Sun Cluster 2.2 Data Services Update: Lotus Domino 4.6.3

How to Install Lotus Domino Partitioned Servers

Use this procedure to install the Lotus Domino partitioned servers and to configure the data directories. Before beginning the installation, note the configuration options described in Table 1-1 and the locations for binaries described in Table 1-2. Refer to your Lotus Domino installation documentation for additional details.

  1. Complete Step 1 through Step 7 in the procedure "How to Install and Configure Lotus Domino" to install the initial Lotus Domino server.

    You must be user root to perform the installation.

    Create the data directories from only one node, to ensure that the partition numbers of the servers are unique.

  2. During the installation, answer yes when prompted for whether to install Lotus Domino Advanced Services.

    This installs partitioned servers.

  3. After the installation is complete, log out as root and log back in as user notes.

    This ensures access to the Lotus Domino server data files.

  4. Set up partitioned servers using the Lotus Domino install program.

    To set up the first partitioned server, invoke the install program with the following command:

    # /opt/lotus/bin/notes

    Use the Lotus Domino install program to set up partitioned servers. During the installation, you will specify the location of the partitioned server binaries to be on either the local or shared disk. See Table 1-2 for more information about installation locations.

    When prompted to create data directories, create them on the shared disk. Create all data directories from one node, to ensure that the partition numbers of the servers are unique.

    Note -

    The primary (initial) Lotus Domino server must be running in order for you to install subsequent partitioned servers, and the names of the subsequent partitioned servers should already be registered with the primary partitioned server. See your Lotus Domino documentation for details.

    To set up subsequent partitioned servers, type the following command:

    # /opt/lotus/bin/notes -u

    Note -

    Make sure that user notes has write permission to all files.

  5. Configure the partitioned servers using the Lotus Domino setup program.

    The setup program comes up automatically after you install each partitioned server.

    Use your Lotus Domino documentation to complete the setup. No special Sun Cluster considerations exist for this portion.

Where to Go From Here

Proceed either to "How to Configure Lotus Domino Partitioned Servers Using Unique IP Addresses" or "How to Configure Lotus Domino Partitioned Servers Using Unique TCP Port Numbers".