Sun Cluster 2.2 Software Installation Guide

13.1 Sun Cluster HA for Lotus Overview

The Sun Cluster HA for Lotus product consists of the Lotus Domino server made highly available by running it in the Sun Cluster environment. Sun Cluster 2.2 does not support the Lotus Partitioned Server or Lotus Cluster products.

To run Sun Cluster HA for Lotus under Sun Cluster, you must:

The procedures described in this chapter assume that you are familiar with the Sun Cluster concepts of disksets, logical hosts, physical hosts, switchover, takeover, and data services.

Before you install and configure Sun Cluster HA for Lotus, you first must install and configure the Sun Cluster framework. Then use the procedures in the following sections to install and configure Sun Cluster HA for Lotus.

13.1.1 Sun Cluster HA for Lotus Installation Notes

Lotus Domino servers can be set up as HTTP, POP3, IMAP, NNTP and LDAP servers. Some restrictions exist when you include Lotus Domino servers and Sun Cluster HA for Netscape servers in the same cluster. Use the general guidelines outlined in Table 13-1 to determine which Lotus Domino server tasks to specify during installation.

Table 13-1 Lotus Domino Server Options - General Guidelines

Server Task 

Client Types Supported 


Default Port 


Web browsers (Netscape Navigator, Microsoft Internet Explorer, etc.) 

Do not install Sun Cluster HA for Netscape HTTP and the Lotus HTTP server on the same logical host, or on logical hosts mastered by the same physical host. 



Internet mail clients using Post Office Protocol 3 (POP3) or Internet Message Access Protocol 

Do not install Sun Cluster HA for Netscape Mail and the Lotus IMAP server on the same logical host, or on logical hosts mastered by the same physical host. 

110 (POP3) 

143 (IMAP) 


Internet Directory Clients using Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) 

Do not install Sun Cluster HA for Netscape LDAP and the Lotus LDAP server on the same logical host, or on logical hosts mastered by the same physical host. 



Internet news readers using Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) 

Do not install Sun Cluster HA for Netscape News and the Lotus NNTP server on the same logical host, or on logical hosts mastered by the same physical host. 



Internet mail clients using Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) 

Do not install HA-nsmail and the Lotus SMTP/MIME on the same logical host, or on logical hosts mastered by the same physical host. 
