Solaris ISP Server 2.0 Administration Guide


Solaris ISP ServerTM (formerly known as Solaris for ISPs) is a suite of software that provides the best possible platform and subscriber services on the Solaris operating system for Internet Service Providers. The Failed Cross Reference Format provides information about Solaris ISP ServerTM platform and service software. It provides an overview of the software and examines the use of the directory services, the schema extension, and integrating new applications into the product.

Who Should Read This Book

The audience for this book includes system administrators: anyone who maintains a multi-user computer system running Solaris ISP Server.

How This Book Is Organized

This book contains the following chapters:

Chapter 1, Introducing Solaris ISP Server discusses the features of Solaris ISP Server platform and service software.

Chapter 2, Ensuring Security discusses generic Internet security risks, the structure of Solaris ISP Server in relation to them, and measures you can take to safeguard your network against those risks.

Chapter 3, Using Directory Services describes the required directory structure and the access control rules.

Chapter 4, Making Directory Entries supplies step-by-step instructions for creating required directory entries for domains and NAS objects, both at the command line and by using the Deja tool.

Chapter 5, Making Subscriber Directory Entries describes the procedures for creating directory entries for the end-user, covering command line, Deja, and bulk loading of entries.

Chapter 6, Solaris ISP Server Directory Schema provides reference material on the object classes and attributes added to the SunTM Directory Services schema. It also discusses steps for maintaining the schema, for restoring the schema, and avoiding schema dependence in your code.

Chapter 7, Integrating Existing Service Applications examines the requirements for integrating existing service applications with SunTM Internet AdministratorTM.

Appendix A, Configuring a Virtual Host describes the steps for configuring the DNS, creating required UNIX accounts, and making needed directory entries for a virtually-hosted domain in Solaris ISP Server.

Related Documentation

Documentation related to Solaris ISP Server includes printed manuals, AnswerBooks, PostScript, PDF, and man pages. Each is listed below.


The documents listed here are provided in printed version. These manuals are also available as AnswerBooksTM and as on line help files on the CD.


These documents are provided as AnswerBookTM on the CD.

PostScript and PDF

These documents are provided as PostScriptTM and PDF on the CD:

Man Pages

The locations of Solaris ISP Server platform and service software man pages are listed below:

Online Help

The majority of application-specific information is provided in the form of online help for easy access while working with the software. Each software component has its own help set, accessible from the graphical user interface.


The Solaris ISP Server README.html file is a short file in the installation media that contains late breaking news, bugs, release information, and pointers to software readme files and documents for installing. It is located in the root directory of the installation media.

Other Related Documents

You may also want to consult the following books related to the subject matter discussed in this book.

Definitions of Typefaces

The following table describes the typographic changes used in this book.

 Typeface or Symbol Meaning Example
AaBbCc123 The names of commands, files, and directoriesEdit your .login file. Use ls -a to list all files.
AaBbCc123 Command-line placeholder: replace with a real name or valueTo delete a file, type rm filename
AaBbCc123 Book Titles, new words or terms, or words to be emphasizedRead Chapter 6 in User's Guide. These are called class options. You must be root to do this.