Sun Cluster 2.2 Data Services Update: Netscape Messaging Server 4.1

Installing Netscape Messaging Server 4.1

Installing Netscape Messaging Server 4.1 includes the tasks outlined in the following table. The Solaris operating environment and Sun Cluster 2.2 framework must already be installed and configured before you begin these tasks.

Table 1-1 Netscape Messaging Server 4.1 Installation Tasks


Use ... 

Installing the Solaris operating environment and patches, Sun Cluster framework and patches, and Sun Cluster data services. 

Chapter 3 in the Sun Cluster 2.2 Software Installation Guide.

Installing the Netscape Messaging Server 4.1 patch. 

Download the patch from Use pkgadd(1M) to install it.

Starting the setup program, specifying which components to install, and specifying install paths, users, and groups. 

Step 1 through Step 14 in the procedure "How to Install Netscape Messaging Server 4.1".

Installing and configuring Netscape Directory Suite, which includes the Netscape Directory Server and Console. The Console is optional. The Server is required at time of installation. See "About the Configuration Directory Server".

Step 15 through Step 25 in the procedure "How to Install Netscape Messaging Server 4.1".

Installing and configuring Netscape Administration Server. 

Step 26 through Step 29 in the procedure "How to Install Netscape Messaging Server 4.1".

Installing and configuring Netscape Messaging Server. 

Step 30 through Step 42 in the procedure "How to Install Netscape Messaging Server 4.1".

Registering and configuring Sun Cluster HA for Netscape. 

"How to Register and Configure Sun Cluster HA for Netscape".

How to Install Netscape Messaging Server 4.1

Install Netscape Messaging Server 4.1 on only one cluster node. You will install all components into one server root residing on the shared disk (see "Server Root Concept"). This server root automatically becomes available to other nodes as necessary, in case of failover or switchover.

In the examples throughout this procedure, the logical host name is hahost1, the Netscape Messaging Server 4.1 instance name is nms, and the LDAP instance name is ldap.

Cluster-specific guidelines are included where applicable. You must have root privileges to perform the installation.

  1. Configure a user account on the cluster.

    Perform the following command from the cluster console. Choose any name for the user account. The default is mailsrv.

    # useradd -c nms_userid -d /export/mailsrv -g nobody -m mailsrv

  2. Install the Netscape Messaging Server 4.1 patch on all nodes.

    The patch is available for download from

  3. From only one cluster node, start the Netscape Messaging Server 4.1 setup script from the install directory.

    # ./setup
    Welcome to the Netscape Server Family installation program
    This program will install Netscape Server products and the
    Netscape Console on your computer.
    It is recommended that you have "root" privilege to install thesoftware.
    During the installation:
      - Press "Return" to choose the default and go to the next screen
      - Type "Control-B" to go back to the previous screen
      - Type "Control-C" to cancel the installation program
      - Enter comma-separated list of numbers, e.g. 1, 2, 3, for selection of multiple items.
    Would you like to continue with setup? [Yes]: Y
    Do you agree to the license terms? [No]: Y

  4. Choose to install the Netscape Servers.

    The Netscape Servers are required. The Netscape Console is optional.

    Please select what you would like to install:
       1. Netscape Servers
    	Install Netscape Servers and the integrated Netscape 	
    	Console onto your computer.
       2. Netscape Console
    	This will install the Netscape Console as a stand-alone
    	Java application on your desktop or laptop.
    To accept the default shown in brackets, press the Return key.
     Please select the component you want to install [1]: 1

  5. Select Custom installation.

    Please select the installation type for this installation:
       1. Express installation
    		Allow you to quickly install the servers using the most.
     	common options and pre-defined defaults. Useful for quick
    	evaluation of the products.
       2. Typical installation
    	Allow you to specify common defaults and options.
       3. Custom installation
    	Allow you to specify more advanced options. This is only
    	recommended for experienced server administrators.
    To accept the default shown in brackets, press the Return key.
    Choose your installation type [2]: 3

  6. Specify an install directory on the logical host.

    Do not accept the default. Specify a location on the logical host.

    This program will extract the server files from the distribution
    media and install them into a directory you specify. This directory
    is called the server root and will contain the server programs, the
    Administration Server, and the server configuration files.
    To accept the default shown in brackets, press the Return key.
    Server root [/usr/netscape/server4]: /hahost1/nsm

  7. Select the Netscape Server Family components.

    The Netscape Server Family Core Components, Netscape Administration Services, and Netscape Messaging Suite are required. See your Netscape documentation for more information about these features.

    Caution - Caution -

    The Netscape Directory Suite components are optional, but you must have a directory server available for the configuration directory if you do not plan to install Netscape Directory Suite now. Step 14 requires specification of a directory server instance for the configuration directory. See "About the Configuration Directory Server" for more information. If you choose to install the Netscape Directory Suite, you should configure it to be highly available by bringing it under the control of Sun Cluster. See Chapter 8, "Setting Up and Administering Sun Cluster HA for Netscape", in the Sun Cluster 2.2 Software Installation Guide.

