Sun Cluster 2.2 Software Installation Guide

8.6 Installing Netscape Directory Server

Sun Cluster HA for Netscape LDAP is the Netscape Directory Server using the Lightweight Directory Assistance Protocol (LDAP) and running under the control of Sun Cluster. This section describes the steps to take when installing Netscape Directory Server (by using the ns-setup command) to enable it to run as the Sun Cluster HA for Netscape LDAP data service.

If not already installed, use pkgadd to install the SUNWhadns package on each Sun Cluster server.

Netscape Directory server requires some variation from the default installation parameters, notably:

8.6.1 How to Install Netscape Directory Server

This procedure shows the user interaction with the ns-setup command. Only the sections that are specific to Sun Cluster HA for Netscape LDAP are shown here. For the other sections, choose or change the default values as appropriate. These are the basic steps; consult your Netscape Directory Server documentation for details.

  1. Install Netscape Directory Server.

    Choose the logical host that will provide directory services for the cluster. Install the Netscape Directory Server product on that logical host's shared disk.

  2. Run the ns-setup command from the install directory on the CD.

    Run the ns-setup command from the Netscape Directory Server install directory. You must supply the logical host name when ns-setup prompts you for the full server name. In this example, the logical host is hahost1:

    phys-hahost1# ./ns-setup
    Server root [/usr/netscape/suitespot]: /hahost1/d1/ns-home
    Full name [phys-hahost1]: hahost1
  3. Use the Netscape admin server to configure and test the Netscape Directory Server.

    See your Netscape documentation for details.