Sun WorkShop 6 Installation and Licensing Reference HomeContentsPreviousNextIndex


application server
A machine on which the software is installed. The application server can be the same as the license server.
daemon options file
A file that is stored on your license server and allows you to control access to products. The default file is /etc/opt/licenses/daemon_options.
data checksum (DC)
A number you receive from the Sun License Center to help you verify you have entered all license information correctly into the license installation tool lit and lit_tty. The DC is made from the license feature name, feature version, license server node name, license server hostid, and node-locked hostid.
demonstration license
See Try and Buy license.
device name
A name referring to hardware. For example, /dev/dsk/c0t6d0s2 is a CD-ROM device name. The name may differ depending on your machine and how you configure it.
diskless client
A machine on a network that does not have a disk and relies on a server for file storage and other basic services. Do not install the licensing software on a diskless client.
elementary license file
A subset of the licenses-combined file that is located on each application server. It contains the license server information and the product license. The elementary license file is available for releases prior to WorkShop 6.
floating license
A concurrent user license that makes software available to any user on any computer on a network.
An eight-digit hexadecimal number that is unique to each system and is used to identify that system.
An identifying name given to a computer.
installation directory
The directory where you decide to install Sun WorkShop products and licenses. The default is /opt.
license daemon
The license manager daemon (lmgrd.ste) monitors the requests for access to Sun WorkShop software. This daemon also handles the communication between the software application requested for use and the vendor daemon.
license server
The workstation or machine running the license daemon.
local installation
Where you perform the installation on the machine with the CD-ROM drive where you loaded the product CD and install the product software on that same machine; where you download the product software and install the product software on the same machine. In a local installation, the source computer and the target computer are the same machine. See source computer and target computer.
An addressable point on a network. Each node in a network has a different name. A node can connect a computing system, a terminal, or various other peripheral devices to the network.
node locked
Refers to an application that can run only on the licensed machine (the node).
package dependency
The dependence of one package on the installation of other packages. For example, if you install a compiler, you must also install the backend component, header file, and front-end component packages.
password checksum (PC)
A number you receive from the Sun License Center to help you verify you have entered all license information correctly into the license installation tool lit and lit_tty. The expiration date, vendor string, password, and RTU all contribute to the generation of this number.
product server
See application server.
redundant license servers
Three servers acting as a single logical license server.
remote installation
Where you perform the installation or download the product software on one machine (source computer) and install the software on another machine (target computer). See source computer and target computer.
router file
An ASCII file that lists the license servers on the network that should be checked for licenses. It has the port@host format.
A machine that provides a network service. For example, license checkouts and checkins must be performed on a server.
source computer
The machine with the CD-ROM drive where you loaded the product CD; the machine where you downloaded the product software. See also local installation, remote installation, and target computer.
target computer
The machine where the product software is installed. See also local installation, remote installation, and source computer.
Try and Buy license
A license that allows you to evaluate free of charge any Sun WorkShop software for a specified period of time (also called demonstration or demo licenses). A Try and Buy license does not need a license daemon to run and allows an unlimited number of concurrent users.
server pool
Two or more independent servers combined so that users can obtain a license token from any one of the servers.
vendor daemon
The daemon that tracks which users have licenses for a product, if they are checked out, and how many licenses are available. The Sun WorkShop daemon, sunwlicd, runs on the license server.
vendor string (VS)
A code used to ensure license passwords are unique. For ScholarPASS and GoldPASS domain licensed customers, this code contains the customer's domain name.

Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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