    Netscape Server Family components:
    Components with a number in () contain additional subcomponents
    which you can select using subsequent screens.
    	1. Netscape Server Family Core Components (3)
    	2. Netscape Directory Suite (2)
    	3. Administration Services (2)
    	4. Netscape Messaging Suite (3)
    Specify the components you wish to install [All]: 1, 3, 4

  8. Select the Netscape Server Family Core Components you want to install.

    See your Netscape documentation for more information about these features.

    Netscape Server 	Family Core Components components:
    Components with 	a number in () contain additional subcomponents
    which you can select using subsequent screens.
    	1. Netscape	 Server Family Core Components
    	2. Netscape	 Core Java classes
    	3. Java Runtime Environment
    Specify 	the components you wish 	to install [1, 2, 3]: 1

  9. Select the Directory Suite components you want to install.

    See your Netscape documentation for more information about these features.

    Netscape Directory Suite components:
    Components with a number in () contain additional subcomponents
    which you can select using subsequent screens.
    	1. Netscape Directory Server
    	2. Netscape Directory Server Console
    Specify the components you wish to install [1, 2]:

  10. Select the Administration Services components you want to install.

    See your Netscape documentation for more information about these features.

    Administration Services components:
    Components with a number in () contain additional subcomponents
    which you can select using subsequent screens.
    	1. Netscape       Administration Server
    	2. Netscape       Console
    Specify the components you wish to install [1, 2]: 

  11. Select the Netscape Messaging Suite components you want to install.

    Netscape Messaging Server is required. Multiplexor and Mailstone Tools are optional. See your Netscape documentation for more information about these features.

    Netscape Messaging Suite components:
    Components with	 a number in () contain additional subcomponents
    which you can select using subsequent screens.
    	1. Netscape	 Messaging Server
    	2. Netscape	 Messaging Multiplexor
    	3. Netscape	 Messaging Server Mailstone Tools
    Specify	the components you wish	 to install [1]: 1

  12. Specify the logical host name and domain name of the node.

    Specify the fully qualified name of the logical host.

    Enter the fully qualified domain name of your machine. A fully 
    qualified domain name is of the type <hostname>.<domainname>
    To accept the default shown in brackets, press the Return key.
    Machine's name [ ]:

  13. Create UNIX users and groups.

    Specify your preferences. No cluster-specific requirements exist for this step.

    Choose a UNIX user and group to run individual Netscape
    server as. It is recommended that this user should have no
    privileges in the rest of the system. The Administration
    Server will give this group some permissions in the server root
    to perform server-specific operations.
    You should create this user and group using your native UNIX
    system utilities if they do not already exist.
    Example for this user:   nobody or nsuser or your choice...
    Example for this group: nobody or nsgroup or your choice...
    To accept the default shown in brackets, press the Return key.
    System User [nobody]:
    System Group [nobody]:

  14. If you did not specify a configuration directory server in Step 1, install the Netscape Configuration Directory Server now.

    See "About the Configuration Directory Server" for more information.

    Netscape server information is stored in the Netscape 
    configuration directory server, which you may have already set up. 
    If so, you should configure this server to be managed by the 
    configuration server. To do so, the following information about 
    the configuration server is required: the fully qualified host name 
    of the form <hostname>.<domainname>(e.g., the 
    port number, the suffix, and the DN and password of a user having 
    permission to write the configuration information, usually the 
    Netscape configuration directory administrator.
    If you want to install this software as a standalone server, or if 
    you want this instance to serve as your Netscape configuration 
    directory server, press Enter.
    Do you want to register this software with an existing
    Netscape configuration directory server? [No]: 

  15. Specify the directory server you will use to store data.

    This screen appears only if you are installing Netscape Directory Server (that is, if your selection includes item 2, Netscape Directory Suite, in Step 7). If you answer no, the user/group directory is placed on the directory server you are installing now. If you answer yes, a series of screens will prompt you for more information about an alternate directory.

    If you already have a directory server you want to use to store 
    your data, such as user and group information, answer Yes to the 
    following question. You will be prompted for the host, port, 
    suffix, and bind DN to use for that directory server.
    If you want this directory server to store your data, answer No.
    Do you want to use another directory to store your data? [No]: 

  16. Specify the listener port.

    Specify the same port used as the LDAP listener port.

