i-Planet Administration Guide

Verifying the Settings to Use UserAdminCL

Use the following procedure to verify the settings to use UserAdminCL:

To Verify Settings to Use UserAdminCL
  1. As root, type the following command to run UserAdminCL:

    # java com.sun.stnr.useradmin.UserAdminCL

If you see the following usage message, you are ready to use UserAdminCL.

com.sun.stnr.common.CommandLineException: missing switch: +action
usage: [jre|java] com.sun.stnr.useradmin.UserAdminCL +action

[create|delete|get|list] [-srclogin] [-destlogin] [-usersfile]

[-defsfile] [-older] [-nologin] [-debug] [-interactive]

If you see other error messages, verify your classpath and try again.