What's New in Sun WorkShop 6 update 1 HomeContentsPreviousNextIndex

Chapter 1

New Features in Sun WorkShop 6 update 1

This chapter describes the new features of the Sun WorkShopTM 6 update 1 compilers and tools. The primary focus of this release is improved performance on the UltraSPARCTM III processor.

Each updated Sun WorkShop component has a section that includes a table that summarizes the new features. Explanations of some new features follow the summary tables.

This chapter has the following sections:

C Compiler

TABLE 1-1 lists the new features available with the Sun WorkShop 6 update 1 release of the C compiler. Some of the features are described in greater detail in the sections following the table.

TABLE 1-1   C Compiler New Features  
Feature Option or Macro Description
Support for the UltraSPARC III Processor -xtarget
The -xtarget and -xchip options now accept ultra3. See the following discussion for the recommended flags to use for optimal UltraSPARC III performance.
Optimizing Through Type-Based Analysis -xalias_level The C compiler now accepts options and pragmas which allow it to perform type-based alias analysis and optimizations.
Enhancing Math Routine Performance With New Pragmas __MATHERR_ERRNO_DONTCARE cc -fast now expands to include the macro __MATHERR_ERRNO_DONTCARE. This macro causes math.h in the Solaris 8 operating environment to assert performance-related pragmas for some of the math routines prototyped in math.h.
Inlining Standard Library Functions -xbuiltin Use this command to improve performance of generated code through substitution of intrinsics, or inlining, of standard library functions where the compiler determines it is profitable.
Enabling and Disabling Trigraph Recognition -xtrigraphs The new -xtrigraphs option enables and disables trigraph translation.
Prefetch Latency Specifier -xprefetch=...,latx:factor This new suboption determines how far apart the instruction the compiler generates to prefetch data will be from the subsequent use of the data in a load or store instruction.
Overriding the Default Search Path With the -I- Option -I- The new -I- option gives you more control over the algorithm that the compiler uses when searching for include files.

Support for the UltraSPARC III Processor

Use the following options to compile for optimal performance when compiling and running your program on an UltraSPARC III processor:

-fast -xcrossfile -xprofile={collect:|use:}

Optimizing Through Type-Based Analysis

You can use the new -xalias_level C compiler command and several new pragmas to enable the compiler to perform type-based alias analysis and optimizations. Use these extensions to express type-based information about the way pointers are used in your C program. The C compiler uses this information, in turn, to do a significantly better job of alias disambiguation for pointer-based memory references in your program.

For more information on this new compiler command, see the C User's Guide Supplement available from http://docs.sun.com (in the ForteTM Developer 6 update 1/Sun WorkShop 6 update 1 Collection).

Enhancing Math Routine Performance With New Pragmas

Now when you issue the -fast option, the macro __MATHERR_ERRNO_DONTCARE is defined. This macro causes math.h in the Solaris 8 operating environment to assert performance-related pragmas such as the following for some math routines prototyped in <math.h>:

If your code relies on the return value of errno in exceptional cases as documented in the matherr(3M) man page, you must turn off the macro by issuing the -U__MATHERR_ERRNO_DONTCARE macro after the -fast option.

Inlining Standard Library Functions

Use the -xbuiltin[=%all|%none] command when you want to improve the optimization of code that calls standard library functions. Many standard library functions, such as the ones defined in math.h and stdio.h, are commonly used by various programs. This command lets the compiler substitute intrinsic pure functions for system functions to improve performance. The -xbuiltin command has the following syntax:

The first default of this command is -xbuiltin=%none, which means no functions from the standard libraries are inlined. The first default applies when you do not specify -xbuiltin.

The second default is -xbuiltin=%all, which means the compiler inlines standard library functions as it determines the optimization benefit. The second default applies when you specify -xbuiltin but do not provide an argument.

If you compile with the -fast option, then -xbuiltin is set to %all.

Enabling and Disabling Trigraph Recognition

The -xtrigraphs option determines whether the compiler recognizes trigraph sequences as defined by the ISO/ANSI C standard.

