Sun Cluster 2.2 Software Installation Guide

7.3 Verifying the Sun Cluster HA for Informix Installation

Perform the following verification tests to ensure the Sun Cluster HA for Informix installation was performed correctly.

The purpose of these sanity checks is to ensure that the Informix OnLine server can be started by all Sun Cluster nodes running Sun Cluster HA for Informix and can be accessed successfully by the other nodes in the configuration.

7.3.1 How to Verify the Sun Cluster HA for Informix Installation

  1. Log in to the Sun Cluster node mastering the logical host, and set the Informix environment variables.

    Log in as informix to the node that currently masters the logical host. Set the environment variables INFORMIXDIR, INFORMIXSERVER, ONCONFIG, and INFORMIXSQLHOSTS.

    1. Confirm that you can start the Informix OnLine server from this host.

    2. Confirm that you can connect to the Informix OnLine server from this host:

      # dbaccess sysmaster@$INFORMIXSERVER
    3. Shut down the Informix OnLine server.

  2. Transfer the logical host to another node in the cluster.

    Use the haswitch(1M) command to transfer the logical host containing the Informix OnLine server to another node.

  3. Log in to the node now mastering the logical host, and repeat the checks listed in Step 1.

    Log in as informix to the new master node, and confirm interactions with the Informix OnLine server.