Solaris Easy Access Server 3.0 Installation Guide

Uninstalling Products From the Registry

Follow these directions to uninstall any of the individual SEAS 3.0 products.

How to Uninstall a Product From the Registry
  1. If necessary, start the Registry by typing the following command:


  2. In the left column of the Registry window, click System Registry to reveal the list of installed products.

  3. Select the name of the software you want to uninstall.

  4. Read the software attributes to make sure you have selected the software you want to uninstall.

  5. Click Uninstall at the bottom of the Registry window.

    The Uninstall Welcome screen opens.

  6. Click Next, choose between a Full Uninstall (default) and a Partial Uninstall, and then click Uninstall Now.

    An Uninstallation Summary window provides feedback on the uninstallation. When the product is completely uninstalled, the Product Registry window is updated.

The product is removed from the system.