By default, the compiler assumes -xtrigraphs=yes and recognizes all trigraph sequences throughout the compilation unit.

If your source code has a literal string containing question marks (?) that the compiler is interpreting as a trigraph sequence, you can use the -xtrigraph=no suboption to turn off the recognition of trigraph sequences. The -xtrigraphs=no option turns off recognition of all trigraphs throughout the entire compilation unit.

Consider the following example source file named trigraphs_demo.c.

#include <stdio.h>
int main ()
  (void) printf("(\?\?) in a string appears as (??)\n");
  return 0;

Here is the output if you compile this code with -xtrigraphs=yes.

example% cc -xtrigraphs=yes trigraphs_demo.c
example% a.out
(??) in a string appears as (]

Here is the output if you compile this code with -xtrigraphs=no.

example% cc -xtrigraphs=no trigraphs_demo.c
example% a.out
(??) in a string appears as (??)

For more information on using the -xtrigraphs option, see the cc(1) man page. For information on trigraphs, see the C User's Guide chapter about transitioning to ANSI/ISO C.

Prefetch Latency Specifier

(SPARC platform) If you are running computationally intensive codes on large multiprocessors, you might find it advantageous to use the new -xprefetch suboption latx:factor. This suboption instructs the code generator to adjust the default latency time between a prefetch and its associated load or store by the specified factor.

For more information, see the cc(1) man page.

Overriding the Default Search Path With the -I- Option

The new -I- option gives you more control over the algorithm that the compiler uses when searching for include files. This section first describes the default search algorithms, then it describes the effect of -I- on these algorithms.

Default Search Algorithm for Quote-Included Files

For statements of the form #include "foo.h" (where quotation marks are used), the compiler searches for include files in the following order:

  1. The current directory (that is, the directory containing the "including" file)

  2. The directories named with -I options, if any

  3. The /usr/include directory

Default Search Algorithm for Bracket-Included Files

For statements of the form #include <foo.h> (where angle brackets are used), the compiler searches for include files in the following order:

  1. The directories named with -I options, if any

  2. The /usr/include directory

Using the -I- Option to Change the Search Algorithm

The new -I- option gives more control over the default search rules. When -I- appears in the command line:

The following example shows the results of using -I- when compiling prog.c.

#include "a.h"
#include <b.h>
#include "c.h"
#ifndef _C_H_1
#define _C_H_1
int c1;
#ifndef _A_H
#define _A_H
#include "c.h"
int a;
#ifndef _B_H
#define _B_H
#include <c.h>
int b;
#ifndef _C_H_2
#define _C_H_2
int c2;

The following command shows the default behavior of searching the current directory (the directory of the including file) for include statements of the form #include "foo.h". When processing the #include "c.h" statement in inc/a.h, the preprocessor includes the c.h header file from the inc subdirectory. When processing the #include "c.h" statement in prog.c, the preprocessor includes the c.h file from the directory containing prog.c. Note that the -H option instructs the compiler to print the paths of the included files.

example% cc -c -Iinc -H prog.c

The next command shows the effect of the -I- option. The preprocessor does not look in the including directory first when it processes statements of the form #include "foo.h". Instead, it searches the directories named by the -I options in the order that they appear in the command line. When processing the #include "c.h" statement in inc/a.h, the preprocessor includes the ./c.h header file instead of the inc/c.h header file.

example% cc -c -I. -I- -Iinc -H prog.c

For more information, see the entry for -I- in the cc(1) man page.

C++ Compiler

TABLE 1-2 lists the new features available with the Sun WorkShop 6 update 1 release of the C++ compiler (5.2). Some of the features are described in greater detail in the sections following the table.

