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Chapter 3

Identifying the Documentation That You Need

This chapter lists Sun WorkShopTM 6 documentation by subject:

For each subject, a table lists the relevant document titles and descriptions. The caption above the table is the name of the document collection. On the docs.sun.com Web site, you can search for a specific book title or you can browse by subject, document collection, or product. For information on how to access the documentation through the Internet or through the installed Sun WorkShop products on your local system or network, see Documentation Availability.

Installation and Licensing

TABLE 3-1   Forte Developer 6 / Sun WorkShop 6 Installation Collection
Title Description
Sun WorkShop 6 Installation Guide Gives instructions for installing Sun WorkShop 6 development tools, obtaining and installing licenses, removing Sun WorkShop software, and troubleshooting installation problems.
Sun WorkShop 6 Installation and Licensing Reference Discusses license server configurations, license management and administration, and license certificate information.

Release Documents

TABLE 3-2   Forte Developer 6 / Sun WorkShop 6 Release Documents Collection
Title Description
About Sun WorkShop 6 Documentation Describes the documentation available with this Sun WorkShop release and how to access it.
What's New in Sun WorkShop 6 Provides information about the new features in this release of Sun WorkShop.
Sun WorkShop 6 Release Notes Contains installation details and other information that was not available until immediately before the final release of Sun WorkShop 6. This document complements the information that is available in the component readme files.

Programming Tools

This section has the following subsections:

Forte Developer 6 / Sun WorkShop 6

TABLE 3-3   Forte Developer 6 / Sun WorkShop 6 Collection
Title Description
Analyzing Program Performance With Sun WorkShop 6 Explains how to use the new Sampling Collector and Sampling Analyzer (with examples and a discussion of advanced profiling topics) and includes information about the command-line analysis tool er_print, the LoopTool and LoopReport utilities, and UNIX profiling tools prof, gprof, and tcov.
Debugging a Program With dbx Provides information on using dbx commands to debug a program.
Introduction to Sun WorkShop Acquaints you with the basic program development features of the Sun WorkShop integrated programming environment.

Forte TeamWare 6 / Sun WorkShop TeamWare 6

TABLE 3-4   Forte TeamWare 6 / Sun WorkShop TeamWare 6 Collection
Title Description
Sun WorkShop TeamWare User's Guide Describes how to use the Sun WorkShop TeamWare code management tools.

Forte Developer / Sun WorkShop Visual 6

TABLE 3-5   Forte Developer / Sun WorkShop Visual 6 Collection
Title Description
Sun WorkShop Visual User's Guide Describes how to use Visual to create C++ and JavaTM graphical user interfaces.

Programming Languages

This section has the following subsections:

Forte C 6 / Sun WorkShop 6 Compilers C

TABLE 3-6   Forte C 6 / Sun WorkShop 6 Compilers C Collection
Title Description
C User's Guide Describes the C compiler options, Sun-specific capabilities such as pragmas, the lint tool, parallelization, migration to a 64-bit operating system, and ANSI/ISO-compliant C.

Forte C++ 6 / Sun WorkShop 6 Compilers C++

TABLE 3-7   Forte C++ 6 / Sun WorkShop 6 Compilers C++ Collection
Title Description
C++ Library Reference Describes the C++ libraries, including C++ Standard Library, Tools.h++ Class Library, Sun WorkShop Memory Monitor, Iostream, and Complex.
C++ Migration Guide Provides guidance on migrating code to this version of the Sun WorkShop C++ compiler.
C++ Programming Guide Explains how to use the new features to write more efficient programs and covers templates, exception handling, runtime type identification, cast operations, performance, and multithreaded programs.
C++ User's Guide Provides information on command-line options and how to use the compiler.

The Sun WorkShop Memory Monitor User's Manual describes how the Sun WorkShopTM Memory Monitor solves the problems of memory management in C and C++. This manual is available in HTML format through your installed product and not at the docs.sun.com Web site. To access this manual, open the following file in your Netscape Communicator 4.0 or compatible Netscape version browser:


To open a document in the index, click the document's title.

Note – If your Sun WorkShop software is not installed in the /opt directory, ask your system administrator for the equivalent path on your system.

Forte for High Performance Computing 6 / Sun WorkShop 6 Compilers Fortran

TABLE 3-8   Forte for High Performance Computing 6 / Sun WorkShop 6 Compilers Fortran 77/95 Collection
Title Description
Fortran Library Reference Provides details about the library routines supplied with the Fortran compiler.
Fortran Programming Guide Discusses issues relating to input/output, libraries, program analysis, debugging, and performance.
Fortran User's Guide Provides information on command-line options and how to use the compilers.
FORTRAN 77 Language Reference Provides a complete language reference.
Interval Arithmetic Programming Reference Describes the intrinsic INTERVAL data type supported by the Fortran 95 compiler.

Forte / Sun Performance Library 6

TABLE 3-9   Forte / Sun Performance Library 6 Collection
Title Description
Sun Performance Library Reference Discusses the optimized library of subroutines and functions used to perform computational linear algebra and fast Fourier transforms.
Sun Performance Library User's Guide Describes how to use the Sun-specific features of the Sun Performance Library, which is a collection of subroutines and functions used to solve linear algebra problems.

Numerical Computation Guide

TABLE 3-10   Numerical Computation Guide Collection
Title Description
Numerical Computation Guide Describes issues regarding the numerical accuracy of floating-point computations.

Standard Library

TABLE 3-11   Standard Library 2 Collection
Title Description
Standard C++ Class Library Reference Provides details on the Standard C++ Library.
Standard C++ Library User's Guide Describes how to use the Standard C++ Library.

Tools.h++ 7

TABLE 3-12   Tools.h++ 7 Collection
Title Description
Tools.h++ Class Library Reference Provides details on the Tools.h++ class library.
Tools.h++ User's Guide Discusses how to use the C++ classes to enhance the efficiency of your programs.

Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Copyright information. All rights reserved.
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