Solaris ISP Server 2.0 Installation Guide

Starting the Services

Solaris ISP Server services are controlled by their individual user interfaces. Some services can be accessed only through Sun Internet Administrator. Some Solaris ISP Server services can be accessed directly from a browser, too.

To Access Components from Sun Internet Administrator

To access a component through Sun Internet Administrator:

  1. Go to the Sun Internet Administrator Manage Services screen and access the component's user interface by clicking the link.

  2. Log into Sun Internet Administrator, either as the console administrator or as the administrator of the service to be started.

    The component user interface is displayed.

  3. Follow the instructions in the component's online help to start the component.

Note -

SunTM Internet News ServerTM and SunTM Internet FTP ServerTM user interface can be accessed only from Sun Internet Administrator.

To Access Services Directly

Sun Internet Administrator, Sun Internet Services Monitor, Sun Directory Services, and SunTM WebServerTM user interface can be accessed directly from a browser. To access a service directly:

  1. Start one of the supported Web browsers (for example, HotJava) and access the service URL.

    While specifying host name, specify the service host name and the port number used by that service.

    • The Sun WebServer URL is: http://hostname:2380/admin/admin.html, where hostname is the host name of the Web server and 2380 is the default port number. You can configure basic information about how the server runs from this URL.

    • The Sun Internet Services Monitor URL is: http://hostname:2381/servlet/sismgui, where hostname is the host name of the monitoring software and 2381 is the default port number. You can create Monitors and Probes on Monitor to monitor your network services.

    • The Sun Internet Administrator URL is: http://hostname:50080/ispmc, where hostname is the host name of the administrator console and 50080 is the default port number. You can register service hosts, and manage administrators and services from this URL.

    • The Sun Directory Services URL is: http://hostname:1760/, where hostname is the host name of the directory services and 1760 is the default port number. You can browse the directory from this URL using the web gateway.

  2. Follow the instructions in the service's online help to start the service.