Solstice NFS Client 3.2 User's Guide for Microsoft Windows 95 and Windows NT

To Mount a Shared PC Printer from a UNIX Workstation

  1. From a command window, enter the command su to become superuser.

  2. At the superuser system prompt, enter admintool&.

    The Administration Manager starts.

  3. Click Host Manager, and then click the appropriate name service to verify that the Windows computer is listed in the hosts list.

  4. Close the Host Manager dialog when finished.

  5. Click Printer Manager to open the Printer Manager dialog.

  6. Click Edit, click Add Printer, and then click Add Access To Remote Printer.

  7. Complete the Add Access To Remote Printer dialog as follows:

    1. In Printer Name, enter the queue name of the shared PC printer, for example, dopey1_laser.

    2. In Printer Server, enter the name of the Windows computer to which the printer is connected, for example, dopey1.

    3. In Comment, add some text that identifies the printer to the users, for example, Laser in Jackie's office.

    4. For Printer OS Server, click BSD.

    5. (Optional) Set the printer as the system default printer.

    6. Click Add and close the Access to Remote Printer dialog.

  8. Quit the Administration tool, press Ctrl+D to exit superuser.