Solaris ISP Server 2.0 Installation Guide

Determining that Uninstall Was Successful

If you are uninstalling from the browser:

To Determine that Browser-Based Uninstall was Successful
  1. Change directory to /var/opt/SUNWisp/hc/logs.

  2. Find the log file named for the current date. For example, if today is December 1, 1998, find the log file named config.1998-12-01.1845.

  3. Read the log file. For each software component selected for uninstall, you will see a section beginning with four greater-than signs (>>>>) and a message including the component identifier. Ensure that the section ends with the message:

    Component "Componentname" (ID=Componentid) uninstalled successfully
    where Componentname is the name of the component and Componentid is the unique component identifier of the component that has been uninstalled.

If you are uninstalling from the command line:

To Determine that Command Line Uninstall Was Successful

    Wait until you get the message: Removal of <Componentid> was successful where Componentid is the unique component identifier of the Solaris ISP Server component you are uninstalling.

    The command prompt # is displayed after successful removal of the component.

When Solaris ISP Server 2.0 component is uninstalled, the component saves the associated data files. To remove data saved by the component, see "Removing the Files".