TABLE 1-2   C++ Compiler New Features  
Feature Options Description
Support for the UltraSPARC III Processor -xtarget
The -xtarget and -xchip options now accept ultra3. See the following discussion for the recommended flags to use for optimal UltraSPARC III performance.
Compile-Time Performance
The compiler is substantially faster for many large programs, particularly those that use templates heavily.
Lifetime of Temporary Objects -features=tmplife (Standard mode only) A new -features=tmplife suboption instructs the compiler to destroy temporary objects according to the requirements of the C++ standard.
Overriding the Default Search Path With the -I- Option -I- The new -I- option gives you more control over the algorithm that the compiler uses when searching for include files.
Interval Arithmetic Support for C++ -xia
(SPARC platform) This release of the C++ compiler provides a C++ interface to the interval arithmetic library.
Mixed-Language Linking -xlang
The new -xlang option enables linking of mixed Fortran and C++ object files.
Enabling and Disabling Trigraph Recognition -xtrigraphs The new -xtrigraphs option enables and disables trigraph translation.
Filtering Linker Error Messages -filt The new -filt option allows you to customize the filtering of linker error messages. For example, you can request mangled names.
Shared libCstd
A shared version of libCstd is available in the lib directory of the C++ compiler.
Shared libiostream
A shared version of libiostream is available in the lib directory of the C++ compiler.
Optimization Pragmas
The C++ compiler recognizes the new optimization pragmas no_side_effects and returns_new_memory.
Recognition of .c++ Extension
The C++ compiler now recognizes .c++ as a valid filename suffix.
Prefetch Latency Specifier -xprefetch=...,latx:factor This new suboption determines how far apart the instruction the compiler generates to prefetch data will be from the subsequent use of the data in a load or store instruction.

Support for the UltraSPARC III Processor

Use the following options to compile for optimal performance when compiling and running your program on an UltraSPARC III processor:

-fast -xcrossfile -xprofile={collect:|use:}

Lifetime of Temporary Objects

When the compiler evaluates expressions, it sometimes creates temporary objects. For example, the compiler may create a temporary object when a function is called or when a cast creates a class object. The old language definition allowed such temporary objects to be destroyed at any time up until the end of the block in which the temporary object was created. The C++ standard specifies that the compiler must destroy a temporary object at the end of the full expression in which the object is created, unless the object is used to initialize a reference.

By default, the C++ compiler (5.2) implements the old language definition; it destroys temporary objects at the end of the block in which they are created. To make the compiler destroy temporary objects according to the requirements of the C++ standard, use the new -features=tmplife suboption.

For example, consider the following block.

{  foo(ClassA()); bar(ClassB()); some-statement; }

If you specify -features=tmplife in the command line, the call sequence is as shown here.

tmp1=ClassA(); foo(tmp1); tmp1.~ClassA();
tmp2=ClassB(); bar(tmp2); tmp2.~ClassB(); 

If you do not specify the -features=tmplife suboption, the call sequence is as shown here.

tmp1=ClassA(); foo(tmp1); 
tmp2=ClassB(); bar(tmp2); 

This suboption is not available in compatibility mode (-compat[=4]).

Overriding the Default Search Path With the -I- Option

The new -I- option gives you more control over the algorithm that the compiler uses when searching for include files. This section first describes the default search algorithms, then it describes the effect of -I- on these algorithms.

Default Search Algorithm for Quote-Included Files

For statements of the form #include "foo.h" (where quotation marks are used), the compiler searches for include files in the following order:

  1. The current directory (that is, the directory containing the "including" file)

  2. The directories named with -I options, if any

  3. The directories for compiler-provided C++ header files, ANSI C header files, and special-purpose files

  4. The /usr/include directory

Default Search Algorithm for Bracket-Included Files

For statements of the form #include <foo.h> (where angle brackets are used), the compiler searches for include files in the following order:

  1. The directories named with -I options, if any

  2. The directories for compiler-provided C++ header files, ANSI C header files, and special-purpose files

  3. The /usr/include directory

    Note – If the name of the include file matches the name of a standard header, also refer to Section 5.7.4 Standard Header Implementation in the C++ User's Guide.

Using the -I- Option to Change the Search Algorithm

The new -I- option gives more control over the default search rules. When -I- appears in the command line:

The following example shows the results of using -I- when compiling prog.cc.

