Sun Cluster 2.2 System Administration Guide

The serialports File

The serialports file maps a host name to the Terminal Concentrator and Terminal Concentrator serial port to which the host is connected. Each line in this database specifies a serial port of the host.

Sample serialports file database entries for the Sun Enterprise 10000 are:

mercury    systemserviceprocessorname    23
venus      systemserviceprocessorname    23
earth      systemserviceprocessorname    23
mars       systemserviceprocessorname    23

Sample serialports file database entries for all other nodes are:

mercury        planets-tc   5002
venus          planets-tc   5003
earth          planets-tc   5004
mars           planets-tc   5005

The serialports file is used only by the cconsole variation of this program to determine which Terminal Concentrator and port to connect to for hosts or clusters that are specified in the command line or the Select Hosts dialog box.

In the preceding example, node mercury is connected to planets-tc Port 2, while node venus is connected to planets-tc Port 3. Port 1 is reserved for the administration of the Terminal Concentrator.

For additional information, see "Modifying the serialports File".