i-Planet Administration Guide

Deleting i-Planet Users

You can remove i-Planet users from the system in three different ways: by user ID, by user's last login time (if any), or by reading a list of login IDs from a text file.

In addition to any specific i-Planet user being deleted, all i-Planet users "aliased" to this user are also removed.

Deleting a Specific i-Planet User by Userid

If you specify the -srclogin LOGINID switch after the delete action, then the login ID LOGINID will be removed from the i-Planet database.

To Delete a Specific i-Planet User by Userid
  1. Type the following command to delete a specific i-Planet user, for example:

    # java com.sun.stnr.useradmin.UserAdminCL +action delete -interactive \
    -srclogin jb34290

    This command returns the confirmation that the user indicated in the command was deleted:

    + deleted login=jb34290

Deleting i-Planet Users Based on Last Login Time

If you specify either the -nologin or -older N switches, i-Planet users are removed based on their last update time (stored as the value for the i-Planet user's Common.UpdateTime property). You can view this property with the get action.

To Delete i-Planet Users Based on Last Login Time Using the -older N Switch
  1. Type the following to delete i-Planet users based on last login time using the -older N switch, for example:

    # java com.sun.stnr.useradmin.UserAdminCL +action -interactive delete -older 30 

  2. Confirm that you want the user indicated deleted by typing y or n:

    + delete login=bob [yes/no] y 
    + deleted login=bob 
    + delete login=bill [yes/no] y 
    + deleted login=bill 
    + delete login=bob [yes/no] n 
    + no action for login=jan

To Delete i-Planet Users Based on Last Login Time Using the -nologin Switch
  1. Type the following to delete i-Planet users based on last login time using the -nologin switch, for example:

    # java com.sun.stnr.useradmin.UserAdminCL +action delete -interactive -nologin 

  2. Confirm that you want the user indicated deleted by typing y or n:

    + delete login=bob [yes/no] y 
    + deleted login=bob

Deleting i-Planet Users According to a List

If you do not specify -older N, -nologin, or -srclogin switches with the delete action, a list of i-Planet users to be removed will be read from a text file. You can provide the file name on the command line to identify the file to be used. If you do not specify a file, ./users will be used.

UserAdminCL reads a list of login IDs from the users file and deletes each one from the system.

The format of this users file is identical to the users file described in the section "Creating New i-Planet Users From a Text File". However, only the session.uid property is used and all other content is ignored.

To Delete i-Planet Users According to a List
  1. Type the following to delete i-Planet users according to a list, for example:

    # java com.sun.stnr.useradmin.UserAdminCL +action delete -interactive 

    This command returns confirmation that the users who meet the criterion in the command are deleted:

    + deleted login=bob 
    + deleted login=bill 
    + deleted login=jab

    Note -

    You can specify the -interactive switch to prevent prompting.