Solaris 8 Admin Pack Installation Guide

Installing Admin Pack Products Without Web Start

The installation program at the top level of the Admin Pack product CD installs all the Admin Pack products. In addition, each product has its own directory on the CD from which you can install individual products. Running one of the installer programs as installer -nodisplay in a terminal window installs the corresponding product without asking questions, using all default choices. See "Packages Available With Admin Pack Products" for a list of the available product packages.

Be sure to install any recommended or required patches listed in the Solaris 8 Admin Pack Release Notes.

How to Install Admin Pack Products Without Web Start
  1. Insert the Admin Pack product CD in the CD-ROM drive.

    A File Manager window opens to display files included on the CD. One of these files is named installer. There is an installer file for installing the Admin Pack and one for installing each individual Admin Pack product.

  2. Open a terminal window and, if necessary, become root.

  3. In the terminal window, change directory to point to the directory on the Admin Pack product CD that contains the installer program for the product you want to install.

  4. In the terminal window, type the command:

    installer -nodisplay

    This will install the product with its default values.