Solaris ISP Server 2.0 Administration Guide

Supporting Multiple Independent Domains

The DC tree in "DC Tree Structure" shows an entry for the domain Domains that use that same name structure (.com) can be added as siblings to sun. But ISPs may support many independent top-level domains.. Supporting a new independent domain, such as .net, requires adding a new naming context.

To accomplish this, add a new DC tree and make the domain entry under it --in addition to the OSI tree entries and the DNS configuration that are necessary for any domain. To add a new DC tree to the default configuration, follow the steps in "Adding a DC Tree".

Adding a DC Tree

You can add a new independent domain to the directory by adding a new DC tree.

  1. Access the Sun Directory Services administration tool, either by launching it from SunTM Internet AdministratorTM or by entering the following:

    % su
    # /opt/SUNWconn/sbin/dsadmintool
  2. In the Data Store list, select the data store to which you are adding the naming context.

    Note -

    In the default Solaris ISP Server configuration, there is only one data store.

  3. Choose Modify Data Store from the Selected menu.

  4. Click More Suffixes.

    Note -

    More Suffixes is to the right of the Data Store Suffix field. You may have to scroll to see it.

  5. In the Additional Suffix box, enter the distinguished name of the new naming context. For example, if you are adding a context for .net, enter the DN dc=net.

  6. Choose Naming Context from the Create menu.

  7. Select a Type of Subtree.

  8. Select a Mode of Master.

  9. In the Suffix field, enter the distinguished name of the new naming context. For example, if you are adding a context for .net, enter the DN dc=net.

  10. Click OK to save the naming context information. The new naming context is displayed in the Naming Contexts section.

  11. Click OK in the Create Data Store window to save the data store definition.

    A dialog appears, asking "Do you really want to apply the modifications?" Click OK. If the dialog does not appear, the changes will not take effect and your new DC tree will not be available.

  12. Click Apply in the main administration tool window.

    A dialog appears, asking if you want to restart the directory server and make the new configuration take effect. Click Yes. If the dialog does not appear, the changes have not been saved.

  13. Add the root entry for the naming context, using either Deja or ldapadd(1M). For example, if you specified dc=net, create an entry with that distinguished name. You cannot add any entries to this data store until this root entry exists.