C++ Interval Arithmetic Programming Reference HomeContentsPreviousNextIndex

Chapter 2

C++ Interval Arithmetic Library Reference

This chapter is a reference for the syntax and semantics of the interval arithmetic library implemented in Sun WorkShop 6 C++. The sections can be read in any order.

2.1 Character Set Notation

Throughout this document, unless explicitly stated otherwise, integer and floating-point constants mean literal constants. Literal constants are represented using strings, because class types do not support literal constants. Section 2.1.1 String Representation of an Interval Constant (SRIC).

TABLE 2-1 shows the character set notation used for code and mathematics.

TABLE 2-1   Font Conventions
Character Set Notation
C++ code
interval<double> DX;
Input to programs and commands
Enter X: ? [2.3,2.4]
Placeholders for constants in code
Scalar mathematics x(a + b) = xa + xb
Interval mathematics X(A + B) XA + XB

Note – Pay close attention to font usage. Different fonts represent an interval's exact, external mathematical value and an interval's machine-representable, internal approximation.

2.1.1 String Representation of an Interval Constant (SRIC)

In C++, it is possible to define variables of a class type, but not literal constants. So that a literal interval constant can be represented, the C++ interval class uses a string to represent an interval constant. A string representation of an interval constant (SRIC) is a character string containing one of the following:

Quotation marks delimit the string. If a degenerate interval is not machine representable, directed rounding is used to round the exact mathematical value to an internal machine representable interval known to satisfy the containment constraint.

A SRIC, such as "[0.1]" or "[0.1,0.2]", is associated with the two values: its external value and its internal approximation. The numerical value of a SRIC is its internal approximation. The external value of a SRIC is always explicitly labelled as such, by using the notation ev(SRIC). For example, the SRIC "[1, 2]" and its external value ev("[1, 2]") are both equal to the mathematical value [1, 2]. However, while ev("[0.1, 0.2]") = [0.1, 0.2], interval<double>("[0.1, 0.2]") is only an internal machine approximation containing [0.1, 0.2], because the numbers 0.1 and 0.2 are not machine representable.

Like any mathematical constant, the external value of a SRIC is invariant.

Because intervals are opaque, there is no language requirement to use any particular interval storage format to save the information needed to internally approximate an interval. Functions are provided to access the infimum and supremum of an interval. In a SRIC containing two interval endpoints, the first number is the infimum or lower bound, and the second is the supremum or upper bound.

If a SRIC contains only one integer or real number in square brackets, the represented interval is degenerate, with equal infimum and supremum. In this case, an internal interval approximation is constructed that is guaranteed to contain the SRIC's single decimal external value. If a SRIC contains only one integer or real number without square brackets, single number conversion is used. See Section 2.8.1 Input.

A valid interval must have an infimum that is less than or equal to its supremum. Similarly, a SRIC must also have an infimum that is less than or equal to its supremum. For example, the following code fragment must evaluate to true:

 inf(interval<double>("[0.1]") <= sup(interval<double>("[0.1]"))

CODE EXAMPLE 2-1 contains examples of valid and invalid SRICs.

For additional information regarding SRICs, see the supplementary paper [4] cited in Section 2.11 References.

CODE EXAMPLE 2-1   Valid and Invalid interval External Representations 
math% cat ce2-1.cc
#include <suninterval.h>
#if __cplusplus >= 199711
using namespace SUNW_interval;
int main() {
    interval <double> X1("[1,2]");
    interval <double> X2("[1]");
    interval <double> X3("1");
    interval <double> X4("[0.1]");
    interval <double> X5("0.1");
    interval <double> X6("0.10");
    interval <double> X7("0.100");
    interval <double> X8("[2,1]");
    cout << "X1=" << X1 << endl;
    cout << "X2=" << X2 << endl;
    cout << "X3=" << X3 << endl;
    cout << "X4=" << X4 << endl;
    cout << "X5=" << X5 << endl;
    cout << "X6=" << X6 << endl;
    cout << "X7=" << X7 << endl;
    cout << "X8=" << X8 << endl;
math% CC -xia -o ce2-1 ce2-1.cc
math% ce2-1
X8=[              -Infinity,               Infinity]

Constructing an interval approximation from a SRIC is an inefficient operation that should be avoided, if possible. In CODE EXAMPLE 2-2, the interval<double> constant Y is constructed only once at the start of the program, and then its internal representation is used thereafter.

CODE EXAMPLE 2-2   Efficient Use of the String-to-Interval Constructor  
math% cat ce2-2.cc
#include <suninterval.h>
#if __cplusplus >= 199711
using namespace SUNW_interval;
const interval<double> Y("[0.1]");
const int limit = 100000;
int main()
   interval<double>  RESULT(0.0);
   clock_t t1= clock();
   if(t1==clock_t(-1)){cerr<< "sorry, no clock\n"; exit(1);}
   for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++){
            RESULT += Y;
   clock_t t2= clock();
   if(t2==clock_t(-1)){cerr<< "sorry, clock overflow\n"; exit(2);}
   cout << "efficient loop took " << 
           double(t2-t1)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " seconds" << endl;
   cout << "result" << RESULT << endl ;
   t1= clock();
   if(t1==clock_t(-1)){cerr<< "sorry, clock overflow\n"; exit(2);}
   for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++){
            RESULT += interval<double>("[0.1]");
   t2= clock();
   if(t2==clock_t(-1)){cerr<< "sorry, clock overflow\n"; exit(2);}
   cout << "inefficient loop took " << 
           double(t2-t1)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " seconds" << endl;
    cout << "result" << RESULT << endl ;
math% CC -xia ce2-2.cc -o ce2-2
math% ce2-2
efficient loop took 0.16 seconds
inefficient loop took 5.59 seconds

2.1.2 Internal Approximation

The internal approximation of a floating-point constant does not necessarily equal the constant's external value. For example, because the decimal number 0.1 is not a member of the set of binary floating-point numbers, this value can only be approximated by a binary floating-point number that is close to 0.1. For floating-point data items, the approximation accuracy is unspecified in the C++ standard. For interval data items, a pair of floating-point values is used that is known to contain the set of mathematical values defined by the decimal numbers used to symbolically represent an interval constant. For example, the mathematical interval [0.1, 0.2] is represented by a string "[0.1,0.2]".

Just as there is no C++ language requirement to accurately approximate floating-point constants, there is also no language requirement to approximate an interval's external value with a narrow width interval internal representation. There is a requirement for an interval internal representation to contain its external value.

inf(ev("[0.1,0.2]")) = inf([0.1, 0.2])


sup("[0.1, 0.2]") = sup(ev("[0.1,0.2]")) ev(sup(interval<double>("[0.1,0.2]")))

Note – The arguments of ev( ) are always code expressions that produce mathematical values. The use of different fonts for code expressions and mathematical values is designed to make this distinction clear.

