Solaris ISP Server 2.0 Installation Guide

Installing Solaris ISP Server 2.0 Software

The steps discussed in this chapter will help you in installing Solaris ISP ServerTM platform extensions and services from a browser (graphical user interface) or from the command line. If you are upgrading to Solaris ISP Server 2.0 or if you are reinstalling Solaris ISP Server 2.0 components, see Chapter 5, Upgrading to or Reinstalling Solaris ISP Server 2.0 Software.

During installation, if a Solaris ISP Server component detects existing configuration information it can use, the component will use the data. If you do not want the components to use existing configurations and want to perform a fresh install, ensure that the component is not installed on the machine and remove associated data (see "Removing the Files").

To perform a fresh installation of Solaris ISP Server software, proceed to:

  1. Reinstall the operating system.

  2. Install Solaris ISP Server 2.0 components following the steps discussed in this chapter.

Preinstallation Tasks

To properly prepare for installing Solaris ISP Server, you must:

To Start the Installation
  1. Log into the computer where you wish to install the software and become superuser (root).

    For example, to connect from a remote machine, enter:

    % xhost +remotehostname
    % rlogin remotehostname
    % Password: yourpassword
    % su
    Password: rootpassword
    # DISPLAY=localhostname:0.0
    # export DISPLAY

    If you are using a C-shell, remember that your command to set the display variable is different.

    Note -

    You must set the DISPLAY environment variable and allow access to your display only if you want to install from the default browser launched by the host configuration software. Set the DISPLAY environment variable before logging in as a different user (su -) or before logging in remotely.

  2. Change directory to the root of the media from which you are installing.

    Change to either the directory where you unwrapped the electronic distribution or the root directory of the mounted CD-ROM.

  3. Select method of installation. If you wish to install from:

Installing From the Browser

Once you have planned your network and ensured that each computer has the required hardware and software for its planned role in the network, run the Solaris ISP Server host configuration software at least once for each computer that will host the Solaris ISP Server software. The host configuration software enables:

  1. Choosing software components (and configuring their installation parameters).

  2. Selecting specific system hardening steps and reviewing the Solaris services that the host configuration software will enable or disable (and possibly customizing these settings).

  3. Specifying an optional postconfiguration command (or script) that the host configuration software will run towards the end of its batch install process.

  4. Reviewing a summary of all the changes you have specified. At this point, you can use the Back button on the browser to access earlier screens and amend your choices. You can also save the configuration scenario (all your settings) to be used in a repeatable installation later.

  5. Executing the configuration scenario you specified in steps one through four.

To Start the Host Configuration GUI
  1. Enter # ./hcstartup

    The script asks a few questions before bringing up the host configuration GUI. Steps 2 through 4 will assist you in answering the questions.

    Note -

    If you receive an error message when you run hcstartup, see "Host Configuration Error Messages".

  2. Enter path to the installation media (enter "none" if no media)[current working directory]

    If your current working directory is the root of the installation media, press Return. If it is not, enter the path to the installation media. If you enter none, only uninstall options will be available.

  3. The following parameters in /var/sadm/install/admin/default will not be honored and the values below will be used. Do you want to continue?

    See "Solaris ISP Server admin File" for more information. To proceed with the installation, press Return. Otherwise, enter No and quit the installation.

  4. Enter port number for the temporary web server [8000]

    If port 8000 is available, press Return. Otherwise, enter a port that the host configuration software can use for the temporary web server that delivers its GUI. The script checks to see if the port is available and prompts you for another if the port number you enter is in use.

    You will see a series of messages:

    Unwrapping archives ... done.
    Checking for installed components ...
    No components found to be upgraded.
    Setting up media database ... done.
    Starting web server ... done.
    Ready to start hotjava
    URL = "http://hostname:8000/cgi-bin/splash"
    DISPLAY = "hostname:0.0"
  5. Please choose one of the following options:

    Press Return to start HotJavaTM. This is the default option. Enter 2 to access the URL for host configuration from another browser. Enter 3 to abort the installation.

    Note -

    If you did not set the DISPLAY environment variable, to continue the configuration process, you must open the URL in a browser. Refer to Chapter 9, Error Messages for information on how to proceed.

    After a moment, if you selected the default HotJava browser for host configuration, the browser appears and displays the host configuration splash screen.

