i-Planet Administration Guide


i-Planet, Release 2.0, does not ship with software that will allow end users access to NetWare machines from the NetFile application. If you want your end users to have access to NetWare machines, you must buy the NetWare connectivity product called NetCon 7.0 from the NetCon Corporation in Crystal River, Florida.

Note -

NetCon 7.0 only supports Solaris 2.5.1. and 2.6.

Installing NetCon

You must first purchase the NetCon 7.0 software from the NetCon Corporation. Install NetCon 7.0 on the i-Planet server according to the instructions from the NetCon Corporation.

Modifying the netcon.rc File

If you have more than 1,000 end users, you must modify the netcon.rc file on the i-Planet server. If you do not modify this file, NetCon will be unable to come up.

To Modify the netcon.rc File
  1. Modify the file /usr/bin/local/bin/netcon.pc on the i-Planet server so that the line /usr/local/bin/netserv -c -a... includes the option -b 9000.

    The line will now look something like this:

    /usr/local/bin/netserv -b 9000 -c -a... 
  2. Reboot the i-Planet server.

  3. If you have "several thousands of end users," the NetCon service will require some time to come up.

  4. Type the following to verify that the NetCon service is up:

    ps -ef | grep netserv | grep -v grep | wc -l

    If the return value is not 1, the NetCon service is up. Otherwise you must wait until it is up.

Adding a Default User Map

This is a one-time set up. You do this from the NetCon Web Administration menu.

To Add a Default User Map
  1. Start a browser.

  2. Type the following URL in the Location field to connect to NetCon web server:


  3. Log in to the GUI that comes up using netcon as the default user name and netcon as the default password.

  4. From the NetCon Main Menu, choose the User Administration option.

  5. From the User Administration menu, choose Map Network User to UNIX.

  6. From the Login to NetCon/NetWare File Server menu, type any valid user name and password (root is preferred).

  7. Click Login to add the default user map.

    You will see a list of NetWare servers that are known to the machine.

Allowing Access to NetWare Machines from the i-Planet Administration Console

You must enable access to NetWare machines on the NetFile Configuration page of the Administration Console.

To Allow Access to NetWare Machines from the i-Planet Administration Console
  1. As root on the i-Planet server, mount the i-Planet CD-ROM, "Contains 3rd Party Software Packages Only."

  2. Change to the directory on the CD-ROM:

    cd /cdrom/cdrom0

  3. Type the following to run the enable_netcon script:


  4. Eject the CD-ROM:

    cd /eject dcrom0

    Any process started when the current working directory is /cdrom/cdrom0 must be stopped before you can eject the CD-ROM.

  5. As root on the i-Planet server, type the following to stop and restart the web server so that the changes will take effect.

    /opt/SUNWjeev/bin/iplanet_serv stop/opt/SUNWjeev/bin/iplanet_serv start

Verifying NetCon Installation

You can verify that NetCon has been correctly installed and is working by going to the Administration Console.

To Verify That NetCon Is Installed Correctly
  1. Connect to the Administration Console and log in.

  2. Go to the NetFile Configuration page.

    You should see that the statement "Allow access to NetWare systems" and the check box are visible.The check box should be checked to show that access to NetWare is enabled.