C++ interval internal representations are sharp. This is a quality of implementation feature.

2.2 interval Constructor

The following interval constructors are supported:

explicit interval( const char* ) ;
explicit interval( const interval<float>& ) ;
explicit interval( const interval<double>& ) ; 
explicit interval( const interval<long double>& ) ;
explicit interval( int ) ;
explicit interval( long long ) ;
explicit interval( float ) ;
explicit interval( double ) ;
explicit interval( long double ) ;
interval( int, int ) ;
interval( long long, long long ) ;
interval( float, float ) ;
interval( double, double ) ;
interval( long double, long double ) ;

Only the interval constructor with interval arguments

interval( const interval<float>& ) ;
interval( const interval<double>& ) 
interval( const interval<long double>& ) ;

guarantees containment. In this case the argument interval is rounded outward, if necessary.

The interval constructor with non-interval arguments returns [-inf,inf] if either the second argument is less then the first, or if either argument is not a mathematical real number, such as when one or both arguments is a NaN.

Interval constructors with floating-point or integer arguments might not return an interval that contains the external value of constant arguments.

For example, use interval<double>("[1.1,1.3]") to sharply contain the mathematical interval [1.1, 1.3]. However, interval<double>(1.1,1.3) might not contain [1.1, 1.3], because the internal values of floating-point literal constants are approximated with unknown accuracy.

CODE EXAMPLE 2-3   interval Constructor With Floating-Point Arguments 
math% cat ce2-3.cc
#include <limits.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <sunmath.h>
#include <stack>
#include <suninterval.h>
#if __cplusplus >= 199711
using namespace SUNW_interval;
int main()
   //Compute 0.7-0.1-0.2-0.3-0.1 == 0.0
   interval<double>  correct_result;
   const interval<double> x1("[0.1]"),
    cout << "Exact result:" <<  0.0 << endl ;
    cout << "Incorrect evaluation:" <<  
    interval<double>(0.7-0.1-0.2-0.3-0.1, 0.7-0.1-0.2-0.3-0.1) << 
   endl ;
    correct_result = x7-x1-x2-x3-x1;
    cout << "Correct evaluation:" <<  correct_result << endl ;
math% CC -xia -o ce2-3 ce2-3.cc
math% ce2-3.cc
Exact result:0
Incorrect evaluation: 
Correct evaluation: 

The result value of an interval constructor is always a valid interval.

The interval_hull function can be used with an interval constructor to construct an interval containing two floating-point numbers, as shown in CODE EXAMPLE 2-4.

CODE EXAMPLE 2-4   Using the interval_hull Function With Interval Constructor 
math% cat ce2-4.cc
#include <suninterval.h>
#if __cplusplus >= 199711
using namespace SUNW_interval;
int main() {
    interval <float> X;
    long double a,b;
    cout << "Press Control/C to terminate!"<< endl;
    cout <<" a,b =?";
    cin >>a >>b;
        cout <<endl << "For a =" << a << ", and b =" <<b<< endl;
             X = interval <float>(
                     interval_hull(interval<long double>(a),
                                   interval<long double>(b)));
        if(in(a,X) && in(b,X)){
                cout << "Check" << endl ;
                cout << "X=" << X << endl ;
        cout <<" a,b =?";
        cin >>a >>b;
math% CC -xia ce2-4.cc -o ce2-4
math% ce2-4
Press Control/C to terminate!
 a,b =?1.0e+400 -0.1
For a =1e+400, and b =-0.1
X=[-.10000001E+000,       Infinity]
 a,b =? <Control-C>

2.2.1 interval Constructor Examples

The three examples in this section illustrate how to use the interval constructor to perform conversions from floating-point to interval-type data items. CODE EXAMPLE 2-5 shows that floating-point expression arguments of the interval constructor are evaluated using floating-point arithmetic.

CODE EXAMPLE 2-5   interval Conversion 
math% cat ce2-5.cc
#include <suninterval.h>
#if __cplusplus >= 199711
using namespace SUNW_interval;
int main() {
    interval <float> X, Y;
    interval <double> DX, DY;
    float R = 0.1f, S = 0.2f, T = 0.3f;
    double R8 = 0.1, T1, T2;
    Y = interval <float>(R,R);
    X = interval <float>(0.1f);          //note 1
    if (X == Y)
        cout <<"Check1"<< endl;
    X = interval <float>(0.1f, 0.1f);
    if (X == Y)
        cout <<"Check2"<< endl;
    T1 = R + S;
    T2 = T + R8;
    DY = interval <double>(T1, T2);
    DX = interval <double>(R+S, T+R8);   //note 2
    if (DX == DY)
        cout <<"Check3"<< endl;
    DX = interval <double>(Y);          //note 3
    if (ceq(DX,interval <double>(0.1f, 0.1f)))
        cout <<"Check4"<< endl;
math% CC  -xia -o ce2-5 ce2-5.cc
math% ce2-5

CODE EXAMPLE 2-5 notes:

CODE EXAMPLE 2-6 shows how the interval constructor can be used to create the smallest possible interval, Y, such that the endpoints of Y are not elements of a given interval, X.

CODE EXAMPLE 2-6   Creating a Narrow Interval That Contains a Given Real Number
math% cat ce2-6.cc
#include <suninterval.h>
#include <values.h>
#if __cplusplus >= 199711
using namespace SUNW_interval;
int main() {
   interval <double> X("[10.E-10,11.E-10]");
   interval <double> Y;
   Y = interval<double>(-MINDOUBLE, MINDOUBLE) + X;
   cout << "X is " <<
   ((!in_interior(X,Y))? "not": "")<< "in interior of Y" <<endl;
math% CC ce2-6.cc -o ce2-6 -xia
math% ce2-6
X is  in interior of Y

Given an interval X, a sharp interval Y satisfying the condition in_interior(X,Y) is constructed. For information on the interior set relation, Section 2.6.3 Interior: in_interior(X,Y).

CODE EXAMPLE 2-7 illustrates when the interval constructor returns the interval [-inf, inf] and [max_float, inf].

CODE EXAMPLE 2-7   interval(NaN)
math% cat ce2-7.cc
#include <suninterval.h>
#if __cplusplus >= 199711
using namespace SUNW_interval;
int main() {
   interval <double> DX;
   float R=0.0, S=0.0, T;
   T = R/S;                              //note  1
   cout<< T <<endl;
   cout<< interval<double>(T,S)<<endl;   //note  2
   cout<< interval<double>(T,T)<<endl;
   cout<< interval<double>(2.,1.)<<endl; //note  3 
   cout<< interval<double>(1./R)<<endl;  //note  4
math% CC  -xia -o ce2-7 ce2-7.cc
math% ce2-7
[              -Infinity,               Infinity]
[              -Infinity,               Infinity]
[              -Infinity,               Infinity]
[0.1797693134862315E+309,               Infinity]

CODE EXAMPLE 2-7 notes:

2.3 interval Arithmetic Expressions

interval arithmetic expressions are constructed from the same arithmetic operators as other numerical data types. The fundamental difference between interval and non-interval (point) expressions is that the result of any possible interval expression is a valid interval that satisfies the containment constraint of interval arithmetic. In contrast, point expression results can be any approximate value.