#include "a.h"
#include <b.h>
#include "c.h"
#ifndef _C_H_1
#define _C_H_1
int c1;
#ifndef _A_H
#define _A_H
#include "c.h"
int a;
#ifndef _B_H
#define _B_H
#include <c.h>
int b;
#ifndef _C_H_2
#define _C_H_2
int c2;

The following command shows the default behavior of searching the current directory (the directory of the including file) for include statements of the form #include "foo.h". When processing the #include "c.h" statement in inc/a.h, the compiler includes the c.h header file from the inc subdirectory. When processing the #include "c.h" statement in prog.cc, the compiler includes the c.h file from the directory containing prog.cc. Note that the -H option instructs the compiler to print the paths of the included files.

example% CC -c -Iinc -H prog.cc

The next command shows the effect of the -I- option. The compiler does not look in the including directory first when it processes statements of the form #include "foo.h". Instead, it searches the directories named by the -I options in the order that they appear in the command line. When processing the #include "c.h" statement in inc/a.h, the compiler includes the ./c.h header file instead of the inc/c.h header file.

example% CC -c -I. -I- -Iinc -H prog.cc

For more information, see the entry for -I- in the CC(1) man page.

Interval Arithmetic Support for C++

(SPARC platform) Sun WorkShopTM 6 update 1 Compilers C++ (5.2) provides a C++ interface to the C++ interval arithmetic library. For more information, see Interval Arithmetic in this document and the C++ Interval Arithmetic Programming Reference available from http://docs.sun.com (in the ForteTM Developer 6 update 1/Sun WorkShop 6 update 1 Collection).

For information about related compiler options, see the entries for the following in the CC(1) man page:

Mixed-Language Linking

The new -xlang option allows you to link Fortran and C++ object files. For example, you can link a C++ main program with Fortran object files.

To determine which driver to use for mixed-language linking, use the following language hierarchy:

  1. C++

  2. Fortran 95 (or Fortran 90)

  3. Fortran 77

When linking Fortran 95, Fortran 77, and C++ object files together, use the driver of the highest language. For example, use the following C++ compiler command to link C++ and Fortran 95 object files.

example% CC -xlang=f95 ...

To link Fortran 95 and Fortran 77 object files, use the Fortran 95 driver, as follows.

example% f95 -xlang=f77 ...

For more information, see the entries for the following in the CC(1) man page:

Enabling and Disabling Trigraph Recognition

The -xtrigraphs option determines whether the compiler recognizes trigraph sequences as defined by the ISO/ANSI C standard.

By default, the compiler assumes -xtrigraphs=yes and recognizes all trigraph sequences throughout the compilation unit.

If your source code has a literal string containing question marks (?) that the compiler is interpreting as a trigraph sequence, you can use the -xtrigraph=no suboption to turn off the recognition of trigraph sequences. The -xtrigraphs=no option turns off recognition of all trigraphs throughout the entire compilation unit.

Consider the following example source file named trigraphs_demo.cc.

#include <stdio.h>
int main ()
  (void) printf("(\?\?) in a string appears as (??)\n");
  return 0;

Here is the output if you compile this code with -xtrigraphs=yes.

example% CC -xtrigraphs=yes trigraphs_demo.cc
example% a.out
(??) in a string appears as (]

Here is the output if you compile this code with -xtrigraphs=no.

example% CC -xtrigraphs=no trigraphs_demo.cc
example% a.out
(??) in a string appears as (??)

For more information on using the -xtrigraphs option, see the CC(1) man page. For information on trigraphs, see the C User's Guide chapter about transitioning to ANSI/ISO C.

Filtering Linker Error Messages

The new -filt option controls the filtering that CC normally applies to linker error messages.

The following example shows the effects of using -filt when compiling this code.