    If you opted to continue the configuration process in another browser, you must open a browser and access the URL: http://hostname:8000/cgi-bin/splash, where hostname is the host name of the machine on which you are installing the software. If you specified a port other than the default for the host configuration software to use, replace 8000 with that port number.

See "To Install the Components".

To Install the Components

At this point, you have already performed the steps in the "To Start the Host Configuration GUI". You are looking at the browser displaying the host configuration splash screen.

Tip -

You can also use the online help from this screen to proceed with the installation.

  1. Click Begin.

    The Component Configuration screen is displayed. For each component listed here, see "Introducing Solaris ISP Server" in Solaris ISP Server 2.0 Administration Guide for an overview of the features of the component.

  2. For each Solaris ISP Server component that you wish to install on this host:

    1. Verify installation status in the Installed? column.

      If the status displayed is no, the component is not currently installed on the host. If the status displayed is yes, the component is currently installed on the host and you cannot install the same component again without first uninstalling it.

    2. Choose Install from the option menu in the Action column.

      By default, No Action will be executed for the component.

    3. Select for installation all other components listed as required for the component you wish to install.

      Note -

      To customize installation of the component, you must select for installation all the other components it depends upon. See Chapter 3, Installation Requirements.

    4. Click Configure (if available), in the Customize Installation column, to set the installation parameters for the selected component.

      The Configure Installation screen for the selected component is displayed.

      Note -

      For the selected component, you must specify the appropriate installation parameters and must not accept the default customizations without reviewing.

    5. Examine the installation parameters for the selected component and set them as appropriate for your environment.

      Note -

      See online help to specify installation parameters. Once completed, review the screen and ensure that appropriate installation parameters have been specified.

    6. Click Done when you are finished.

      The Component Configuration screen is displayed.

  3. After selecting components and setting installation parameters on their Configure Installation screen, click Next.

    The Solaris Service Configuration screen is displayed.

See "To Configure Solaris Service Settings".

To Configure Solaris Service Settings

At this point, you have completed selecting components for installation. You are looking at the Solaris Service Configuration screen.

The Solaris services on this screen will be enabled or disabled (as displayed) to improve the security and performance of the system. Change settings on Solaris services only if your particular system plan requires it.

Each Solaris service configured on the screen is documented in the online help for the host configuration software and in "Closing Potential Security Holes".

  1. (Optional) If your system plan requires it, select enable or disable from the option menu in the Desired State column.

    To get maximum benefit from the host configuration software, accept its recommendations.

  2. When the Solaris service settings are as you want them, click Next.

    The Post-Configuration Command screen is displayed.

See "To Specify a Post-Configuration Command".

To Specify a Post-Configuration Command

At this point, you have already selected components and reviewed the Solaris services settings. You are looking at the Post-Configuration Command screen.

The postconfiguration command is optional and completely user-defined. Use this option to add your own standard postinstallation and configuration tasks to the host configuration software for automatic execution.

Some examples of postconfiguration commands that you can use are discussed in "Creating User-defined Scripts".

You can specify any non-interactive command or sequence of commands separated by a semicolon. If you have no postconfiguration needs, click Next.

  1. (Optional) If you have a command or script you wish to run at the end of installation and configuration, enter the complete path to it here.

  2. Click Next.

    The Confirm Configuration screen is displayed.

See "To Confirm and Save the Install Scenario".

To Confirm and Save the Install Scenario

See "Solaris ISP Server Platform Software" in Solaris ISP Server 2.0 Administration Guide for information on saving configuration scenarios.

  1. Review and confirm the settings you provided by reviewing the specifications displayed in the various sections.

    Use the Back button in the browser to modify any specification.

  2. (Optional) If you wish to save this installation and configuration scenario for use in the future,

    1. Enter the path where you want to store the scenario files.

      This directory, where the scenario files are to be stored, will be created and should not exist. However, the parent for the scenario directory must exist. For example, to store the scenario files in /usr/foo/bar, do not create the bar directory and ensure that /usr/foo exists. Do not create the scenario directory before saving the scenario files.

      Note -

      If you attempt to save a configuration scenario to an existing directory, you will receive an error message and the software will refuse to export the scenario.

    2. Click Save.

  3. Complete the installation and configuration process. Do one of the following:

    1. Click Execute (with reboot) if you want to perform the installation and configuration and then reboot the computer. We recommend you select this option.

    2. Click Execute (no reboot) if you want to perform the installation and configuration and then perform additional tasks before rebooting the computer.

