Sun Cluster 2.2 Software Installation Guide

Chapter 13 Setting Up and Administering Sun Cluster HA for Lotus

This chapter provides instructions for setting up and administering Sun Cluster HA for Lotus.

This chapter includes the following procedures:

13.1 Sun Cluster HA for Lotus Overview

The Sun Cluster HA for Lotus product consists of the Lotus Domino server made highly available by running it in the Sun Cluster environment. Sun Cluster 2.2 does not support the Lotus Partitioned Server or Lotus Cluster products.

To run Sun Cluster HA for Lotus under Sun Cluster, you must:

The procedures described in this chapter assume that you are familiar with the Sun Cluster concepts of disksets, logical hosts, physical hosts, switchover, takeover, and data services.

Before you install and configure Sun Cluster HA for Lotus, you first must install and configure the Sun Cluster framework. Then use the procedures in the following sections to install and configure Sun Cluster HA for Lotus.

13.1.1 Sun Cluster HA for Lotus Installation Notes

Lotus Domino servers can be set up as HTTP, POP3, IMAP, NNTP and LDAP servers. Some restrictions exist when you include Lotus Domino servers and Sun Cluster HA for Netscape servers in the same cluster. Use the general guidelines outlined in Table 13-1 to determine which Lotus Domino server tasks to specify during installation.

Table 13-1 Lotus Domino Server Options - General Guidelines

Server Task 

Client Types Supported 


Default Port 


Web browsers (Netscape Navigator, Microsoft Internet Explorer, etc.) 

Do not install Sun Cluster HA for Netscape HTTP and the Lotus HTTP server on the same logical host, or on logical hosts mastered by the same physical host. 



Internet mail clients using Post Office Protocol 3 (POP3) or Internet Message Access Protocol 

Do not install Sun Cluster HA for Netscape Mail and the Lotus IMAP server on the same logical host, or on logical hosts mastered by the same physical host. 

110 (POP3) 

143 (IMAP) 


Internet Directory Clients using Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) 

Do not install Sun Cluster HA for Netscape LDAP and the Lotus LDAP server on the same logical host, or on logical hosts mastered by the same physical host. 



Internet news readers using Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) 

Do not install Sun Cluster HA for Netscape News and the Lotus NNTP server on the same logical host, or on logical hosts mastered by the same physical host. 



Internet mail clients using Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) 

Do not install HA-nsmail and the Lotus SMTP/MIME on the same logical host, or on logical hosts mastered by the same physical host. 


13.2 Installing and Configuring Lotus Domino

This section describes the steps to take when installing Lotus Domino to enable it to run as the Sun Cluster HA for Lotus data service.

13.2.1 How to Install and Configure Lotus Domino

Consult your Lotus Domino documentation before performing this procedure.

  1. On each node that can master the logical host running Sun Cluster HA for Lotus, modify the /etc/nsswitch.conf file.

    Modify the /etc/nsswitch.conf file so that "group" lookups are directed to files first. For example:

     group: files nisplus

    Sun Cluster HA for Lotus uses the su user command when starting and stopping the database server.

  2. Install the Solaris and the Sun Cluster environments.

    Refer to Chapter 3, Installing and Configuring Sun Cluster Software. Use the scinstall(1M) command to install all of the Sun Cluster HA for Lotus packages that you will be using. Complete the post-installation procedures to install any required patches.

    Note -

    At this time, do not install any patches that are not required by Sun Cluster.

  3. Start Sun Cluster by using the scadmin(1M)command.

    Start the first node. From the administrative workstation:

    # scadmin startcluster localhostname clustername

    Then add each node to the cluster. From each node:

    # scadmin startnode

    After completing this step, the cluster should be up and running and the HA file systems should be mounted on their default masters.

  4. Make sure each logical host is served by its default master.

    Sun Cluster HA for Lotus will be installed from the physical host that is the logical host's default master. If necessary, switch over the logical hosts to be served by their respective default masters.

    The logical host names you use in your Sun Cluster configuration should be used as the server names when you install and configure Sun Cluster HA for Lotus applications. This is necessary for failover of the Lotus server to work properly.

  5. On each Sun Cluster server that will be running Lotus Domino, specify user and group names for Lotus Domino.

    Create a Lotus group, normally named notes. Create a user account, also normally named notes, and make it a member of the notes group. The group ID and user ID should be identical on all nodes.

    # groupadd notes
    # useradd -u notes -g notes -d /opt/lotus/bin notes
  6. On each Sun Cluster server that will be running HA-Lotus, install the Lotus Domino software.

    Log in as root to ensure ownership of the entire directory before performing this step. From the install directory, copy the Lotus install program to your local disk and install the software.

    By default, the Lotus Domino software is installed in the /opt/lotus directory, but you can select a different directory on the local or logical disk. The install program will create a symbolic link between the default install directory and the install directory you specify. Run the install command as root.

    # cd /cdrom/notes_r4/uni
    # ./install

    Note -

    The Lotus Domino installation directory on the Lotus CD-ROM might vary from the directory shown here. Check your Lotus Domino installation documentation for the actual path.

