Sun Cluster 2.2 System Administration Guide

Setting Up and Administering Public Network Management

This section provides procedures for setting up PNM and configuring backup groups.

How to Set Up PNM

These are the high-level steps to set up PNM:

These are the detailed steps to set up PNM.

  1. Set up the node hardware so that you have multiple network adapters on a single node using the same subnet.

    Refer to your Sun Cluster hardware documentation to set up your network adapters.

  2. If the Sun Cluster node software packages have not been installed already, install them by using the scinstall(1M) command.

    The scinstall(1M) command runs interactively to install the package set you select. The PNM package, SUNWpnm, is part of the node package set. See the Sun Cluster 2.2 Software Installation Guide for the detailed cluster installation procedure.

  3. Register the default network interface on each node, if you did not do so already.

    You must register one default network interface per node in the interface database associated with each node, and verify that the interface is plumbed and functioning correctly.

    1. Create an interface database on each node and register the primary public network interfaces.

      Create a file in the /etc directory on each node to use as the interface database. Name the file hostname.interface, where interface is your interface type, such as qfe, hme, etc. Then add one line containing the host name for that node. For example, on node phys-hahost1 with a default interface qfe1, create a file /etc/hostname.qfe1 containing the following line:


    2. In the /etc/hosts file on each node, associate the primary public network interface name with an IP address.

      In this example, the primary physical host name is phys-hahost1: phys-hahost1-qfe1

      If your system uses a naming mechanism other than /etc/hosts, refer to the appropriate section in the TCP/IP and Data Communications Administration Guide to perform the equivalent function.

  4. Establish PNM backup groups by using the pnmset(1M) command.

    Run the pnmset(1M) interactive script to set up backup groups.

    Caution - Caution -

    If you have configured logical hosts and data services already, you must stop the HA data services before changing the backup group membership with pnmset(1M). If you do not stop the data services before running the pnmset(1M) command, serious problems and data service failures can result.

    1. Run the pnmset(1M) command.

      phys-hahost1# /opt/SUNWpnm/bin/pnmset

    2. Enter the total number of backup groups you want to configure.

      Normally this number corresponds with the number of public subnets.

      In the following dialog, you will be prompted to configure public network management.
      do you want to continue ... [y/n]: y
      How many NAFO backup groups on the host [1]: 2

    3. Assign backup group numbers.

      At the prompt, supply an integer between 0 and the maximum of 255. The pnmset(1M) command appends this number to the string nafo to form the backup group name.

      Enter backup group number [0]: 0

    4. Assign adapters to backup groups.

      Please enter all network adapters under nafo0:
      qe0 qe1

      Continue by assigning backup group numbers and adapters for all other backup groups in the configuration.

    5. Allow the pnmset(1M) command to test your adapter configuration.

      The pnmset(1M) command tests the correctness of your adapter configuration. In this example, the backup group contains one active adapter and two redundant adapters.

      The following test will evaluate the correctness of the customer NAFO configuration...
      name duplication test passed
      Check nafo0... < 20 seconds
      qe0 is active
      remote address =
      nafo0 test passed 
      Check nafo1... < 20 seconds
      qe3 is active
      remote address =
      test qe4 wait... 
      test qe2 wait... 
      nafo1 test passed 

    Once the configuration is verified, the PNM daemon pnmd(1M) automatically notes the configuration changes and starts monitoring the interfaces.

    Note -

    Only one adapter within a backup group should be plumbed and have an entry in the /etc/hostname.adapter file. Do not assign IP addresses to the backup adapters; they should not be plumbed.

    Note -

    PNM uses broadcast ping(1M) to monitor networks, which in turn uses broadcast ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) packets to communicate with other remote hosts. Some routers do not forward broadcast ICMP packets; consequently, PNM's fault detection behavior is affected. See the Sun Cluster 2.2 Release Notes for a workaround to this problem.

  5. Start the cluster by using the scadmin(1M) command.

    Run the following command on one node:

    # scadmin startcluster physical-hostname sc-cluster

    Then add all other nodes to the cluster by running the following command from all other nodes:

    # scadmin startnode

  6. Verify the PNM configuration by using the pnmstat(1M) command.

    phys-hahost1# /opt/SUNWpnm/bin/pnmstat -l
    bkggrp  r_adp   status  fo_time live_adp
    nafo0   hme0    OK      NEVER   hme0

    You have now completed the initial setup of PNM.

How to Reconfigure PNM

Use this procedure to reconfigure an existing PNM configuration by adding or removing network adapters. Follow these steps to administer one node at a time, so that Sun Cluster services remain available during the procedure.

  1. Stop the Sun Cluster software on the node to be reconfigured.

    phys-hahost1# scadmin stopnode

  2. Add or remove the network adapters.

    Use the procedures described in "Adding and Removing Network Interfaces".

  3. Run the pnmset(1M) command to reconfigure backup groups.

    Use the pnmset(1M) command to reconfigure backup groups as described in Step 4 of the procedure "How to Set Up PNM".

    phys-hahost1# pnmset

  4. Restart the Sun Cluster software on the node.

    Restart the node by running the following command from the administrative workstation:

    phys-hahost1# scadmin startnode

  5. Repeat Step 1 through Step 4 for each node you want to reconfigure.

How to Check the Status of Backup Groups

You can use the pnmptor(1M) and pnmrtop(1M) commands to check the status of local backup groups only, and the pnmstat(1M) command to check the status of local or remote backup groups.

  1. Run the pnmptor(1M) command to find the backup group to which an adapter belongs.

    The pnmptor(1M) command maps a pseudo adapter name that you supply to a real adapter name. In this example, the system output shows that pseudo adapter name nafo0 is associated with the active adapter hme2:

    phys-hahost1# pnmptor nafo0

  1. Run the pnmrtop(1M) command to find the active adapter associated with a given backup group.

    In this example, the system output shows that adapter hme1 belongs to backup group nafo0:

    phys-hahost1# pnmrtop hme1

  1. Run the pnmstat(1M) command to determine the status of a backup group.

    Use the -c option to determine the status of a backup group on the local host:

    phys-hahost1# pnmstat -c nafo0

    Use the following syntax to determine the status of a backup group on a remote host:

    phys-hahost1# pnmstat -sh remotehost -c nafo1

    Note -

    It is important to use the -s and -h options together. The -s option forces pnmstat(1M) to communicate over the private interconnect. If the -s option is omitted, pnmstat(1M) queries over the public interconnect. Both remotehost and the host on which you run pnmstat(1M) must be cluster members.

    Whether checking the local or remote host, the pnmstat(1M) command reports the status, history, and current active adapter. See the man page for more details.

PNM Configurable Parameters

The following table describes the PNM parameters that are user-configurable. Configure these parameters after you have installed PNM, but before you bring up the cluster, by manually editing the configuration file /opt/SUNWcluster/conf/TEMPLATE.cdb on all nodes in the cluster. You can edit the file on one node and copy the file to all other nodes, or use the Cluster Console to modify the file on all nodes simultaneously. You can display the current PNM configuration with pnmd -t. See the pnmd(1M) man page for details.

Table 6-2 PNM Configurable Parameters


The time, in seconds, between fault probes. The default interval is 5 seconds. 


The time, in seconds, after which a fault probe will time out. The default timeout value is 4 seconds. 


The number of times that PNM will retry a failed probe before deciding there is a problem. The default repeat quantity is 3.  


The latency, in seconds, between the listening phase and actively probing phase of a fault probe. The default latency period is 2 seconds. If your network is slow, causing PNM to initiate spurious takeovers, consider increasing this latency period.