      Note -

      Remember to reboot when your tasks are complete, as certain configuration settings require a reboot to take effect.

    3. Click Exit, if you do not want to perform the installation and configuration (for example, if you simply wanted to save a scenario for future use).

The following message is displayed if you executed the installation:

The batch installation process has started in the background. 
To view the batch installation status, use the following command: 
tail -f /var/opt/SUNWisp/hc/logs/config.yy-mm-dd.hhmm. 

This will display the contents of the time stamped installation log
file. When the installation completes successfully, the following 
message will be posted to the installation logfile: "Exiting 
SUCCESSFUL batch configuration."

No more interaction with the browser will occur. You may shut the 
browser down at any time. If this is a local browser, it will 
automatically be shut down when the batch installation process has 

After a few moments, if you installed from the default browser, the browser exits. If you installed using a browser of your choice, you must close the browser window. The host configuration process is complete when the system reboots, or when the final Cleaning up message is entered in the log file.

See "Determining that Installation was Successful":

Installing from the Command Line

We recommend installing Solaris ISP Server from a browser using the host configuration software. Please install from the command line only if you are completely familiar with the product and its various component dependencies.

If you choose to install from the command line, you will not get the benefits of the host configuration software. The host configuration software allows you to perform, as part of the installation process from a browser, some security modifications. It allows you to save the configuration specifications you provide during installation as a configuration scenario for repeatable installation.

A scenario is the combination of the current state of the server plus the specifications you provided; in other words, the desired final state of the server. If you save the scenario using the host configuration software, you can use it for setting up JumpStartTM scripts to duplicate the scenario on other servers or for repeatable installation. The host configuration software also allows you to execute some non-interactive postinstallation commands or a script.

Note -

Please proceed to the individual component installation section to install the component. Before proceeding to install, ensure that you meet the component interdependencies by verifying the recommended order of installation in Chapter 3, Installation Requirements.

To Install Solaris ISP Server 2.0 Software

For each Solaris ISP Server component you wish to install, perform the steps discussed in this section and then proceed to the individual component installation procedure.

  1. Change the directory to components/componentid/ where componentid is the unique component identifier of the Solaris ISP Server component you wish to install.

    We recommend you install the components in the same order as listed in the "Order Of Installation".

  2. Enter ./install

    The component install script:

    • Prints a message: WARNING: parameters from the system default admin file have been merged with /etc/opt/SUNWisp/hc/admin. See "Solaris ISP Server admin File" for more information.

    • Requires configuration information for installing Solaris ISP Server 2.0 components. Please proceed to the individual component installation procedure to specify the parameters.

To Install Solaris ISP Server Platform (SUNWisp)

The Solaris ISP Server platform provides the platform extensions with configuration management tools and enhancements for logging. On each Solaris ISP Server host in the network, you must install this software.

  1. Please enter the root of the distribution media:

    Enter the path of the distribution media from which you are installing. Enter either the directory path where you unwrapped the electronic distribution or the directory path of the mounted CD-ROM.

  2. Enter the host name of the Sun Directory Services server:

    Enter the host name of the Sun Directory Services server. All Solaris ISP Server components installed on this machine will contact this Sun Directory Services for making initial entries and for authentication.

  3. Install the Solaris ISP Server Administration Guide?

    Press Return for yes or enter b for no. If you select yes, the Solaris ISP Server 2.0 Administration Guide in HTML format is installed.

  4. Install the Host Configuration manual pages?

    Press Return for yes or enter b for no. If you select yes, the manual pages for the host configuration command line tools are installed.

  5. Solaris ISP Server requires the following OS patches.Should the necessary patches be installed automatically?

    Press Return for yes or enter b for no. If you select yes, the operating system patches are installed.

See "Determining that Installation was Successful".

To Install JDK (SUNWjdk)

JDK provides the Java classes needed by several of the Solaris ISP Server components. You cannot customize installation of this software.

    Please enter the root of the distribution media:

    Enter the path of the distribution media from which you are installing. Enter either the directory path where you unwrapped the electronic distribution or the directory path of the mounted CD-ROM.

See "Determining that Installation was Successful".

To Install HotJava (SUNWdthj)

This is the web browser you must use to access SunTM Internet AdministratorTM and most Solaris ISP Server component GUI. You cannot customize installation of this software.

