Solaris ISP Server 2.0 Installation Guide

Uninstalling Solaris ISP Server 2.0 Software

The sections in this chapter will help you uninstall Solaris ISP ServerTM platform extensions and services from a browser using the host configuration software or from the command line.

Note -

Before uninstalling Solaris ISP Server components registered with SunTM Internet AdministratorTM, unregister the components.

Beginning to Uninstall

This section discusses the preliminary steps you must perform to uninstall Solaris ISP Server 2.0 software.

To Log In to the Computer
  1. Log into the computer where you have the software installed and become superuser (root).

    For example, to connect from a remote machine, enter:

    % xhost +remotehostname
    % rlogin remotehostname
    % Password: yourpassword
    % su
    Password: rootpassword
    # DISPLAY=localhostname:0.0
    # export DISPLAY

    If you are using a C-shell, remember that your command to set the display variable is different.

    Note -

    You must set the DISPLAY environment variable and allow access to your display only if you want to uninstall from the default browser launched by the host configuration software. Set the DISPLAY environment variable before logging in as a different user (su -) or before logging in remotely.

  2. Change directory to the root of the media from which you are uninstalling.

    Change to either the directory where you unwrapped the electronic distribution or the root directory of the mounted CD-ROM.

  3. Select method of uninstall. If you are wish to uninstall from:

Uninstalling Solaris ISP Server from the Browser

To uninstall a component or multiple Solaris ISP Server components, run the host configuration software. The host configuration software will enable you to reconfigure the machine to the same state it was in before installing Solaris ISP Server software. The host configuration software enables:

  1. Choosing software components to uninstall.

  2. Reviewing and resetting the Solaris services that the host configuration software configured during installation.

  3. Specifying an optional postconfiguration command (or script) that the host configuration software will run towards the end of its batch uninstall process.

  4. Reviewing a summary of all the changes you have specified. At this point, you can use the Back button on the browser to access earlier screens and amend your choices.

  5. Executing the configuration scenario you have specified.

To Start Host Configuration
  1. Enter # ./hcstartup

    The script asks a few questions before bringing up the host configuration GUI. Steps 2 through 5 will help you answer the questions.

    Note -

    If you receive an error message when you run hcstartup, see Chapter 9, Error Messages.

  2. The following parameters in /var/sadm/install/admin/default will not be honored and the values below will be used. Do you want to continue?

    See "Solaris ISP Server admin File" for more information. To proceed to uninstall, press Return. Otherwise, enter No and quit the process.

  3. Enter path to installation media (enter "none" if no media)[current working directory]

    If your current working directory is the root of the media from which you are uninstalling, press Return. If it is not, enter the path to the media from which you are uninstalling.

  4. Enter port number for the temporary web server [8000]

    Enter a port that the host configuration software can use for the temporary web server that delivers its GUI. The script checks to see if the port is available and prompts you for another if the port number you enter is in use. If port 8000 is available, press Return.

    You will see a series of messages:

    Unwrapping archives ... done.
    Checking for installed components ...
    No components found to be upgraded.
    Setting up media database ... done.
    Starting web server ... done.
    Ready to start hotjava...
    URL = "http://hostname:8000/cgi-bin/splash"
    DISPLAY = "hostname:0.0"
  5. Please choose one of the following options:

    Press Return to start HotJavaTM. This is the default option. Enter 2 to access the URL for host configuration from another browser. At this point, you can also abort the uninstall process by entering 3.

    Note -

    If you did not set the DISPLAY environment variable, to continue with the configuration process, you must open the URL in a browser. Refer to Chapter 9, Error Messages for information on how to proceed.

    After a moment, if you selected the default HotJava browser for host configuration, the browser appears and displays the host configuration splash screen.

    If you selected the second option, to continue the configuration process you must open a browser and access the URL: http://hostname:8000/cgi-bin/splash. Here, hostname is the host name of the machine from which you are uninstalling the software and 8000 is the default port number. If you specified a port other than the default for the host configuration software to use, enter that port number.

  6. Click Begin in the host configuration welcome screen.

    The Component Configuration screen is displayed.

To Uninstall Components
  1. Select the component you wish to uninstall from the list in the Component column and verify component installation status by referring to the status displayed in the Installed? column.

    If the status displayed is yes, the component is currently installed on the machine. If the status displayed status is no, the component is currently not installed on the machine.

    Note -

    The host configuration software will prevent you from uninstalling components that other installed components depend upon.

  2. Select Uninstall from the option menu, in the Action column, for each component you wish to uninstall.

    By default, No Action will be executed for the component.

  3. Click Next.

    The Solaris Service Configuration screen is displayed.