    The directory server usually listens to network port 389. You may
    accept this as the default by pressing Enter. If you want the
    directory server to listen to a different port, enter the port 
    number and press Enter. Only the superuser may use port numbers 
    less than 1024.
    Directory server network port [389]: 

  17. Specify the unique identifier for this directory server instance.

    Each instance of a directory server requires a unique identifier.
    Press Enter to accept the default, or type in another name and 
    press Enter.
    Directory server identifier [phys-hahost1]: ldap-hahost1

  18. Specify an administrator ID.

    Please enter the administrator ID for the Netscape configuration
    directory server. This is the ID typically used to log in to the
    console. You will also be prompted for the password.
    Netscape configuration directory server admin ID [admin]: 
    root Password:
    Password (again): 

  19. Specify the suffix (the root of your directory tree).

    The suffix is the root of your directory tree. You may have more 
    than one suffix.
    Suffix []: 

  20. Specify the administrative user.

    Certain directory server operations require an administrative 
    user. This user is referred to as the Directory Manager and 
    typically has a bind Distinguished Name (DN) of cn=Directory 
    Manager. Press Enter to accept the default value, or enter another 
    DN. In either case, you will be prompted for the password for this 
    user. The password must be at least 8 characters long.
    Directory Manager DN [cn=Directory Manager]:
    Password (again): 

  21. Specify the Administrative Domain name, if you are using this feature.

    The Administration Domain is a part of the configuration directory
    server used to store information about Netscape software. If you 
    are managing multiple software releases at the same time, or 
    managing information about multiple domains, you may use the 
    Administration Domain to keep them separate.
    If you are not using administrative domains, press Enter to select 
    the default. Otherwise, enter some descriptive, unique name for 
    the administration domain, such as the name of the organization 
    responsible for managing the domain.
    Administration Domain []: 

  22. Configure replication on this directory server.

    Replication is used to duplicate all or part of a directory server 
    to another directory server. This can be used for failsafe 
    purposes, to ensure that the directory data is always online and 
    up-to-date in case one server goes down. It is also useful for 
    distributing directory data from a central main repository to 
    remote directory servers.
    Do you want to configure this directory server to use replication? [No]: 

  23. Install sample entries.

    You may install some sample entries in this directory instance. 
    These entries will be installed in a separate suffix and will not 
    interfere with the normal operation of the directory server.
    Do you want to install the sample entries? [No]: 

  24. Populate the directory instance with data.

    You may wish to populate your new directory instance with some 
    data. You may already have a file in LDIF format to use or some 
    suggested entries can be added. If you want to import entries from 
    an LDIF file, you may type in the full path and filename at the 
    prompt. If you want the install program to add the suggested 
    entries, type the word suggest at the prompt. The suggested entries 
    are common container entries under your specified suffix, such as 
    ou=People and ou=Groups, which are commonly used to hold the 
    entries for the persons and groups in your organization. If you do 
    not want to add any of these entries, type the word none at the 
    Type the full path and filename, the word suggest, or the word none [suggest]: 

  25. Enable or disable schema checking.

    If you are going to import an old database immediately after or 
    during installation, and you think you may have problems with your 
    old schema, you may want to turn off schema checking until after 
    the import. If you choose to do this, schema checking will remain 
    off until you manually turn it back on. Netscape recommends that 
    you turn it back on as soon as possible.
    Do you want to disable schema checking? [No]: 

  26. Specify a port number for the Administration Server.

    Choose any free port.

    The Administration Server is separate from any of your application
    servers since it listens to a different port and access to it is 
    Pick a port number between 1024 and 65535 to run your 
    Administration Server on. You should NOT use a port number which 
    you plan to run an application server on, rather, select a number 
    which you will remember and which will not be used for anything 
    The default in brackets was randomly selected from the available
    ports on your system. To accept the default, press return.
    Administration port [15956]: 

  27. Configure an IP address for the Administration Server.

    If you want to configure the Administration Server to bind to a 
    specific IP address rather than the default IP address of the 
    current host, enter the address below.
    To accept the default shown in brackets, press the Return key.
    IP address: 

  28. Specify root as the Server Administrator ID.

    Server administration is restricted to people who know the Server
    Administrator user ID and password, and to people who access the
    server from a host you specify.
    When you access the Administration Server, it will prompt you for 
    the Server Administrator user ID and password. Please select a user 
    ID and password.
    Server Administrator ID [admin]: root

  29. Specify a user for the Administration Server.

    The Administration Server program runs as a certain user on your 
    system. This user should be different than the one which your 
    application servers run as. Only the user you select will be able 
    to write to your configuration files. If you run the Administration 
    Server as "root", you will be able to use the Server Administration 
    screen to start and stop your application servers.
    Run Administration Server as [root]: 

  30. Create a new server instance.

    This installer allows you to create a new server instance now. You
    will need to have the following information handy, in order to 
    create a server instance.
    			1. Unix user account for the server to run as
    			2. User account to be notified of messages sent to 
    Do you wish to create a new server instance at this time? [yes]: yes