2.4 Operators and Functions

TABLE 2-2 lists the operators and functions that can be used with intervals. InTABLE 2-2, X and Y are intervals.

TABLE 2-2   Operators and Functions
Operator Operation Expression Meaning
* Multiplication X*Y Multiply X and Y
/ Division X/Y Divide X by Y
+ Addition X+Y Add X and Y
+ Identity +X Same as X (without a sign)
- Subtraction X-Y Subtract Y from X
- Numeric Negation -X Negate X
Function Meaning
interval_hull(X,Y) Interval hull of X and Y
intersect(X,Y) Intersect X and Y
pow(X,Y) Power function

Some interval-specific functions have no point analogs. These can be grouped into three categories: set, certainly, and possibly, as shown in TABLE 2-3. A number of unique set-operators have no certainly or possibly analogs.

TABLE 2-3   interval Relational Functions and Operators
Operators == !=
Set Relational Functions
Certainly Relational Functions
Possibly Relational Functions

Except for the in function, interval relational functions can only be applied to two interval operands with the same type.

The first argument of the in function is of any integer or floating-point type. The second argument can have any interval type.

All the interval relational functions and operators return an interval_bool-type result.

2.4.1 Arithmetic Operators +, -, *, /

Formulas for computing the endpoints of interval arithmetic operations on finite floating-point intervals are motivated by the requirement to produce the narrowest interval that is guaranteed to contain the set of all possible point results. Ramon Moore independently developed these formulas and more importantly, was the first to develop the analysis needed to apply interval arithmetic. For more information, see Interval Analysis by R. Moore (Prentice-Hall, 1966).

The set of all possible values was originally defined by performing the operation in question on any element of the operand intervals. Therefore, given finite intervals, [a, b] and [c, d], with ,


with division by zero being excluded. Implementation formulas, or their logical equivalent, are:

Directed rounding is used when computing with finite precision arithmetic to guarantee the set of all possible values is contained in the resulting interval.

The set of values that any interval result must contain is called the containment set of the operation or expression.

To include extended intervals (with infinite endpoints) and division by zero, containment sets cannot directly depend on the value of arithmetic operations on real values. For extended intervals, containment sets are required for operations on points that are normally undefined. Undefined operations include the indeterminate forms .

The containment-set closure identity solves the problem of identifying the value of containment sets of expressions at singular and indeterminate points. The identity states that containment sets are closures. The closure of a function at a point on the boundary of its domain includes all limit or accumulation points. For details, see the Glossary and the supplementary papers [1], [3], [10], and [11] cited in Section 2.11 References.

Symbolically, cset(x op y, {(x0, y0)}) = , where denotes the closure of the operation, op, and {x0} denotes the singleton set with only one element, x0. The subscript 0 is used to symbolically distinguish a particular value, x0, of the variable, x, from the variable itself. For example, with x0 = 1, op = ÷, and y0 = 0, x0 ÷ y0 is undefined, but the closure, .

This result is obtained using the sequences

or ,

both of whose limits are

Using the two sequences, {yj}, above, the closure of the division operator at x0 = 1 and y0 = 0 is:

The following tables, TABLE 2-4 through TABLE 2-8, display containment sets for the four basic arithmetic operations, wherein , the entire set of extended real numbers, or .

TABLE 2-4   Containment Set for Addition: cset(x + y, {(x0y0)})
cset(x + y, {(x0, y0)}) {-} {real: y0} {+}
{-} {-} {-}
{real: x0} {-} {x0 + y0} {+}
{+} {+} {+}

TABLE 2-5   Containment Set for Subtraction: cset(y, {(x0y0)})
cset(x - y, {(x0, y0)}) {-} {real: y0} {+}
{-} {-} {-}
{real: x0} {+} {x0 - y0} {-}
{+} {+} {+}

TABLE 2-6   Containment Set for Multiplication: cset(x × y, {(x0, y0)}) 
cset(x × y, {(x0, y0)}) {-} {real: y0 < 0} {0} {real: y0 > 0} {+}
{-} {+} {+} {-} {-}
{real: x0 < 0} {+} {x × y} {0} {x × y} {-}
{0} {0} {0} {0}
{real: x0 > 0} {-} x × y {0} x × y {+}
{+} {-} {-} {+} {+}

TABLE 2-7   Containment Set for Division: cset(x ÷ y, {(x0, y0)})
cset(x ÷ y, {(x0, y0)}) {-} {real: y0 < 0} {0} {real: y0 > 0} {+}
{-} [0, +] {+} {-, +} {-} [-, 0]
{real: x0 0} {0} {x ÷ y} {-, +} {x ÷ y} {0}
{0} {0} {0} {0} {0}
{+} [-, 0] {-} {-, +} {+} [0, +]

All inputs in the tables are shown as singletons. Results are shown as singletons, sets, or intervals. To avoid ambiguity, customary notation, such as , , and , is not used. These tables show the results for singleton-set inputs to each operation. Results for general set (or interval) inputs are the union of the results of the single-point results as they range over the input sets (or intervals).

In one case, division by zero, the result is not an interval, but the set, . In this case, the narrowest interval in the current system that does not violate the containment constraint of interval arithmetic is the interval .

Sign changes produce the expected results.

To incorporate these results into the formulas for computing interval endpoints, it is only necessary to identify the desired endpoint, which is also encoded in the rounding direction. Using to denote rounding down (towards -) and to denote rounding up (towards +),

and .
and .

Similarly, because ,

and .

Finally, the empty interval is represented in C++ by the character string [empty] and has the same properties as the empty set, denoted in the algebra of sets. Any arithmetic operation on an empty interval produces an empty interval result. For additional information regarding the use of empty intervals, see the supplementary papers [6] and [7] cited in Section 2.11 References.

Using these results, C++ implements the closed interval system. The system is closed because all arithmetic operations and functions always produce valid interval results. See the supplementary papers [2] and [8] cited in Section 2.11 References.

2.4.2 Power Function pow(X,n) and pow(X,Y)

The power function can be used with integer or continuous exponents. With a continuous exponent, the power function has indeterminate forms, similar to the four arithmetic operators.

In the integer exponents case, the set of all values that an enclosure of must contain is .

Monotonicity can be used to construct a sharp interval enclosure of the integer power function. When n = 0, cset(xn, {x0})= 1 for all , and pow(interval<double>("[empty]"),n) is empty for all n.