To Reconfigure the Solaris Services

This screen enables you to reconfigure Solaris services that you had enabled or disabled during installation of Solaris ISP Server software.

  1. Select enable or disable, for the service you wish to reconfigure, from the option menu in the Desired State column.

  2. When the Solaris service settings are as you want them, click Next.

    The Post-Configuration Command screen is displayed.

To Confirm the Uninstall Scenario
  1. Click Next in the Post-Configuration Command screen.

    Note -

    If you wish to specify some commands or script to be executed after uninstalling the selected components, please enter the command or script in the Post Configuration Command screen text field.

    The Confirm Configuration screen is displayed.

  2. Click Execute (with reboot) to uninstall the specified component.

After a few moments, if you uninstalled from the default browser, the browser exits. If you uninstalled using a browser of your choice, you must close the browser window. See "Determining that Uninstall Was Successful".

Uninstalling Solaris ISP Server from the Command Line

This section discusses the steps to uninstall Solaris ISP Server components from the command line. You can also uninstall these components from the browser using the host configuration software. The host configuration software allows you to uninstall multiple components at the same time. Refer "Uninstalling Solaris ISP Server from the Browser" to uninstall using the host configuration software.

To Uninstall from the Command Line
  1. Change the directory to /var/opt/SUNWisp/hc/media/components/componentid/ where componentid is the unique component identifier of the Solaris ISP Server component you wish to uninstall.

    Verify component dependencies and ensure that you do not uninstall components that other installed components depend upon.

  2. Enter ./uninstall

See "Determining that Uninstall Was Successful".

Determining that Uninstall Was Successful

If you are uninstalling from the browser:

To Determine that Browser-Based Uninstall was Successful
  1. Change directory to /var/opt/SUNWisp/hc/logs.

  2. Find the log file named for the current date. For example, if today is December 1, 1998, find the log file named config.1998-12-01.1845.

  3. Read the log file. For each software component selected for uninstall, you will see a section beginning with four greater-than signs (>>>>) and a message including the component identifier. Ensure that the section ends with the message:

    Component "Componentname" (ID=Componentid) uninstalled successfully
    where Componentname is the name of the component and Componentid is the unique component identifier of the component that has been uninstalled.

If you are uninstalling from the command line:

To Determine that Command Line Uninstall Was Successful

    Wait until you get the message: Removal of <Componentid> was successful where Componentid is the unique component identifier of the Solaris ISP Server component you are uninstalling.

    The command prompt # is displayed after successful removal of the component.

When Solaris ISP Server 2.0 component is uninstalled, the component saves the associated data files. To remove data saved by the component, see "Removing the Files".

Removing the Files

The component configuration information and associated data is saved when you uninstall:

The component will use this configuration information while upgrading to or reinstalling Solaris ISP Server 2.0 software. If you want to delete data left behind by a component after an uninstall, follow the instructions in this section.

To Remove Data Saved by Solaris ISP Server Platform (SUNWisp):

    Remove files and directories in /var/tmp/SUNWisp-save/SUNWisp if you uninstalled using the:

    • Solaris ISP Server 2.0 host configuration software or component uninstall script.

    • uninstall-sisp1.0 script.

    Remove files and directories in /etc/opt/SUNWixamr and /etc/opt/SUNWisp/hc only if you uninstalled Solaris for ISPs 1.0 components using the component uninstall script.

To Remove Data Saved by Sun Directory Services (SUNWconn)

    Remove files and directories in /usr/tmp/dsservconf.* and /var/opt/SUNWconn/ldap/dbm.

    The configuration information are saved in file names matching dsservconf.* and databases are saved in dbm.

To Remove Data Saved by Sun Internet FTP Server (SUNWftp)

    Remove files and directories in /var/tmp/SUNWisp-save/SUNWftp.

To Remove Data Saved by Sun Internet News Server (SUNWsns)

    Remove files and directories in /var/tmp/SUNWisp-save/SUNWsns.

To Remove Data Saved by Sun WebServer (SUNWhttp)

    Remove files and directories in /etc/http/httpd-instances.conf and /var/http/server-name/websites/website-name/conf.

To Remove Data Saved by Sun Internet Administrator (SUNWixamc)

    Remove files and directories in /var/tmp/SUNWisp-save/SUNWixamc if you uninstalled using the:

    • Solaris ISP Server 2.0 host configuration software or component uninstall script.

    • uninstall-sisp1.0 script.

    Remove files and directories in /etc/opt/SUNWisp/ldap/ispconf, /etc/opt/SUNWixamc, and /var/opt/SUNWixamc/awsconf.bak.* if you uninstalled 1.0 using the component uninstall script of the same version.