// filt_demo.cc
class type {
    virtual ~type(); // no definition provided
int main()
    type t;

When you compile the code without the -filt option, the compiler assumes -filt=names,returns,errors and displays the standard output.

example% CC filt_demo.cc
Undefined             first referenced
 symbol                  in file
type::~type()         filt_demo.o
type::__vtbl          filt_demo.o
[Hint: try checking whether the first non-inlined, non-pure 
virtual function of class type is defined]
ld: fatal: Symbol referencing errors. No output written to a.out

The following command suppresses the demangling of the of the C++ mangled linker names and suppresses the C++ explanations of linker errors.

example% CC -filt=no%names,no%errors filt_demo.cc
Undefined                       first referenced
 symbol                             in file
__1cEtype2T6M_v_                    filt_demo.o
__1cEtypeG__vtbl_                   filt_demo.o
ld: fatal: Symbol referencing errors. No output written to a.out

For more information, see the CC(1) man page.

Shared libCstd

Sun WorkShop 6 update 1 Compilers C++ (5.2) includes a shared version of the libCstd library.

To use the shared version of libCstd, compile the program in the usual way, but use a separate link step. In the link step, use the -library=no%Cstd option, and put the shared library name explicitly on the command line, as shown in this example.

example% CC -library=no%Cstd *.o \
-o myprog /opt/SUNWspro/WS6U1/lib/libCstd.so.1

If Sun WorkShop 6 update 1 is not installed in /opt, ask your system administrator for the equivalent path.

Note – If you use -library=no%Cstd in a command that compiles any C++ source code, the compiler will not find C++ standard headers.

Shared libiostream

Sun WorkShop 6 update 1 Compilers C++ (5.2) includes a shared version of the classic iostream library, libiostream.

To use the shared version of libiostream, compile the program in the usual way, but use a separate link step. In the link step, put the shared library name explicitly on the command line, and do not use the -library=iostream option, as shown in this example.

example% CC *.o -o myprog \

If Sun WorkShop 6 update 1 is not installed in /opt, ask your system administrator for the equivalent path.

Note – You must use -library=iostream on each compilation of the program build, but you must not use -library=iostream on the link step.

Optimization Pragmas

To help the optimizer generate better code, you can use the following new pragmas:

For both pragmas, name refers to the most recently declared function that uses that name.

Place these pragmas immediately after the functions to which they refer. For example, the first code example shows the correct placement of the no_side_effects pragma and the second example shows an incorrect placement.

class good_example {
  void no_op();
  #pragma no_side_effects (no_op) // correct placement
class bad_example{  
  void no_op(); 
#pragma no_side_effects (no_op) // incorrect placement

Recognition of .c++ Extension

When a file name appears on the command line, the compiler looks at the suffix to determine how to process the file. For example, the compiler processes files ending with .o as object files. The Sun WorkShop 6 update 1 Compilers C++ (5.2) recognizes files with the following extensions as C++ source files.

Prefetch Latency Specifier

(SPARC platform) If you are running computationally intensive codes on large multiprocessors, you might find it advantageous to use the new -xprefetch suboption latx:factor. This suboption instructs the code generator to adjust the default latency time between a prefetch and its associated load or store by the specified factor.

For more information, see the CC(1) man page.

Fortran Compilers

Both the Fortran 95 and Fortran 77 compilers are released with Sun WorkShop 6 update 1.

TABLE 1-3 lists the new features available with the Sun WorkShop 6 update 1 release that are common to both the Fortran 95 and Fortran 77 compilers. Some of the features are described in greater detail in the sections following the table.

TABLE 1-3   Fortran Compilers New Features 
Feature Options Description
Support for the UltraSPARC III Processor -xtarget
The -xtarget and -xchip options now accept ultra3. See the following discussion for the recommended flags to use for optimal UltraSPARC III performance.
Support for int2 Intrinsic
The int2 intrinsic supports compatibility with older Fortran 77 programs. It is equivalent to the preferred Fortran 95 int(var,2) intrinsic for conversion of data argument var to a 2-byte integer.
Enhanced -fast Option -fast The -fast option now includes the -xprefetch option.
Prefetch Latency Specifier -xprefetch=...,latx:factor This new suboption determines how far apart the instruction the compiler generates to prefetch data will be from the subsequent use of the data in a load or store instruction.
Mixed-Language Linking -xlang The new -xlang option enables linking of mixed Fortran and C++ object files.

Support for the UltraSPARC III Processor

Use the following options to compile for optimal performance when compiling and running your program on an UltraSPARC III processor:

-fast -xcrossfile -xprofile={collect:|use:}

Support for int2 Intrinsic

The Fortran 95 and Fortran 77 compilers now support the int2 intrinsic for conversion of data types to 2-byte integer. Use of int2 as an intrinsic appears in many legacy Fortran 77 codes in the form M=int2(J).

The preferred Fortran 95 usage is  M=int(J,2).

Enhanced -fast Option

The -xprefetch option has been added to the list of options included in the -fast option. This enables the compiler to strategically generate prefetch instructions. Using the -xprefetch option can add a substantial performance gain in code with loops that process data. The prefetch mechanism of the UltraSPARC III platform is much improved over that used by the UltraSPARC II platform.

Prefetch Latency Specifier

(SPARC platform) If you are running computationally intensive codes on large multiprocessors, you might find it advantageous to use the new -xprefetch suboption latx:factor. This suboption instructs the code generator to adjust the default latency time between a prefetch and its associated load or store by the specified factor.

See the f77(1) and f95(1) man pages for details.

Mixed-Language Linking

The new -xlang option allows you to link Fortran and C++ object files. For example, you can link a Fortran main program with C++ object files.

To determine which driver to use for mixed-language linking, use the following language hierarchy:

  1. C++

  2. Fortran 95

  3. Fortran 77

When linking Fortran 95, Fortran 77, and C++ object files together, use the driver of the highest language. For example, use the following C++ compiler command to link C++ and Fortran 95 object files.

example% CC -xlang=f95 ...

To link Fortran 95 and Fortran 77 object files, use the Fortran 95 driver, as follows.

example% f95 -xlang=f77 ...

Interval Arithmetic

TABLE 1-4 lists the new features available with the Sun WorkShop 6 update 1 release of interval arithmetic.

TABLE 1-4   Interval Arithmetic New Features  
Feature Description
Interval Arithmetic Support for C++ (SPARC platform) This release of the C++ compiler provides a C++ interface to the interval arithmetic library.
New f95 INTERVAL Intrinsic Operators and Functions f95 interval arithmetic adds support for the dependent subtraction operator, a division with intersection function, and the interval version of the generic random number generation subroutine RANDOM_NUMBER.

Interval Arithmetic Support for C++

The Sun WorkShop 6 update 1 release includes a C++ version of the interval functions and operators that are contained in Fortran 95 Interval Arithmetic. For more information about the C++ interval arithmetic library, see the C++ Interval Arithmetic Programming Reference available from http://docs.sun.com (in the ForteTM Developer 6 update 1/Sun WorkShop 6 update 1 Collection).

Interval Arithmetic support for C++ provides a C++ header file and library that implements three interval classes, one each for float, double, and long double. The interval classes include:

For standard mode compilation, all symbols in the library are in the namespace SUNW_interval.

The compilation interface consists of the following:

To use the C++ interval arithmetic features, add the following header file to the code.

#include <suninterval.h>

An example of compiling code using the -xia command-line option is shown below.

example% CC -o filename -xia filename.cc

New f95 INTERVAL Intrinsic Operators and Functions

The following features have been added to f95 interval arithmetic:

Dependent Subtraction Operator

The dependent subtraction operator .DSUB. can be used to recover either operand of an interval arithmetic addition.

Two interval variables are dependent when one interval variable is a result of an interval arithmetic operation applied to the other interval variable. For example, if X = A + B, then X depends on both A and B. Dependent interval subtraction produces narrower interval results when recovering A or B from X.

Note – Dependent operations cannot be applied to interval constants because constants are independent. Applying dependent operations to interval constants produces a compile-time error.

The result of X.DSUB.A contains the solution for B of the interval equation X = A + B. The result is [-inf,inf] if there is no solution.

The following examples show the behavior of DSUB.

