Sun WebServer 2.1 Installation Guide

Uninstalling Sun WebServer

To uninstall the Sun WebServer software, use pkgrm.
  1. Become superuser.

    % su
  2. To remove the Sun WebServer core packages, complete the following command.

    If you installed Sun WebServer to default locations, type

    # pkgrm SUNWhttpc SUNWhtsvl SUNWhtadm SUNWhttp SUNWhtdoc \
    SUNWhtman SUNWixklg SUNWixavm

    If you installed Sun WebServer to non-default locations, type

    # pkgrm -R <install_root> SUNWhttpc SUNWhtsvl SUNWhtadm SUNWhttp SUNWhtdoc \
    SUNWhtman SUNWixklg SUNWixavm
  3. To remove the SSL packages, type:

    # pkgrm SUNWski SUNWskicw SUNWskica SUNWskimc SUNWskimu SUNWssl

    Note -

    In the above example, substitue SUNWssld for SUNWssl, and add SUNWskild if you have the US/Canada version of Sun WebServer.