    Please enter the root of the distribution media:

    Enter the path of the distribution media from which you are installing. Enter either the directory path where you unwrapped the electronic distribution or the directory path of the mounted CD-ROM.

See "Determining that Installation was Successful".

To Install the License Server for Solaris ISP Server (SUNWlicsw)

This is the FlexLM server for Solaris ISP Server. You cannot customize installation of this software. Use the license certificate for this software to obtain a license key and initialize more entries in Sun Directory Services.

    Please enter the root of the distribution media:

    Enter the path of the distribution media from which you are installing. Enter either the directory path where you unwrapped the electronic distribution or the directory path of the mounted CD-ROM.

See "Determining that Installation was Successful".

To Install Sun Directory Services (SUNWconn)

This Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) implementation provides a shared repository for user (administrator), service configuration, and subscriber information in SunTM Directory Services.

For more information about the configuration fields, see Sun Directory Services 3.1 Administration Guide, Sun Directory Services 3.1 User's Guide, and Solaris ISP Server 2.0 Administration Guide.

Solaris ISP Server 2.0 components require Sun Directory Services 3.1. If:

  1. Please enter the root of the distribution media:

    Enter the path of the distribution media from which you are installing. Enter either the directory path where you unwrapped the electronic distribution or the directory path of the mounted CD-ROM.

  2. Enter the DNS domain of your organization

    Enter the DNS domain name of your organization (for example,

  3. Enter the DN (distinguished name) of your organization

    Enter your organization name and the two-character country code. To enter, use the format ou=foo,o=xyz,c=US where ou refers to the organisationalUnit, o refers to the organizationName, and c refers to the countryName.

  4. Enter the root DN (distinguished name) for Sun Directory Services

    Enter the distinguished name for binding to the directory services as the server administrator. Use the format cn=admin,o=sun,c=US, where cn is the commonName, o is the organizationName, and c is the countryName.

    Note -

    Here, c and o must match the values specified in step 3.

  5. Enter the root password for Sun Directory Services

    Enter the password for the server administrator for binding to the directory services.

    Note -

    Make a note of the information you entered in steps one through four if you want SunTM Internet AdministratorTM to contact this directory services server.

  6. Do you want to run the RADIUS server included with this component?

    Press Return for yes or enter b for no. If you select no, the RADIUS server bundled with Solaris ISP Server will not be started.

  7. This component requires the following patches. Should these patches be installed automatically?

    You must install this patch for Sun Directory Services to work with Solaris ISP Server 2.0 components.

See "Determining that Installation was Successful".

To Install SKIP (SUNWicg)

Simple key-management for Internet Protocols (SunscreenTM SKIP) supports secure IP communication between hosts. You can install and configure this component on every host to protect admin communications (see also "Ensuring Security" in Solaris ISP Server 2.0 Administration Guide). You cannot customize installation of this software.

    Please enter the root of the distribution media:

    Enter the path of the distribution media from which you are installing. Enter either the directory path where you unwrapped the electronic distribution or the directory path of the mounted CD-ROM.

See "Determining that Installation was Successful".

To Install Sun Internet FTP Server (SUNWftp)

You cannot customize installation of SunTM Internet FTP ServerTM. After installation, to access the browser-based graphical user interface of this software, ensure that you register this Sun Internet FTP Server with a Sun Internet Administrator on the network.

    Please enter the root of the distribution media:

    Enter the path of the distribution media from which you are installing. Enter either the directory path where you unwrapped the electronic distribution or the directory path of the mounted CD-ROM.

See "Determining that Installation was Successful".

To Install Sun Internet News Server (SUNWsns)

This is a highly-scalable multi threaded news server. After installation, to access the browser-based graphical user interface of this software, ensure that you register this SunTM Internet News ServerTM with a Sun Internet Administrator on the network.

  1. Please enter the root of the distribution media:

    Enter the path of the distribution media from which you are installing. Enter either the directory path where you unwrapped the electronic distribution or the directory path of the mounted CD-ROM.

  2. Select the desired News server configuration

    Press Return for Reader and Feeder Services which is the default [c] option. Or, enter:

    • a for Reader Service Only (Remote feed). Or,
    • b for Feeder Service Only.

    Note -

    These three choices allow you to specify the type of service you wish to provide from this news server.

  3. Enter the UNIX user name of the News service administrator

    Enter the user name of this news server administrator and press Return. The default uid is root.