In the continuous exponents case, the set of all values that an interval enclosure of must contain is

where is the containment set of the expression . The function exp(y ln (x)) makes explicit that only values of need be considered, and is consistent with the definition of pow(x,y) with floating-point arguments in C++.

The result is empty if either interval argument is empty, or if sup(X) < 0.

TABLE 2-8 displays the containment sets for all the singularities and indeterminate forms of cset(exp(yln(x)), {(y0, x0)}).

TABLE 2-8   cset(exp(yln(x)), {(y0, x0)})
x0 y0 cset(exp(yln(x)), {(y0, x0))}
0 y0 < 0 +
1 - [0,+]
1 + [0,+]
+ 0 [0,+]
0 0 [0,+]

The results in TABLE 2-8 can be obtained in two ways:

For most compositions, the second option is much easier. If sufficient conditions are satisfied, the closure of a composition can be computed from the composition of its closures. That is, the closure of each sub-expression can be used to compute the closure of the entire expression. In the present case,

cset(exp(yln(x)), {x0, y0}) = .

It is always the case that

cset(exp(yln(x)), {x0, y0}) .

Note that this is exactly how interval arithmetic operates on intervals. The needed closures of the ln and exp functions are:

A necessary condition for closure-composition equality is that the expression must be a single-use expression (or SUE), which means that each independent variable can appear only once in the expression.

In the present case, the expression is clearly a SUE.

The entries in TABLE 2-8 follow directly from using the containment set of the basic multiply operation in TABLE 2-6 on the closures of the ln and exp functions. For example, with x= 1 and y0 = -, ln(x0) = 0. For the closure of multiplication on the values - and 0 in TABLE 2-6, the result is [-, +]. Finally, exp([-, +]) = [0, +], the second entry in TABLE 2-8. Remaining entries are obtained using the same steps. These same results are obtained from the direct derivation of the containment set of exp(yln(x)). At this time, sufficient conditions for closure-composition equality of any expression have not been identified. Nevertheless, the following statements apply:

2.5 Set Theoretic Functions

C++ supports the following set theoretic functions for determining the interval hull and intersection of two intervals.

CODE EXAMPLE 2-8 demonstrates the use of the interval-specific functions listed in TABLE 2-9.

TABLE 2-9   Interval-Specific Functions
Function Name Mathematical Symbol
interval_hull(X,Y) Interval Hull
intersect(X,Y) Intersection
disjoint(X,Y) Disjoint
in(r,Y) Element
in_interior(X,Y) Interior See Section 2.6.3 Interior: in_interior(X,Y).
proper_subset(X,Y) Proper Subset
proper_superset(X,Y) Proper Superset
subset(X,Y) Subset
superset(X,Y) Superset

CODE EXAMPLE 2-8   Set Operators 
math% cat ce2-8.cc
#include <suninterval.h>
#if __cplusplus >= 199711
using namespace SUNW_interval;
int main() {
    interval <double> X, Y;
    double R;
    R = 1.5;
    cout << "Press Control/C to terminate!"<< endl;
    cout <<"X,Y=?";
    cin >>X >>Y;
        cout <<endl << "For X =" <<X <<",  and" << endl << "Y =" <<Y<< 
        cout <<"interval_hull(X,Y)=" << endl <<
                interval_hull(X,Y) <<endl;
        cout <<"intersect(X,Y)="<< intersect(X,Y) <<endl;
         cout <<"disjoint(X,Y)=" << (disjoint(X,Y) ?"T":"F") <<endl;
        cout <<"in(R,Y)=" << (in(R,Y) ?"T":"F") <<endl;
        cout <<"in_interior(X,Y)=" << 
                (in_interior(X,Y) ?"T":"F") <<endl;
        cout <<"proper_subset(X,Y)=" << 
                (proper_subset(X,Y) ?"T":"F") <<endl;
        cout <<"proper_superset(X,Y)=" << 
                (proper_superset(X,Y) ?"T":"F") <<endl;
        cout <<"subset(X,Y)=" << (subset(X,Y) ?"T":"F") <<endl;
        cout <<"superset(X,Y)=" << (superset(X,Y) ?"T":"F") <<endl;
        cout <<"X,Y=?";
        cin >>X>>Y;
math%CC  -xia -o ce2-8 ce2-8.cc
Press Control/C to terminate!
X,Y=? [1] [2]
For X =[0.1000000000000000E+001,0.1000000000000000E+001], and Y 
intersect(X,Y)=[EMPTY                                          ]
X,Y=? [1,2] [1,3]
For X =[0.1000000000000000E+001,0.2000000000000000E+001], and Y 
X,Y=? <Control-C>

2.5.1 Hull: X U Y or interval_hull(X,Y)

Description: Interval hull of two intervals. The interval hull is the smallest interval that contains all the elements of the operand intervals.

Mathematical definitions:

Arguments: X and Y must be intervals with the same type.

Result type: Same as X.

2.5.2 Intersection: XY or intersect(X,Y)

Description: Intersection of two intervals.

Mathematical and operational definitions:

Arguments: X and Y must be intervals with the same type.

Result type: Same as X.

2.6 Set Relations

C++ provides the following set relations that have been extended to support intervals.

2.6.1 Disjoint: X Y = or disjoint(X,Y)

Description: Test if two intervals are disjoint.

Mathematical and operational definitions:

Arguments: X and Y must be intervals with the same type.

Result type: interval_bool.

2.6.2 Element: r Y or in(r,Y)

Description: Test if the number, r, is an element of the interval, Y.

Mathematical and operational definitions:

Arguments: The type of r is an integer or floating-point type, and the type of Y is interval.

Result type: interval_bool.

The following comments refer to the set relation:

2.6.3 Interior: in_interior(X,Y)

Description: Test if X is in interior of Y.

The interior of a set in topological space is the union of all open subsets of the set.

For intervals, the function in_interior(X,Y) means that X is a subset of Y, and both of the following relations are false:

Note also that, , but in_interior([empty],[empty]) = true

The empty set is open and therefore is a subset of the interior of itself.

Mathematical and operational definitions:

Arguments: X and Y must be intervals with the same type.

Result type: interval_bool.

2.6.4 Proper Subset: X Y or proper_subset(X,Y)

Description: Test if X is a proper subset of Y

Mathematical and operational definitions:

Arguments: X and Y must be intervals with the same type.

Result type: interval_bool.

2.6.5 Proper Superset: X Y or proper_superset(X,Y)

Description: See proper subset with .

2.6.6 Subset: X Y or subset(X,Y)

Description: Test if X is a subset of Y

Mathematical and operational definitions:

Arguments: X and Y must be intervals with the same type.

Result type: interval_bool.

2.6.7 Superset: X Y or superset(X,Y)

Description: See subset with .

