i-Planet Administration Guide

Fine Tuning the Web Proxy

If you have installed a web proxy either during installation or after install, you can fine tune the web proxy by modifying the file /opt/SUNWsnrp/config/ReverseProxy.config and the files /etc/opt/SUNWstnr/gateway/UseWebProxyURL.conf and /etc/opt/SUWNstnr/gateway/DontUseWebProxyURL.conf. This permits you to specify:

If the line Proxy= does not contain a web proxy, no web proxy is used, no matter what value is set for UseProxy=. If a web proxy is specified in the line Proxy=, then that web proxy is used or not, depending on the value, true or false, to which you have set the line UseProxy=:

If you want a URL to be passed to the web proxy, the request header is checked against the entries in the DontUseWebProxyURL.conf file. If it matches, the request is not passed to the web proxy. If it does not match any of the entries, it is passed to the web proxy.

If you do not want a URL to be passed to the web proxy, the request header is checked against the entries in the UseWebProxyURL.conf file. If it matches, the request is passed to the web proxy. If it does not match any of the entries, it is not passed to the web proxy.

Use the following procedure to tune the web proxy and to set which URLs must pass through the web proxy and which do not.

To Tune the Web Proxy
  1. As root, on the i-Planet gateway, modify the ReverseProxy.config file in the directory /opt/SUNWsnrp/config so that the line UseProxy=true, if you want to use the web proxy for all URLs or so that the line UseProxy=false, if you do not want to use the web proxy for all URLs.

  2. As root, on the i-Planet gateway, type the URLs for which you want to use the web proxy in the file /etc/opt/SUNWstnr/gateway/UseWebProxyURL.conf.

    The form for the URLs is http://hostname:port_number, where the hostname and port_number must match the name of the host and the port number where it is used in any other file or in the Administration Console.

  3. As root, on the i-Planet gateway, type the URLs for which you do not want to use the web proxy in the file /etc/opt/SUNWstnr/gateway/DontUseWebProxyURL.conf.

    The form for the URLs is http://hostname:port_number, where the hostname and port_number must match the name of the host and the port number where it is used in any other file or in Administration Console.

  4. Stop and restart the reverse proxy on the i-Planet gateway for the change to take effect.

    See the procedure "To Stop and Restart the Reverse Proxy Server on the i-Planet Gateway" in this chapter.