration Guide for information about user profiles.

In Windows NT 4.0, each user account has a unique user profile by default. As a result, drive mappings are associated with specific users. However, if you want all users to be reconnected to the same network drives when they log in, you can take advantage of the mandatory user profile ability of Windows NT Server 4.0 to give users identical environments. See the Windows NT documentation for more information about mandatory user profiles.