Solaris ISP Server 2.0 Installation Guide

Removing the Files

The component configuration information and associated data is saved when you uninstall:

The component will use this configuration information while upgrading to or reinstalling Solaris ISP Server 2.0 software. If you want to delete data left behind by a component after an uninstall, follow the instructions in this section.

To Remove Data Saved by Solaris ISP Server Platform (SUNWisp):

    Remove files and directories in /var/tmp/SUNWisp-save/SUNWisp if you uninstalled using the:

    • Solaris ISP Server 2.0 host configuration software or component uninstall script.

    • uninstall-sisp1.0 script.

    Remove files and directories in /etc/opt/SUNWixamr and /etc/opt/SUNWisp/hc only if you uninstalled Solaris for ISPs 1.0 components using the component uninstall script.

To Remove Data Saved by Sun Directory Services (SUNWconn)

    Remove files and directories in /usr/tmp/dsservconf.* and /var/opt/SUNWconn/ldap/dbm.

    The configuration information are saved in file names matching dsservconf.* and databases are saved in dbm.

To Remove Data Saved by Sun Internet FTP Server (SUNWftp)

    Remove files and directories in /var/tmp/SUNWisp-save/SUNWftp.

To Remove Data Saved by Sun Internet News Server (SUNWsns)

    Remove files and directories in /var/tmp/SUNWisp-save/SUNWsns.

To Remove Data Saved by Sun WebServer (SUNWhttp)

    Remove files and directories in /etc/http/httpd-instances.conf and /var/http/server-name/websites/website-name/conf.

To Remove Data Saved by Sun Internet Administrator (SUNWixamc)

    Remove files and directories in /var/tmp/SUNWisp-save/SUNWixamc if you uninstalled using the:

    • Solaris ISP Server 2.0 host configuration software or component uninstall script.

    • uninstall-sisp1.0 script.

    Remove files and directories in /etc/opt/SUNWisp/ldap/ispconf, /etc/opt/SUNWixamc, and /var/opt/SUNWixamc/awsconf.bak.* if you uninstalled 1.0 using the component uninstall script of the same version.