2.7 Relational Functions

2.7.1 Interval Order Relations

Ordering intervals is more complicated than ordering points. Testing whether 2 is less than 3 is unambiguous. With intervals, while the interval [2,3] is certainly less than the interval [4,5], what should be said about [2,3] and [3,4]?

Three different classes of interval relational functions are implemented:

For a certainly-relation to be true, every element of the operand intervals must satisfy the relation. A possibly-relation is true if it is satisfied by any elements of the operand intervals. The set-relations treat intervals as sets. The three classes of interval relational functions converge to the normal relational functions on points if both operand intervals are degenerate.

To distinguish the three function classes, the two-letter relation mnemonics (lt, le, eq, ne, ge, and gt) are prefixed with the letters c, p, or s. The functions seq(X,Y) and sne(X,Y) correspond to the operators == and !=. In all other cases, the relational function class must be explicitly identified, as for example in:

See Section 2.4 Operators and Functions for the syntax and semantics of all interval functions.

The following program demonstrates the use of a set-equality test.

CODE EXAMPLE 2-9   Set-Equality Test
math% cat ce2-9.cc
#include <suninterval.h>
#if __cplusplus >= 199711
using namespace SUNW_interval;
int main() {
    interval <double> X("[2,3]");
    interval <double> Y("[4,5]");
    if (X+Y == interval <double>("[6,8]"))
        cout << "Check." <<endl;
math% CC  -xia -o ce2-9 ce2-9.cc
math% ce2-9

CODE EXAMPLE 2-9 uses the set-equality test to verify that X+Y is equal to the interval [6, 8] using the == operator.

Use CODE EXAMPLE 2-10 and CODE EXAMPLE 2-8 to explore the result of interval-specific relational functions.

CODE EXAMPLE 2-10   Interval Relational Functions 
math% cat ce2-10.cc
#include <suninterval.h>
#if __cplusplus >= 199711
using namespace SUNW_interval;
int main() {
    interval <double> X, Y;
    cout << "Press Control/C to terminate!"<< endl;
    cout <<" X,Y =?";
    cin >>X >>Y;
        cout <<endl << "For X =" <<X << ", and Y =" <<Y<< endl;
        cout <<"ceq(X,Y),peq(X,Y),seq(X,Y)=" 
             << (ceq(X,Y) ?"T ":"F ")
             << (peq(X,Y) ?"T ":"F ") 
             <<(seq(X,Y) ?"T ":"F ") <<endl;
        cout <<"cne(X,Y),pne(X,Y),sne(X,Y)=" 
             << (cne(X,Y) ?"T ":"F ")
             << (pne(X,Y) ?"T ":"F ")
             <<(sne(X,Y) ?"T ":"F ") <<endl;
        cout <<"cle(X,Y),ple(X,Y),sle(X,Y)=" 
             << (cle(X,Y) ?"T ":"F ")
             << (ple(X,Y) ?"T ":"F ") 
             <<(sle(X,Y) ?"T ":"F ") <<endl;
        cout <<"clt(X,Y),plt(X,Y),slt(X,Y)=" 
             << (clt(X,Y) ?"T ":"F ")
             << (plt(X,Y) ?"T ":"F ") 
             <<(slt(X,Y) ?"T ":"F ") <<endl; 
        cout <<"cge(X,Y),pge(X,Y),sge(X,Y)=" 
             << (cge(X,Y) ?"T ":"F ")
             << (pge(X,Y) ?"T ":"F ") 
             <<(sge(X,Y) ?"T ":"F ") <<endl; 
        cout <<"cgt(X,Y),pgt(X,Y),sgt(X,Y)=" 
             << (cgt(X,Y) ?"T ":"F ")
             << (pgt(X,Y) ?"T ":"F ") 
             <<(sgt(X,Y) ?"T ":"F ") <<endl;        
        cout <<" X,Y =?";
        cin >>X>>Y;
math% CC  -xia -o ce2-10 ce2-10.cc
math% ce2-10
Press Control/C to terminate!
 X,Y =? [2] [3]
For X =[0.2000000000000000E+001,0.2000000000000000E+001], and Y 
ceq(X,Y),peq(X,Y),seq(X,Y)=F F F 
cne(X,Y),pne(X,Y),sne(X,Y)=T T T 
cle(X,Y),ple(X,Y),sle(X,Y)=T T T 
clt(X,Y),plt(X,Y),slt(X,Y)=T T T 
cge(X,Y),pge(X,Y),sge(X,Y)=F F F 
cgt(X,Y),pgt(X,Y),sgt(X,Y)=F F F 
 X,Y =? 2 3
For X =[0.1000000000000000E+001,0.3000000000000000E+001], and Y 
ceq(X,Y),peq(X,Y),seq(X,Y)=F T F 
cne(X,Y),pne(X,Y),sne(X,Y)=F T T 
cle(X,Y),ple(X,Y),sle(X,Y)=F T T 
clt(X,Y),plt(X,Y),slt(X,Y)=F T T 
cge(X,Y),pge(X,Y),sge(X,Y)=F T F 
cgt(X,Y),pgt(X,Y),sgt(X,Y)=F T F 
 X,Y =? <Control-C>

An interval relational function, denoted qop, is composed by concatenating both of the following:

In place of seq(X,Y) and sne(X,Y), == and != operators are accepted. To eliminate code ambiguity, all other interval relational functions must be made explicit by specifying a prefix.

Letting "nop" stand for the complement of the operator op, the certainly and possibly functions are related as follows:

cop !(pnop)
pop !(cnop)

Note – This identity between certainly and possibly functions holds unconditionally if op  {eqne}, and otherwise, only if neither argument is empty. Conversely, the identity does not hold if op  {ltlegt, ge} and either operand is empty.

Assuming neither argument is empty, TABLE 2-10 contains the C++ operational definitions of all interval relational functions of the form:

qop(X,Y), given X = [x,x] and Y = [y,y]).

The first column contains the value of the prefix, and the first row contains the value of the operator suffix. If the tabled condition holds, the result is true.

TABLE 2-10   Operational Definitions of Interval Order Relations

lt le eq ge gt ne
s x < y and x < y x y and x y x = y and x = y x y and x y x > y and x > y x y or x y
x < y

x y
y x and x y
x y

x > y
x > y or y > x
x < y

x y
x y and y x
x y

x > y
y > x or x > y

2.7.2 Set Relational Functions

For an affirmative order relation with

op {lt, le, eq, ge, gt} and

between two points , the mathematical definition of the corresponding set-relation, Sop, between two non-empty intervals is:

For the relation between two points , the corresponding set relation, sne(X,Y), between two non-empty intervals X and Y is:

Empty intervals are explicitly considered in each of the following relations. In each case:

Arguments: X and Y must be intervals with the same type.

Result type: interval_bool. Set-equal: or seq(X,Y)

Description: Test if two intervals are set-equal.

Mathematical and operational definitions:

Any interval is set-equal to itself, including the empty interval. Therefore, seq([a,b],[a,b]) is true. Set-greater-or-equal: sge(X,Y)

Description: See set-less-or-equal with . Set-greater: sgt(X,Y)

Description: See set-less with . Set-less-or-equal: sle(X,Y)

Description: Test if one interval is set-less-or-equal to another.

Mathematical and operational definitions:

Any interval is set-equal to itself, including the empty interval. Therefore sle([X,X]) is true. Set-less: slt(X,Y)

Description: Test if one interval is set-less than another. Set-not-equal: or sne(X,Y)

Description: Test if two intervals are not set-equal.

Mathematical and operational definitions:

Any interval is set-equal to itself, including the empty interval. Therefore sne([X,X])is false.

2.7.3 Certainly Relational Functions

The certainly relational functions are true if the underlying relation is true for every element of the operand intervals. For example, clt([a,b],[c,d]) is true if x < y for all and . This is equivalent to b < c.

For an affirmative order relation with

op {lt, le, eq, ge, gt} and

between two points x and y, the corresponding certainly-true relation cop between two intervals, X and Y, is


With the exception of the anti-affirmative certainly-not-equal relation, if either operand of a certainly relation is empty, the result is false. The one exception is the certainly-not-equal relation, cne(X,Y), which is true in this case.

Mathematical and operational definitions cne(X,Y):

For each of the certainly relational functions:

Arguments: X and Y must be intervals with the same type.

Result type: interval_bool.

2.7.4 Possibly Relational Functions

The possibly relational functions are true if any element of the operand intervals satisfy the underlying relation. For example, plt([X,Y]) is true if there exists an and a such that x < y. This is equivalent to .

For an affirmative order relation with

op {lt, le, eq, ge, gt} and

between two points x and y, the corresponding possibly-true relation Pop between two intervals X and Y is defined as follows:


If the empty interval is an operand of a possibly relation then the result is false. The one exception is the anti-affirmative possibly-not-equal relation, pne(X,Y), which is true in this case.

Mathematical and operational definitions pne(X,Y):

For each of the possibly relational functions:

Arguments: X and Y must be intervals with the same type.

Result type: interval_bool.

2.8 Input and Output

The process of performing interval stream input/output is the same as for other non-interval data types.

Note – Floating-point stream manipulations do not influence interval input/output.

2.8.1 Input

When using the single-number form of an interval, the last displayed digit is used to determine the interval's width. See Section 2.8.2 Single-Number Output. For more detailed information, see M. Schulte, V. Zelov, G.W. Walster, D. Chiriaev, "Single-Number Interval I/O," Developments in Reliable Computing, T. Csendes (ed.), (Kluwer 1999).

If an infimum is not internally representable, it is rounded down to an internal approximation known to be less than the exact value. If a supremum is not internally representable, it is rounded up to an internal approximations known to be greater than the exact input value. If the degenerate interval is not internally representable, it is rounded down and rounded up to form an internal interval approximation known to contain the exact input value. These results are shown in CODE EXAMPLE 2-11.

CODE EXAMPLE 2-11   Single-Number Output Examples  
math% cat ce2-11.cc
#include <suninterval.h>
#if __cplusplus >= 199711
using namespace SUNW_interval;
main() {
    interval<double> X[8];
    for (int i = 0; i < 8 ; i++) {
      cin >> X[i];
      cout << X[i] << endl;
math% CC -xia ce2-11.cc -o ce2-11
math% ce2-11
[              -Infinity,0.2000000000000000E+001]
[              -Infinity,-.1797693134862315E+309]
[EMPTY                                          ]

2.8.2 Single-Number Output

The function single_number_output() is used to display intervals in the single-number form and has the following syntax, where cout is an output stream.

single_number_output(interval<float> X, ostream& out=cout)
single_number_output(interval<double> X, ostream& out=cout)
single_number_output(interval<long double> X, ostream& out=cout)

If the external interval value is not degenerate, the output format is a floating-point or integer literal (X without square brackets, "["..."]"). The external value is interpreted as a non-degenerate mathematical interval [x] + [-1,1]uld.

The single-number interval representation is often less precise than the [inf, sup] representation. This is particularly true when an interval or its single-number representation contains zero or infinity.

For example, the external value of the single-number representation for [-15, +75] is ev([0E2]) = [-100, +100]. The external value of the single-number representation for [1, ] is ev([0E+inf]) =  .

In these cases, to produce a narrower external representation of the internal approximation, the [inf, sup] form is used to display the maximum possible number of significant digits within the output field.

CODE EXAMPLE 2-12   Single-Number [inf, sup]-style Output
math% cat ce2-12.cc
#include <suninterval.h>
#if __cplusplus >= 199711
using namespace SUNW_interval;
int main() {
    interval <double> X(-1, 10);
    interval <double> Y(1, 6);
    single_number_output(X, cout);
    cout << endl;
    single_number_output(Y, cout);
    cout << endl;
math% CC  -xia -o ce2-12 ce2-12.cc
math% ce2-12
[ -1.0000     , 10.000     ]
[ 1.0000     , 6.0000     ]

If it is possible to represent a degenerate interval within the output field, the output string for a single number is enclosed in obligatory square brackets, "[", ... "]" to signify that the result is a point.

An example of using ndigits to display the maximum number of significant decimal digits in the single-number representation of the non-empty interval X is shown in CODE EXAMPLE 2-13.

Note – If the argument of ndigits is a degenerate interval, the result is INT_MAX.

CODE EXAMPLE 2-13   ndigits 
math% cat ce2-10.cc
#include <suninterval.h>
#if __cplusplus >= 199711
using namespace SUNW_interval;
main() {
    interval<double> X[8];
    X[0] = interval<double>(1.2345678, 1.23456789);
    X[1] = interval<double>(1.234567, 1.2345678);
    X[2] = interval<double>(1.23456, 1.234567);
    X[3] = interval<double>(1.2345, 1.23456);
    X[4] = interval<double>(1.5111, 1.5112);
    X[5] = interval<double>(1.511, 1.512);
    X[6] = interval<double>(1.51, 1.52);
    X[7] = interval<double>(1.5);
    for (int i = 0; i < 8 ; i++) {
      cin << X;
      cout << X << endl;
math% CC ce2-10.cc -xia -o ce2-10 
math% ce2-10
              0.12345E+001  ndigits =8
              0.12345E+001  ndigits =7
              0.12345E+001  ndigits =6
              0.12345E+001  ndigits =5
              0.15112E+001  ndigits =5
              0.151  E+001  ndigits =4
              0.152  E+001  ndigits =3
[             0.15000E+001] ndigits =2147483647

Increasing interval width decreases the number of digits displayed in the single-number representation. When the interval is degenerate all remaining positions are filled with zeros and brackets are added if the degenerate interval value is represented exactly.

2.8.3 Single-Number Input/Output and Base Conversions

Single-number interval input, immediately followed by output, can appear to suggest that a decimal digit of accuracy has been lost, when in fact radix conversion has caused a 1 or 2 ulp increase in the width of the stored input interval. For example, an input of 1.37 followed by an immediate print will result in 1.3 being output.

As shown in CODE EXAMPLE 1-6, programs must use character input and output to exactly echo input values and internal reads to convert input character strings into valid internal approximations.

2.9 Mathematical Functions

This section lists the type-conversion, trigonometric, and other functions that accept interval arguments. The symbols and in the interval are used to denote its ordered elements, the infimum, or lower bound and supremum, or upper bound, respectively. In point (non-interval) function definitions, lowercase letters x and y are used to denote floating-point or integer values.

When evaluating a function, f, of an interval argument, X, the interval result, f(X), must be an enclosure of its containment set, cset(f, {x}), where:

A similar result holds for functions of n-variables. Determining the containment set of values that must be included when the interval contains values outside the domain of f is discussed in the supplementary paper [1] cited in Section 2.11 References. The results therein are needed to determine the set of values that a function can produce when evaluated on the boundary of, or outside its domain of definition. This set of values, called the containment set is the key to defining interval systems that return valid results, no matter what the value of a function's arguments or an operator's operands. As a consequence, there are no argument restrictions on any interval functions in C++.

2.9.1 Inverse Tangent Function atan2(Y,X)

This sections provides additional information about the inverse tangent function. For further details, see the supplementary paper [9] cited in Section 2.11 References.

Description: Interval enclosure of the inverse tangent function over a pair of intervals.

Mathematical definition:

Special values: TABLE 2-11 and CODE EXAMPLE 2-14 display the atan2 indeterminate forms.

TABLE 2-11   atan2 Indeterminate Forms
y0 x0 cset(sin, {y0, x0}) cset(cos, {y0, x0}) cset(, {y0, x0})
0 0 [-1, 1] [-1, 1]
+ + [0, 1] [0, 1]
+ - [0, 1] [-1, 0]
- - [-1, 0] [-1, 0]
- + [-1, 0] [0, 1]

CODE EXAMPLE 2-14   atan2 Indeterminate Forms  
math% cat ce2-14.cc
#include <suninterval.h>
#if __cplusplus >= 199711
using namespace SUNW_interval;
int main() {
    interval <double> X,Y;
    cout << "Press Control/C to terminate!"<< endl;
    cout <<"Y,X=?";
    cin >>Y >>X;
    for(;;) {
        cout <<endl << "For X =" <<X << endl;
        cout << "For Y =" <<Y << endl;
        cout << atan2(Y,X) << endl << endl;
        cout << "Y,X=?";
        cin >>Y >>X;
math% CC  -xia -o ce2-14 ce2-14.cc
math% ce2-14
Press Control/C to terminate!
Y,X=? [0] [0]
For X =[0.0000000000000000E+000,0.0000000000000000E+000]
For Y =[0.0000000000000000E+000,0.0000000000000000E+000]
Y,X=? inf inf
For X =[0.1797693134862315E+309,               Infinity]
For Y =[0.1797693134862315E+309,               Infinity]
Y,X=? inf -inf
For X =[              -Infinity,-.1797693134862315E+309]
For Y =[0.1797693134862315E+309,               Infinity]
Y,X=? -inf inf
For X =[0.1797693134862315E+309,               Infinity]
For Y =[              -Infinity,-.1797693134862315E+309]
Y,X=? -inf -inf
For X =[              -Infinity,-.1797693134862315E+309]
For Y =[              -Infinity,-.1797693134862315E+309]
Y,X=? <Control-C>

Result value: The interval result value is an enclosure for the specified interval. An ideal enclosure is an interval of minimum width that contains the exact mathematical interval in the description.

The result is empty if one or both arguments are empty.

In the case where x < 0 and , to get a sharp interval enclosure (denoted by ), the following convention uniquely defines the set of all possible returned interval angles:

This convention, together with

results in a unique definition of the interval angles that atan2(Y,X) must include.

TABLE 2-12 contains the tests and arguments of the floating-point atan2 function that are used to compute the endpoints of in the algorithm that satisfies the constraints required to produce sharp interval angles. The first two columns define the distinguishing cases. The third column contains the range of possible values of the midpoint, m(), of the interval . The last two columns show how the endpoints of are computed using the floating-point atan2 function. Directed rounding must be used to guarantee containment.

TABLE 2-12   Tests and Arguments of the Floating-Point atan2 Function
Y X m()
- < y x < 0 atan2(y, x) atan2( , x) + 2
- = y x < 0 atan2(y, x) 2 - q
< - x < 0 atan2(y, x) - 2 atan2( , x)

2.9.2 Maximum: maximum(X1,X2)

Description: Range of maximum.

The containment set for max(X1, ..., Xn) is:


The implementation of the max function must satisfy:

maximum(X1,X2,[X3,...]) {max(X1, ..., Xn)}.

2.9.3 Minimum: minimum(X1,X2)

Description: Range of minimum.

The containment set for min(X1, ..., Xn) is:


The implementation of the min function must satisfy:

minimum(X1,X2,[X3,...]) {min(X1, ..., Xn)}.

2.9.4 Functions That Accept Interval Arguments

TABLE 2-14 through TABLE 2-18 list the properties of functions that accept interval arguments. TABLE 2-13 lists the tabulated properties of interval functions in these tables.

TABLE 2-13   Tabulated Properties of Each interval Function
Tabulated Property Description
Function what the function does
Definition mathematical definition
No. of Args. number of arguments the function accepts
Name the function's name
Argument Type valid argument types
Function Type type returned for specific argument data type

Because indeterminate forms are possible, special values of the pow and atan2 function are contained in Section 2.4.2 Power Function pow(X,n) and pow(X,Y) and Section 2.9.1 Inverse Tangent Function atan2(Y,X), respectively. The remaining functions do not require this treatment.

TABLE 2-14   interval Constructor 
Conversion To No. of Args. Name Argument Type Function Type
interval 1, 2 interval
const char* 
const interval<float>&
const interval<double>&
const interval<long double>&
long long 
long double
int, int
long long, long long
float, float
double, double
long double, long double
The function type can be interval<float>, interval<double>, or interval<long double> for each argument type.

