Solaris ISP Server 2.0 Installation Guide

Preinstallation Tasks

To properly prepare for upgrading to Solaris ISP Server 2.0 software, you must understand how the various platform extensions and services fit together and depend upon one another. See "Solaris ISP Server Overview" in Solaris ISP Server 2.0 Administration Guide for an overview of the product.

To Start the Installation
  1. Log into the computer where Solaris for ISPs 1.0 components are installed and become superuser (root).

    For example, to connect from a remote machine, enter:

    % xhost +remotehostname
    % rlogin remotehostname
    % Password: yourpassword
    % su
    Password: rootpassword
    # DISPLAY=localhostname:0.0
    # export DISPLAY

    If you are using a C-shell, remember that your command to set the DISPLAY variable is different.

    Note -

    You must set the DISPLAY environment variable and allow access to your display only if you want to upgrade from the default browser launched by the host configuration software. Set the DISPLAY environment variable before logging in as a different user (su -) or before logging in remotely.

  2. Change directory to the root of the media from which you are installing.

    Change to either the directory where you unwrapped the electronic distribution or the root directory of the mounted CD-ROM.

  3. Select method of installation. If you wish to install from: