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Chapter 2

Understanding the Changes to Sun WorkShop Documentation

This chapter describes changes made to the documentation since the Sun WorkShopTM 5.0 release.

New Manuals

The following manuals are new for this release:

Documentation in HTML Format

In the previous release, not all Sun WorkShop documentation was available in HTML format. With this release, the following Sun WorkShop 6 documentation is in HTML format and is accessible from the file /opt/SUNWspro/docs/index.html in your NetscapeTM Communicator 4.0 or compatible Netscape version browser:

Sun WorkShop 6 Release Notes

Sun WorkShop 6 Release Notes in HTML format replaces the READ_ME_FIRST file. The release notes are installed with your Sun WorkShop software. Access the following file in your Netscape Communicator 4.0 or compatible Netscape version browser, and click on the release notes file link:


Note – If your Sun WorkShop software is not installed in the /opt directory, ask your system administrator for the equivalent path on your system.

Analyzing Program Performance With Sun WorkShop 6

The Analyzing Program Performance With Sun WorkShop 6 manual and online help have been substantially rewritten to reflect the major changes in the Sampling Analyzer and the Sampling Collector, which are Sun WorkShop product components.

Introduction to Sun WorkShop

Introduction to Sun WorkShop replaces Using Sun WorkShop. Introduction to Sun WorkShop acquaints you with the basic program development features of the Sun WorkShop integrated programming environment and refers you to specific sections of the Sun WorkShop online help for step-by-step instructions and more information about concepts and windows.

Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Copyright information. All rights reserved.
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