TABLE 2-15   interval-Specific Functions 
Function Definition No. of Args. Name Argument Type Function Type
Infimum inf([a, b]) = a 1 inf interval <double> interval <float> interval <long double> double float long double
Supremum sup([a, b]) = b 1 sup interval <double> interval <float> interval <long double> double float long double
Width w([a, b]) = b - a 1 wid interval <double> interval <float> interval <long double> double float long double
Midpoint mid([a, b]) = (a + b)/2
1 mid interval <double> interval <float> interval <long double> double float long double
Magnitude1 max(|a|) A 1 mag interval <double> interval <float> interval <long double> double float long double
Mignitude2 min(|a|) A 1 mig interval <double> interval <float> interval <long double> double float long double
Test for empty interval true if A is empty 1 isempty interval <double> interval <float> interval <long double> interval_bool interval_bool interval_bool
Floor floor(A) 1 floor interval <double> interval <float> interval <long double> double double double
Ceiling ceiling(A) 1 ceil interval <double> interval <float> interval <long double> double double double
Number of digits3 Maximum number of significant decimal digits in the single-number representation of a non-empty interval 1 ndigits interval <double> interval <float> interval <long double> int int int
(1) mag([a, b]) = max(|a|,|b|)

(2) mig([a, b]) = min(|a|,|b|), if a > 0 or b < 0, otherwise 0

(3) Special cases: ndigits([-inf, +inf]) = ndigits([empty]) = 0

TABLE 2-16   interval Arithmetic Functions
Function Point Definition No. of Args. Name Argument Type Function Type
Absolute value |a| 1 fabs interval <double> interval <float> interval <long double> interval <double> interval <float> interval <long double>
Remainder a-b(int(a/b)) 2 fmod interval <double> interval <float> interval <double> interval <float>
Choose largest value1 max(a,b) 2 maximum interval <double> interval <double>
Choose smallest value1 min(a,b) 2 minimum interval <double> interval <double>
(1) The minimum and maximum functions ignore empty interval arguments unless all arguments are empty, in which case, the empty interval is returned.

TABLE 2-17   interval Trigonometric Functions
Function Point Definition No. of Args. Name Argument Type Function Type
Sine sin(a) 1 sin interval <double> interval <float> interval <double> interval <float>
Cosine cos(a) 1 cos interval <double> interval <float> interval <double> interval <float>
Tangent tan(a) 1 tan interval <double> interval <float> interval <double> interval <float>
Arcsine arcsin(a) 1 asin interval <double> interval <float> interval <double> interval <float>
Arccosine arccos(a) 1 acos interval <double> interval <float> interval <double> interval <float>
Arctangent arctan(a) 1 atan interval <double> interval <float> interval <double> interval <float>
Arctangent1 arctan(a/b) 2 atan2 interval <double> interval <float> interval <double> interval <float>
Hyperbolic Sine sinh(a) 1 sinh interval <double> interval <float> interval <double> interval <float>
Hyperbolic Cosine cosh(a) 1 cosh interval <double> interval <float> interval <double> interval <float>
Hyperbolic Tangent tanh(a) 1 tanh interval <double> interval <float> interval <double> interval <float>
(1) arctan(a/b) = , given a = h sin, b = h cos, and h2 = a2 + b2.

TABLE 2-18   Other interval Mathematical Functions
Function Point Definition No. of Args. Name Argument Type Function Type
Square Root1 exp{ln(a)/2} 1 sqrt interval <double> interval <float> interval <double> interval <float>
Exponential exp(a) 1 exp interval <double> interval <float> interval <double> interval <float>
Natural logarithm ln(a) 1 log interval <double> interval <float> interval <double> interval <float>
Common logarithm log(a) 1 log10 interval <double> interval <float> interval <double> interval <float>
(1) sqrt(a) is multi-valued. A proper interval enclosure must contain both the positive and negative square roots. Defining the sqrt function to be

eliminates this difficulty.

2.10 Interval Types and the Standard Template Library

When interval types are used as template arguments for STL classes, a blank must be inserted between two consecutive > symbols, as shown on the line marked note 1 in CODE EXAMPLE 2-15.

CODE EXAMPLE 2-15   Example of Using an Interval Type as a Template Argument for STL Classes
math% cat ce2-15.cc
#include <limits.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <sunmath.h>
#include <stack>
#include <suninterval.h>
#if __cplusplus >= 199711
using namespace SUNW_interval;
int main()
   std::stack<interval<double> > st; //note 1
    return 0;
math% CC -xia ce2-15.cc

Otherwise, >> is incorrectly interpreted as the right shift operator, as shown on the line marked note 1 in CODE EXAMPLE 2-16.

CODE EXAMPLE 2-16   >> Incorrectly Interpreted as the Right Shift Operator
math% cat ce2-16.cc
#include <limits.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <sunmath.h>
#include <stack>
#include <suninterval.h>
#if __cplusplus >= 199711
using namespace SUNW_interval;
int main()
   std::stack<interval<double>> st; //note 1 
    return 0;
math% CC ce2-16.cc
"t.cc", line 13: Error: "," expected instead of ">>".
"t.cc", line 13: Error: Illegal value for template parameter.
"t.cc", line 13: Error: "," expected instead of ">>".
"t.cc", line 13: Error: Illegal value for template parameter.
"t.cc", line 13: Error: "," expected instead of ";".
"t.cc", line 13: Error: Illegal value for template parameter.
6 Error(s) detected.

Note – Interpreting >> as a right shift operator is a general design problem in C++.

2.11 References

The following technical reports are available online. See the interval arithmetic readme for the location of these files.

  1. G.W. Walster, E.R. Hansen, and J.D. Pryce, "Extended Real Intervals and the Topological Closure of Extended Real Relations," Technical Report, Sun Microsystems. February 2000.

  2. G. William Walster, "Empty Intervals," Technical Report, Sun Microsystems. April 1998.

  3. G. William Walster, "Closed Interval Systems," Technical Report, Sun Microsystems. August 1999.

  4. G. William Walster, "Literal Interval Constants," Technical Report, Sun Microsystems. August 1999.

  5. G. William Walster, "Widest-Need Interval Expression Evaluation," Technical Report, Sun Microsystems. August 1999.

  6. G. William Walster, "Compiler Support of Interval Arithmetic With Inline Code Generation and Nonstop Exception Handling," Technical Report, Sun Microsystems. February 2000.

  7. G. William Walster, "Finding Roots on the Edge of a Function's Domain," Technical Report, Sun Microsystems. February 2000.

  8. G. William Walster, "Implementing the `Simple' Closed Interval System," Technical Report, Sun Microsystems. February 2000.

  9. G. William Walster, "Interval Angles and the Fortran ATAN2 Intrinsic Function," Technical Report, Sun Microsystems. February 2000.

  10. G. William Walster, "The `Simple' Closed Interval System," Technical Report, Sun Microsystems. February 2000.

  11. G. William Walster, Margaret S. Bierman, "Interval Arithmetic in Forte Developer Fortran," Technical Report, Sun Microsystems. March 2000.

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