Solaris ISP Server 2.0 Installation Guide

Starting and Configuring the Services

After installing Solaris ISP ServerTM software, you must:

You can access some of the services directly from a browser. This chapter discusses in detail how to install licenses for Sun Directory Services, how to start Sun Internet Administrator, and how to access the services from Sun Internet Administrator and directly from a browser.

Installing Licenses

Sun Directory Services allows one thousand entries to be made in the directory services before requiring a license for more entries. The one thousand entry limit is sufficient to install Sun Directory Services and initialize the entries required by the Solaris ISP Server software. To initialize more entries, you need a license key. Please refer to the license certificate for more information on obtaining a license key.

When you have the license key, log into the computer where the license server is installed and start the licensing tool.

To Install the Licenses
  1. Enter:

    # /etc/opt/licenses/lit

    The License Installation Tool licenses configuration screen appears

  2. From the Select Product pull-down menu, select the Sun Directory Services number of entries for which you purchased the license key.

  3. In the text field,

    1. License server: Enter the name of the host where the license server is installed.

    2. Host ID: Enter the hostid of the computer where the license server is installed.

    3. Rights To Use: Enter 1

    4. Expiration Date: Enter the expiry date given to you for the license key.

    5. Password: Enter the license key given to you.

  4. Click Done With License.

  5. Click Exit - Install Licenses.

    If Sun Directory Services is not installed on the same machine with the license server, proceed to perform steps 7 and 8.

  6. Copy the configuration script from the license server machine to the machine where Sun Directory Services is installed.

    The license server configuration script is located at: /etc/opt/licenses/LIC_CONFIG_SCRIPT

  7. Log into the Sun Directory Services machine and run the configuration script. To run, enter:


    You must run the script only after installing the license using the License Installation Tool.

Configuring HotJava

Sun Internet Administrator and Sun Internet Services Monitor require the security settings in HotJava to allow applet and servlet functionality. Follow the procedures in this section to set security appropriately.

To Configure HotJava

The Solaris ISP Server remote administration applets require access to certain client system properties when they load. If your HotJava applet security settings are set to:

You must configure the browser to Medium Security or Low Security.

  1. Start HotJava and go to the Edit menu.

  2. Choose Preferences from the pull-down menu and select Applet Security from the cascade menu.

  3. Select Low Security for signed applets and Medium Security for unsigned applets by clicking on the respective radio buttons.

  4. Click Apply.

  5. Select the link to the Advanced Security page.

  6. Configure the system permissions. To configure, select System Permissions radio button.

  7. Click Add Site and in the Add Web Site text field, enter the host name of the Solaris ISP Server component.

  8. Click Apply.

Starting Sun Internet Administrator

To manage Solaris ISP Server services through Sun Internet Administrator, you must start Sun Internet Administrator and register the services with Sun Internet Administrator.

To Start Sun Internet Administrator

Before starting Sun Internet Administrator, ensure that the initial entries have been made in Sun Directory Services. Sun Internet Administrator requires a properly configured and running Sun Directory Services server to make the entries. If:

  1. If entries have not already been initialized, obtain root access and enter: # /opt/SUNWixamc/bin/mcdsinit -d DNofDSadmin -n ConsoleAdmin

    For more information on mcdsinit, refer to the man page. To view a man page, enter man -M /opt/SUNWixamc/man command, where command is the command whose man page you want to view.

    Note -

    The remainder of this procedure does not require root access. You can now access Sun Internet Administrator from a browser.

  2. Start HotJava and access the URL: http://<hostname>:50080/ispmc.

    Where <hostname> is the name of the machine where you installed Sun Internet Administrator. If you configured the administration Web server to another port other than the default, 50080, enter that port number.

    Note -

    To make accessing Sun Internet Administrator easier, you may want to make a bookmark of this URL.

  3. Log in to get global access to the product and all services this Sun Internet Administrator must manage. After logging in:

    Note -

    The administrator you specified during installation has global access to Sun Internet Administrator and to all services managed from it.

    1. Choose Register Services.

    2. Enter the administrator name and password you specified during installation of Sun Internet Administrator.

    3. Register the services and create additional administrators by referring to online help.

    Note -

    See Sun Internet Administrator online help.

Starting the Services

Solaris ISP Server services are controlled by their individual user interfaces. Some services can be accessed only through Sun Internet Administrator. Some Solaris ISP Server services can be accessed directly from a browser, too.

To Access Components from Sun Internet Administrator

To access a component through Sun Internet Administrator:

  1. Go to the Sun Internet Administrator Manage Services screen and access the component's user interface by clicking the link.

  2. Log into Sun Internet Administrator, either as the console administrator or as the administrator of the service to be started.

    The component user interface is displayed.

  3. Follow the instructions in the component's online help to start the component.

Note -

SunTM Internet News ServerTM and SunTM Internet FTP ServerTM user interface can be accessed only from Sun Internet Administrator.

To Access Services Directly

Sun Internet Administrator, Sun Internet Services Monitor, Sun Directory Services, and SunTM WebServerTM user interface can be accessed directly from a browser. To access a service directly:

  1. Start one of the supported Web browsers (for example, HotJava) and access the service URL.

    While specifying host name, specify the service host name and the port number used by that service.

    • The Sun WebServer URL is: http://hostname:2380/admin/admin.html, where hostname is the host name of the Web server and 2380 is the default port number. You can configure basic information about how the server runs from this URL.

    • The Sun Internet Services Monitor URL is: http://hostname:2381/servlet/sismgui, where hostname is the host name of the monitoring software and 2381 is the default port number. You can create Monitors and Probes on Monitor to monitor your network services.

    • The Sun Internet Administrator URL is: http://hostname:50080/ispmc, where hostname is the host name of the administrator console and 50080 is the default port number. You can register service hosts, and manage administrators and services from this URL.

    • The Sun Directory Services URL is: http://hostname:1760/, where hostname is the host name of the directory services and 1760 is the default port number. You can browse the directory from this URL using the web gateway.

  2. Follow the instructions in the service's online help to start the service.

Migrating to Sun Internet Services Monitor 1.1

When you migrate from SunTM Internet Services MonitorTM 1.0 to 1.1:

You can now proceed to: