Sun Cluster 2.2 System Administration Guide

3.9 Unconfiguring Sun Cluster Data Services

Use this procedure to unconfigure Sun Cluster data services. For more detailed information on a data service, see the individual chapter covering the data service in the Sun Cluster 2.2 Software Installation Guide.

3.9.1 How to Unconfigure Sun Cluster Data Services

  1. Stop all data service applications to be unconfigured.

    Perform your normal shutdown procedures for the data service application.

  2. If the data service is a database management system (DBMS), stop all fault monitors.

  3. Stop the data service on all logical hosts.

    # hareg -n dataservice
  4. Unregister the data service.

    # hareg -u dataservice

    Note -

    If the hareg -u command fails, it can leave the Cluster Configuration Database (CCD) in an inconsistent state. If this occurs, run scconf clustername -R dataservice on all cluster nodes to forcibly remove the data service from the CCD.

  5. (Optional) Remove the logical hosts from the cluster configuration.

    You can remove a logical host from the cluster configuration only if all data services are disassociated from it.

    Use one of the following methods to remove a logical host.

    • Run this scconf(1M) command on one node that is a cluster member:

    # scconf clustername -L logicalhost -r
  6. Perform a cluster reconfiguration by using the haswitch(1M)command.

    # haswitch -r

    At your discretion, you may choose to remove or rename the vfstab.logicalhost and dfstab.logicalhost files associated with the logical host you removed, and reclaim the space occupied by its volumes and file systems. These files are untouched by the scconf(1M) remove operation.