  4. Enter the UNIX group name of the News service administrator

    Enter the group name and press Return. The default gid is sys.

  5. Enter the fully qualified DNS domain name for your News server host.

    Enter the fully qualified DNS domain name of this news server host and press Return.

See "Determining that Installation was Successful".

To Install Sun WebServer (SUNWhttp)

This is used by most Solaris ISP Server 2.0 components and can also be used for standard web service.

  1. Please enter the root of the distribution media:

    Enter the path of the distribution media from which you are installing. Enter either the directory path where you unwrapped the electronic distribution or the directory path of the mounted CD-ROM.

  2. Do you want SSL support?

    This allows you to have secure communication with Sun Internet Administrator via Secure Socket Layer (SSL). SSL supports Verisign certificates for protected, encrypted communications. Press Return for yes or enter b for no. If you select no, the SSL packages will not be installed.

  3. Do you want Apache configuration emulation so that Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions may be installed?

    This option allows your customers to use Microsoft FrontPage for authoring, administration, and dynamic content. Press Return for yes or enter b for no

  4. Do you want this installation to create and populate a web server and site in /var/http/sws_server?

    Press Return for yes or enter b for no. If you select yes, a web server and a customizable web site are created.

  5. Under what user name should a Web server daemon operate by default?

    Specify the user name under which you want this web server daemon to operate.

    Note -

    For security reasons, do not run Sun WebServer as user root, or user nobody. We recommend creating a second user and executing the Sun WebServer daemon under that name.

  6. Do you want in-kernel HTTP acceleration to be activated (after reboot) for port 80?

    This option is available only if you are installing on Solaris 7. The cache in-kernel activator will greatly enhance the performance of the web server for static pages. Press Return for yes or enter b for no.

See "Determining that Installation was Successful".

To Install Sun Internet Administrator (SUNWixamc)

This provides secure central management for distributed Internet services.

The configuration information you enter here is stored in /var/opt/SUNWixamc/awsconf/aws.conf.

  1. Please enter the root of the distribution media:

    Enter the path of the distribution media from which you are installing. Enter either the directory path where you unwrapped the electronic distribution or the directory path of the mounted CD-ROM.

  2. Install the Solaris ISP Server manual pages?

    This option allows you to install the on line Solaris ISP Server man pages. Press Return for yes or enter b for no.

  3. Enter the root DN (distinguished name) for Sun Directory Services

    Enter the distinguished name to bind to the directory server as the server administrator. To specify, use the format: cn=admin,o=xyz,c=US where cn is the commonName, o is the organizationName, and c is the countryName.

  4. Enter the root password for Sun Directory Services.

    Enter the password to bind to the directory services as the server administrator.

  5. Enter the DN (distinguished name) of your organization (must match value specified for Sun Directory Services):

    Enter the distinguished name of your organization. To specify, use the format: o=sun,c=US where o is the organizationName and c is the countryName.

    Note -

    The values you enter in steps three through five must match the values you entered at the time of installing the directory services this Sun Internet Administrator will contact to make initial entries.

  6. Enter a user name for the administrator of Sun Internet Administrator

    Enter the user login name for the administrator of the Sun Internet Administrator.

  7. Enter a password for the administrator of Sun Internet Administrator

    Enter a password for the administrator of Sun Internet Administrator.

    Note -

    You will need the information you entered in steps six and seven to log into the Sun Internet Administrator GUI.

See "Determining that Installation was Successful".

To Install Sun Internet Services Monitor (SUNWixmon)

This performance monitoring software allows you to set up special monitor machines that emulate a subscriber's experience with the services.

  1. Please enter the root of the distribution media:

    Enter the path of the distribution media from which you are installing. Enter either the directory path where you unwrapped the electronic distribution or the directory path of the mounted CD-ROM.

  2. What port do you want the monitoring web server to use?

    Press Return to accept the default port. The default port is 2381. Or, specify another port number.

  3. What color do you want to use to display normal results? Provide three integer values (RGB) from 0 to 255, separated by '.'

    By default, green is used to display normal results. Press Return to accept the default. Otherwise, specify the RGB value for the color of your choice.

  4. What color do you want to use to display results that exceed performance thresholds? Provide three integer values (RGB) from 0 to 255, separated by '.'

    By default, yellow is used to display performance that exceed threshold. Press Return to accept the default. Otherwise specify the RGB value for the color of your choice.

