Sun WorkShop 6 Installation and Licensing Reference HomeContentsPreviousNextIndex

Chapter 3

License Certificate Information

License certificates for Sun WorkShop products are issued in denominations of 1, 10, 25, and 100 rights to use (RTUs). Sun allows you to split multi-RTU license certificate denominations into multiple passwords. This means that you are not required to install all of the RTUs on a multi-pack certificate (10, 25, or 100 denominations) on a single license server.

Adding Rights for Additional Licenses

An additional password is required each time you add additional RTUs to an existing license file on the same computer for the same version of a product. For example, if you have a password that authorized five users for WS Professional C and you wish to add support for five more concurrent users, you would need to add a new incremental password authorizing five additional users. Acquire additional passwords for additional RTUs through your authorized Sun reseller.

Getting Upgrades

Most software releases require new passwords. Sun might release an upgrade that operates with an existing password. Patches are available through your Sun authorized support provider and sometimes through your Sun authorized reseller. Upgrades are usually available through your reseller.

Start of Warranty

Sun provides a 90-day free replacement for any product for which parts are missing, the media is unreadable, or the Proof of License Certificate is missing or incorrect. This warranty period starts from the time you receive the Sun product. Sun resellers may offer additional services for products acquired through them. Contact them directly for details.

All returns should be handled through your reseller. Contact your reseller for their Return Materials Authorization (RMA) procedure.

Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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