Sun Cluster 2.2 7/00 Release Notes

Sun Cluster HA for SAP Error Messages

The following error messages for Sun Cluster HA for SAP were omitted from the Sun Cluster 2.2 Error Messages Manual. proha:SUNWscsap_PRO: Found 2 leftover IPC objects for SAP instance, removing via cleanipc

This message indicates that during shutdown of the SAP central instance by the stop_net method, two IPC segments from the central instance were found. The stop_net code uses the SAP-supplied utility cleanipc to remove all IPC segments of the central instance during shutdown (and also before startup). This is to ensure a thorough shutdown as well as a clean startup. The error message is an informational message only, and is expected. No user action is required.

Graceful shutdown failed for oracle instance PRO, starting abort

This message indicates that the HA-Oracle oracle_db_shutdown script did not complete a graceful shutdown of the database within the timeout limit (30 seconds, by default). If the normal shutdown does not complete during the allowed time, then a shutdown abort is issued. This is an informational message and no user action is required.

SUNWcluster.ccd.ccdctl.4403: (error) checkpoint, ccdd, ticlts: RPC: Program not registered

This message indicates that the ccdadm command could not contact the ccdd demon for the requested operation--the RPC call clnt_create() failed. Verify that the cluster has been started on the current node, and the ccdd daemon is running.

SUNWcluster.clustd.transition.4010: cluster aborted on this node nodename

This message indicates that the current node is being aborted. Other error messages should indicate why this is occurring; check the scadmin.log log file in /var/opt/SUNWcluster.

reconf.pnm.3009: pnminit faced problems

This message is generated by the script /opt/SUNWcluster/bin/pnm. This script is called during step 1 of cluster reconfiguration, when PNM is initialized with pnminit. The error message appears if the execution of pnminit resulted in a non-zero exit. Reasons for a non-zero exit of pnminit include:

Check for any error messages logged to /var/opt/SUNWcluster/ccd/ccd.log, then restart the cluster reconfiguration.

SUNWcluster.reconfig.4018: Aborting--received abort request from nodename

This message indicates a request from a remote node to abort the current node. Use checksum to verify that the /etc/opt/SUNWcluster/conf/clustername.cdb files are identical on all nodes. If necessary, manually copy the most recent clustername.cdb file to all nodes, and then restart the cluster.