  5. What color do you want to use to display errors? Provide three integer values (RGB) from 0 to 255, separated by '.'

    By default, red is used to display errors (such as timeout). Press Return to accept the default. Otherwise specify the RGB value for the color of your choice.

  6. What color do you want to use to display selected bars on the graph? Provide three integer values (RGB) from 0 to 255, separated by '.'

    By default, black is used to display bars selected in the graph. Press Return to accept the default. Otherwise specify the RGB value for the color of your choice.

    Note -

    You can, at any time after the installation, reset the colors by referring to Sun Internet Services Monitor online help.

See "Determining that Installation was Successful".

To Install Security Hardening

You can install this component to ensure security for passwords and safeguard file permissions to the file owner. When you install this component, a script similar to the script in is run on the machine and this script makes modes of files installed as part of Solaris packages more secure. See "Solaris ISP Server Overview" in Solaris ISP Server 2.0 Administration Guide for more information.

  1. Please enter the root of the distribution media:

    Enter the path of the distribution media from which you are installing. Enter either the directory path where you unwrapped the electronic distribution or the directory path of the mounted CD-ROM.

  2. Run fixmodes to secure permissions on setuid and setgid files?

    Press Return for yes or enter b for no.

  3. Change umask to 077 in default /.cshrc and /.profile?

    Press Return for yes or enter b for no.

  4. Add root to /etc/ftpusers to prevent root access through FTP?

    Press Return for yes or enter b for no.

  5. Set MAXWEEKS in /etc/default/passwd to force password expiration?

    Press Return for yes or enter b for no. If you press Return, specify MAXWEEKS value:. Default is 12.

  6. Edit /etc/syslog.conf for more granular event logging and intrusion detection?

    Press Return for yes or enter b for no.

  7. Run bsmconv and configure /etc/security to log administrative actions, logins, and logouts?

    Press Return for yes or enter b for no.

See "Determining that Installation was Successful".

To Install LDAP Client Library Packages (SUNWlldap)

You can install the LDAP (lightweight directory access protocol) client library on any machine on your network to enable access to LDAP libraries. After installation, install the LDAP manual page patch (106497 or 106498) to access the manual pages.

  1. Become superuser and change directory to /components/SUNWisp/pkgs.

  2. Enter # tar -cvf SUNWlldap /tmp/SUNWlldap.tar

    This stores SUNWlldap.tar package in the /tmp directory. You must tar the file only if you are going to copy this file on to another machine.

  3. If you are installing from a CD-ROM, proceed to step 5. If you are installing from an electronic distribution, you must log out of the machine where you unwrapped the electronic distribution and log into the machine where you wish to install the package. Become superuser and proceed to step 4.

  4. Get SUNWlldap.tar and enter # tar -xvf SUNWlldap.tar to untar the file.

  5. Enter # pkgadd -d . SUNWlldap

    The LDAP client library package is installed.

Determining that Installation was Successful

If you are installing from a browser:

To Determine that Browser-Based Installation Was Successful
  1. Change directory to /var/opt/SUNWisp/hc/logs.

  2. Find the log file named for the current date. For example, if today is December 1, 1998, find the log file named config.1998-12-01.1845.

  3. Read the log file to:

    1. Determine that installation and host configuration are complete. To determine, find this message at the end: Cleaning up /tmp/hcpid where pid is the host configuration process ID. This indicates that the host configuration batch process is finished and has exited.

      Note -

      If you selected Execute (no reboot), you may proceed to reboot the computer when your postinstallation tasks are complete, so that all settings of the host configuration can take effect. If you selected Execute (with reboot), the machine will be automatically rebooted.

    2. Determine that installation and host configuration was successful. To determine, for each software component selected for installation, you will see a section beginning with four greater-than signs (>>>>) and a message including the component identifier. If that section ends with the message: Installation successful, that component has been successfully installed.

      If the log file section for any component does not end with the message Installation successful, installation of the component failed. The remainder of the installation is aborted (nothing further is installed). Check the details in the log file and the system requirements for the software component.

If you are installing from the command line:

To Determine that Command Line Installation Was Successful

The packages that are installed for the component are displayed. To determine if the component has been successfully installed:

    Wait for one of two messages:

    Installation of <Componentid> was successful


    Note -

    Here, Componentid is the unique component identifier (for example, SUNWisp is the component identifier for Solaris ISP Server Platform software).