Sun Cluster 2.2 Software Installation Guide

8.5 Installing Netscape Mail

Sun Cluster HA for Netscape Mail is Netscape Mail running under control of Sun Cluster. This section describes the steps to take when installing Netscape Mail (by using the ns-setup command) to enable it to run as the Sun Cluster HA for Netscape Mail data service.

The Sun Cluster HA for Netscape Mail data service is an asymmetric data service. Only one logical host in the cluster provides the mail services.

Note -

The Sun Cluster HA for Netscape Mail service fault probing might cause /var/log/syslog to fill up quickly. To avoid this, disable logging of mail.debug messages in the /etc/syslog.conf file by commenting out the mail.debug entry and sending a HUP signal to the syslogd(1M) daemon.

The following are required on the Sun Cluster servers before configuring Sun Cluster HA for Netscape Mail:

Because Netscape Mail is installed on one server, Sun Cluster HA for Netscape Mail requires some variation from the default installation parameters, notably:

8.5.1 How to Install Netscape Mail

This procedure shows the user interaction with the ns-setup command and Sun Cluster commands. Only the sections that are specific to Sun Cluster HA for Netscape Mail are shown here. For the other sections, choose or change the default value as appropriate.

  1. Run the ns-setup command from the Netscape Mail install directory on the CD.

    Change directory to the Netscape Mail distribution location on the CD, and run the ns-setup command:

    phys-hahost1# cd /cdrom/commerce/solaris/us/https/mail
    phys-hahost1# ./ns-setup

    Note -

    The Netscape directory on the CD might be different from that shown in the example. Check your Netscape documentation for the actual location.

    After the licensing agreement you should see something like the following:

    Netscape Communications Corporation
     Netscape SuiteSpot Server Installation
     This program will extract the server files from the distribution
     media and install them into a directory you specify. This
     directory is called the server root and will contain the server
     programs, the Administration Server, and the server
     configuration files.
     Server root [/usr/netscape/suitespot]:
     To accept the default in brackets, press return.
  2. Enter the logical host name for the Netscape Web Server and the appropriate DNS domain name.

    A full name is of type hostname.domainname, such as You can enter any directory name you might have created for the data service here as well.

    Note -

    You must use the logical host name rather than the physical host name here and everywhere else you are asked, for Sun Cluster HA for Netscape Mail to fail over correctly.

    For example:

    Machine's name [phys-hahost1]:hahost1
    Machine's name [phys-hahost1]:hahost1

    Follow the screen instructions (in many cases you may want to accept the default choices) for the server installation.

  3. Enter Server Administrator ID and password when asked.

    Follow the guidelines for your system.

    Note -

    The default administration port is not the port that the data services will listen on, so it is an acceptable default.

    You see information similar to the following:

    Attempting to start Netscape Admin Server...
  4. Continue with the installation when prompted.

  5. Specify user, group, and domain names.

    Enter the user name you configured for the mail server on all Sun Cluster servers running Sun Cluster HA for Netscape Mail.

  6. Specify directories for system components.

    You are asked the names of directories where the various components of the system will be installed. Enter a location on the logical host, for example, /hahost1/mail/mailbox, and /hahost1/mail/postoffice.

  7. Specify a Server Identifier name.

  8. Specify whether to use the NIS module and the Greeting Forms feature.

    You see a confirmation of the information you specified as in the following example:

    Mail user name:
     Domain name:
     Mailbox directory:
     Post Office directory:
     Server Identifier:
     NIS lookups:
     Greeting forms:
     You may accept these choices or quit the installation.
     Install Netscape Messaging Server? [y]:
  9. When you are ready, install the Netscape Messaging Server and reply to queries when prompted.

    Depending on how you set up your configuration, specify items appropriately. After all changes take effect, you see:

    Netscape Messaging Server installation complete
  10. Start the Netscape Messaging Server when prompted.

  11. Run the hadsconfig command from the physical host:

    [phys-hahost1]: hadsconfig
  12. Enter the number for the nsmail menu item at the prompt.

    Your choices may vary depending on the services installed.

  13. Enter the number for the Create a new instance item at the prompt.

    You see something similar to the following:

    Name of the instance [nsmail]  [?]
     Logical host [?]
     Take over flag [y]
     Following are the specifications of this instance
     Name of the instance :
     Logical host :
     Number of times to retry :
     Time between retries (sec) :
     Configuration File :
     Fault probe program :
     Time between probes (sec) :
     Time out value for the probe (sec) :
     Take over flag :
     Add this instance ?  (yes/no) [yes]
     Instance added to workfile
     Press enter to return to main menu
  14. Enter the name for the instance.

  15. Enter your logical hostname.

  16. Either accept or change the defaults for the remaining items depending on your configuration.

    You can change these defaults at this time if necessary.

  17. Add this instance.

    You see Instance added to workfile.

  18. Go to the -Main -Menu when prompted.

    You see Configuration has changed in workfile.

  19. Update the configuration from the workfile when prompted.

  20. Enter the -Quit menu item number.

    Return to the root prompt of your physical host.

  21. Register and activate the service by using the hareg(1M) command.

    Run the hareg(1M) command on only one host.

    If the service is not yet registered, use the hareg(1M) command to register it. To register the service only on the logical host, include the -h option and logical host name:

    # hareg -s -r nsmail [-h logicalhost]

    If the cluster is running already, use the hareg(1M) command to activate the service:

    # hareg -y nsmail

    This completes the installation of Netscape Mail.