Solaris 8 Admin Pack Installation Guide

Packages Available With Admin Pack Products

Table A-1 lists the packages that are part of each product except for AnswerBook2 products, which are shown in Table 4-1. The AnswerBook2 server and the AnswerBook online documentation are on the Solaris 8 Admin Pack Documentation CD.

Table A-1 Product Packages
 Product Packages Available
 Solaris AdminSuite 3.0.1SUNWseamj SUNWseams
 Sun Enterprise Authentication Manager 1.0.1SUNWkr5mn SUNWkr5cl SUNkr5ma SUNWkr5sl SUNWkr5sv SUNWkr5ad SUNWk5pk SUNWk5pkx SUNWk5pu SUNWk5pux
 Solstice PPP 3.0.1SUNWpppk SUNWpppkx SUNWpppm SUNWpppr SUNWppps SUNWpppu
 Solaris Management Console 1.0.1SUNWmc SUNWmcman SUNWmcapp SUNWmcc SUNWmcsws SUNWhttp SUNWhtsv1
 Solaris Administration WizardsSUNWmcwzSUNWmcwzd