  7. On each Sun Cluster server that will be running HA-Lotus, set up a $PATH variable for Lotus Domino.

    # set PATH = /opt/lotus/bin $PATH .
  8. On each Sun Cluster server that will be running Sun Cluster HA for Lotus, set up the Lotus Domino server.

    Use the Lotus Domino set-up program to set up Lotus Domino. Log in as user notes to ensure access to the Domino server data files. You must place the Domino server data files on the logical host.

    # ./opt/lotus/bin/notes

    This completes the installation and set up of Lotus Domino. Proceed to "13.3 Installing and Configuring Sun Cluster HA for Lotus".

13.3 Installing and Configuring Sun Cluster HA for Lotus

This section describes the steps used to install, configure, register, and start Sun Cluster HA for Lotus.

13.3.1 How to Install and Configure Sun Cluster HA for Lotus

  1. On each Sun Cluster server that will be running HA-Lotus, run the hadsconfig(1M) command to configure Sun Cluster HA for Lotus.

    Use the hadsconfig(1M) command to create, edit, and delete instances of Sun Cluster HA for Lotus. Refer to "13.3.2 Configuration Parameters for Sun Cluster HA for Lotus", for information on the input you will need to supply to the hadsconfig(1M) command. See the hadsconfig(1M) man page for details.

    # hadsconfig

    Caution - Caution -

    Configure only one Lotus instance per cluster. Activation of Lotus instances is "all or nothing", that is, you cannot activate only a subset of instances in a cluster. Therefore, multiple instances can conflict with each other.

  2. Register and activate Sun Cluster HA for Lotus using the hareg(1M) command.

    The hareg(1M) command adds the Sun Cluster HA for Lotus data service to the Cluster Configuration Database, performs a cluster reconfiguration, and starts all of your Lotus Domino servers. Run this command on only one node:

    # hareg -s -r lotus
     # hareg -y lotus
  3. Verify the Sun Cluster HA for Lotus configuration.

    Log in as notes and verify the configuration by starting and stopping the Lotus Domino server on one of the Sun Cluster servers:

    phys-hahost1# /opt/lotus/bin/server
     phys-hahost1# /opt/lotus/bin/server -q

    You can test more of the configuration by starting the cluster, mastering the logical hosts from various physical hosts, and then starting and stopping the Lotus Domino server from those physical hosts. For example:

    phys-hahost1# scadmin startcluster phys-hahost1 clustername
     phys-hahost2# scadmin startnode clustername
     phys-hahost1# haswitch phys-hahost2 hahost1 hahost2

    Log in as user notes, and stop and start the Lotus Domino server from the Domino data directory. For example:

    phys-hahost2# cd /hahost1/domino_data_dir
     phys-hahost2# /opt/lotus/bin/server
     phys-hahost2# /opt/lotus/bin/server -q

    This completes the configuration and activation of Sun Cluster HA for Lotus.

13.3.2 Configuration Parameters for Sun Cluster HA for Lotus

This section describes the information you supply to the hadsconfig(1M) command to create configuration files for each Sun Cluster HA for Lotus data service. The hadsconfig(1M) command uses templates to create these configuration files, and stores the files in the /etc/opt/SUNWsclts directory. The templates contain some default, some hardcoded, and some unspecified parameters. You must provide values for the parameters that are unspecified.

The fault probe parameters, in particular, can affect the performance of Sun Cluster HA for Lotus. Tuning the probe interval value too low (increasing the frequency of fault probes) might encumber system performance, and also might result in false takeovers or attempted restarts when the system is simply slow.

You must set the takeover flag for Sun Cluster HA for Lotus. This flag specifies how Sun Cluster will handle partial failover. There are two options: Configuration Parameters for Sun Cluster HA for Lotus

Configure the Sun Cluster HA for Lotus parameters listed in the hadsconfig(1M) input form by supplying options described in Table 13-2.

Table 13-2 Configuration Parameters for Sun Cluster HA for Lotus



Name of the instance 

Logical host name used as an identifier for the instance. The log messages generated by Sun Cluster HA for Lotus refer to this identifier. The hadsconfig(1M) command prefixes the package name to the logical host name you supply. For example, if you specify "hahost1," hadsconfig(1M)produces "SUNWsclts_hahost1."

Logical host 

Name of the logical host that provides service for this instance of Sun Cluster HA for Lotus. 

Base directory of product installation 

Rooted path name specifying the location on the multihost disk of the HA Lotus installation. This is the "instance path," for example, /hahost1/lotus-home/lotus_1.

Configuration directory 

The directory of the database, for example, /hahost1/d1/Lotus/database.db.

Remote probe 

Specifies whether the Lotus fault probe will probe the remote host. Default value is -n.

Local probe 

Specifies whether the Lotus fault probe will probe the local host. Default value is -y.

Probe interval 

The time, in seconds, between fault probes. The default interval is 60 seconds. 

Probe timeout 

The time, in seconds, after which a fault probe will time out. The default timeout value is 60 seconds. 

Server port number

Unique port for this instance of Sun Cluster HA for Lotus. The default port number is 1352. 

Takeover flag 

Specifies whether a failure of this instance will cause a takeover or failover of the logical host associated with the data service instance. Possible values are -y (yes) or -n (no). Default value is -y..