Sun Cluster 2.2 System Administration Guide

PNM Configurable Parameters

The following table describes the PNM parameters that are user-configurable. Configure these parameters after you have installed PNM, but before you bring up the cluster, by manually editing the configuration file /opt/SUNWcluster/conf/TEMPLATE.cdb on all nodes in the cluster. You can edit the file on one node and copy the file to all other nodes, or use the Cluster Console to modify the file on all nodes simultaneously. You can display the current PNM configuration with pnmd -t. See the pnmd(1M) man page for details.

Table 6-2 PNM Configurable Parameters


The time, in seconds, between fault probes. The default interval is 5 seconds. 


The time, in seconds, after which a fault probe will time out. The default timeout value is 4 seconds. 


The number of times that PNM will retry a failed probe before deciding there is a problem. The default repeat quantity is 3.  


The latency, in seconds, between the listening phase and actively probing phase of a fault probe. The default latency period is 2 seconds. If your network is slow, causing PNM to initiate spurious takeovers, consider increasing this latency period.