  31. Specify a default domain for the Messaging Server.

    The Messaging Server needs a default domain. This information is 
    used by the server when performing functions like routing and 
    serving messaging clients.
    Enter the default domain you wish Messaging Server to use 

  32. Specify the fully qualified logical host name as the default host.

    The Messaging Server needs a default host name. This information 
    is used by the server when performing functions like routing and 
    serving messaging clients.
    Enter the host name you wish Messaging Server to 
    use []: <return>

  33. Specify a name for this instance of the Messaging Server.

    The Messaging Server needs a server ID in the current server root. 
    You will refer to the server instance you are creating using this 
    server ID. The server administration utilities and configuration 
    information depend on this information.
    Enter the server ID you wish Messaging Server to 
    use [msg-phys-hahost1]: nms-hahost1

  34. Specify the Messaging Server user that you created in Step 1.

    The Messaging Server runs as a non-privileged user. This account 
    must exist on this system. It is recommended that this user be a 
    member of the Netscape server group you defined earlier in this 
    installation (i.e. nobody).
    Enter the user you wish Messaging Server to run as [mailsrv]:

  35. Specify the postmaster account, LDAP distinguished name, and email address.

    See your Netscape Messaging Server documentation for guidelines about the postmaster account.

    The Messaging Server needs a postmaster account for the Users/
    Groups Directory Server that you are using.
    The installer will create a postmaster account now. Error and 
    informational messages will be sent by the Messaging Server to this 
    Press any key to continue: <return>
    Enter the postmaster's DN [cn=postmaster,]: <return>
    Enter the postmaster's e-mail address:

  36. Accept the default ports for SMTP, IMAP, POP3, and Webmail.

    The Messaging Server needs a port number for the SMTP daemon to 
    listen to. The standard network port is 25. However, you can choose 
    other ports.
    Enter the SMTP port you wish Messaging Server to use [25]:<return>
    Enter the IMAP port you wish Messaging Server to use [143]:<return>
    Enter the POP3 port you wish Messaging Server to use [110]:<return>
    Enter the Webmail port you wish Messaging Server to use [80]: <return>

  37. Specify a directory for mail queuing.

    The Messaging Server needs a directory where mail is queued before 
    it is delivered to individual mailboxes or other servers. This 
    directory should be secure enough to prevent undesirable 
    eavesdropping or tampering.
    Enter the queue directory you wish the Messaging Server to 
    use [/hahost1/nms/msg-nms/queue]: 

  38. Specify a directory for creation of mailboxes.

    The Messaging Server needs a directory where mailboxes are created 
    for user accounts and e-mail messages are stored. This directory 
    should be secure enough to prevent undesirable eavesdropping or 
    tampering and large enough to hold the e-mail messages of all the 
    user accounts you intend to create on this server.
    Enter the store directory you wish the Messaging Server to 
    use [/hahost1/nms/msg-nms-hahost1/store/partition/primary]:

  39. Create a Webmail end user administration account.

    The Messaging Server requires a Webmail end user administration 
    account. This account will exist in the Users/Groups Directory 
    Server and must have privileges to manage the Webmail preferences 
    of any user. Enter the name and password of the end user 
    NOTE: If this account doesn't exist, it will be created and the 
    required privileges will be given to the account.
    Webmail end user admin's uid: [webmail]:
    Password (again): 

  40. Specify which server instances should start after installation.

    The server instances the installer will create are listed below. 
    Choose the server instances you wish to start after the 
    installation. Enter 'none' if you want none of the servers to be 
            1. msg-nms-hahost1Which server instances do you wish to start up? [All]:

  41. Verify the Messaging Server parameters.

    Listed below are all the parameters you specified that create a 
    Messaging Server instance. Please check to make sure they are 
    correct.Press '^B' to go back to the dialogs you visited and correct them
    if necessary
    When you are done, press enter to continue.
    	Domain             :
    	Hostname           :
    	Server ID          : msg-nms-hahost1
    	Server User        : mailsrv
    	SMTP Port          : 25
    	IMAP Port          : 143
    	POP3 Port          : 110
    	Webmail Port       : 80
    	Queue Directory    : /hahost1/nms/msg-nms-hahost1/queue
    	Store Directory 	 	 	 : /hahost1/nms/msg-nms-hahost1/store/part

    The setup program now uses the parameters you specified to set up and start the Netscape Messaging Server 4.1 components you configured.

  42. Decide whether to retain the installation cache, install.inf.

    The installation cache "install.inf" generated by the setup 
    program is located in the server root's setup directory. This file 
    can be used as a silent installation script for installation of 
    similar servers on other machines. It, however, may contain 
    sensitive information such as user IDs and passwords you have 
    entered.Would you like to remove it? [Yes]: No

  43. Stop the Messaging Server manually.

    Run this command from the node currently mastering the server root on the shared disk.

    # cd /hahost1/nms/nms_instancename
    # ./stop-msg