Division With Intersection Function

The function DIVIX returns C (B/A), the interval enclosure of the result of the interval division operation (B/A) intersected with the interval C.

In the case when A contains zero, the mathematical result of the interval division operation (B/A) is the union of two disjoint intervals. Each interval in the union can be represented in the currently implemented interval arithmetic system. The DIVIX function allows one or part of these intervals to be returned.

The following example shows the output of DIVIX.

DIVIX( [3.0,5.0] , [6.0,15.0] , [2.0,6.0] )== [2.0,5.0]
DIVIX( [-3.0,5.0] , [8.0,20.0] , [-0.5,1.0] )== [EMPTY]
DIVIX( [-3.0,5.0] , [8.0,20.0] , [-7.0,8.0] )== [-7.0,8.0]
DIVIX ([-1,1], [1], [-Inf,0.0E+0]) == [-Inf,-1.0]
DIVIX ([-1,1], [1], [0,inf])       == [1.0,Inf]

Random Number Subroutine

RANDOM_NUMBER(HARVEST) returns through the interval variable HARVEST one pseudorandom interval or an array of pseudorandom intervals .

0 < 1 holds for the interval endpoints, where is the lower endpoint, and is the upper endpoint. Therefore, is uniformly distributed on the interval [0, 1], and, given , is uniformly distributed on the interval .


TABLE 1-5 lists the new features available with the Sun WorkShop 6 update 1 release of dbx.

TABLE 1-5   dbx New Features  
Feature Description
Support for Interval Arithmetic Expressions in Fortran Fortran interval types and expressions are now supported. Simple arithmetic (add, subtract, multiply, divide, negate), equal, and not equal operations are implemented.

Sun Performance Library

Sun Performance LibraryTM is a set of optimized, high-speed mathematical subroutines for solving linear algebra and other numerically intensive problems. Sun Performance Library is based on a collection of public domain applications available from Netlib at http://www.netlib.org. These routines have been enhanced and bundled as the Sun Performance Library.

TABLE 1-6 lists the new features and enhancements available with the Sun WorkShop 6 update 1 release of the Sun Performance Library.

TABLE 1-6   Sun Performance Library New Features 
Feature Description
Additional Performance Enhancements for the UltraSPARC III Processor Optimized performance on both single-processor and multi-processor UltraSPARC III platforms.
Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) Improvements Made changes to man pages, added additional error-checking to the code, and made performance improvements.
FFT Documentation Created Using Sun Performance Library Fast Fourier Transform Routines document that describes FFTPACK and VFFTPACK routines. Using Sun Performance Library Fast Fourier Transform Routines is available from http://docs.sun.com in the ForteTM Developer 6 update 1/Sun WorkShop 6 update 1 Collection.
Sparse Solver Improved performance and functionality, extend messaging system, incorporated SuperLU.
Improved Parallelization and Scalability Used data flow programming techniques on selected routines and libraries to improve performance.
Open MP Directives Used Increased support for Open MP directives.
Interval Matrix-Multiply Implemented Developed an interval-based MATMUL for the f95 intrinsics, which is the non-transpose, non-transpose case of the GEMM and GEMV routines.

Sampling Analyzer

TABLE 1-7 lists the new features available with the Sun WorkShop 6 update 1 release of the Sampling Analyzer.

TABLE 1-7   Sampling Analyzer New Features  
Feature Description
Hardware Counter Overflow Profiling Hardware counter overflow profiling records the callstack of each light-weight process (LWP) at the time the hardware counter of the CPU on which the LWP is running overflows.
Standalone collect Command The new collect command allows you to collect performance data on your applications independent of Sun WorkShop and dbx.
Improved Support for MPI Applications The new collect command provides improved message-passing interface (MPI) support.
Improved Support for OpenMP (libmtsk) Applications You can now distinguish when a slave thread is waiting for synchronization at the end of a parallel region and when it is waiting because the code is in a serial region.
Improved Mapfile Generation The mapfile is now produced so that it orders the executable by whatever metric is being used for sorting the function list.
Additions to the Select Filters Dialog Box The Experiment list and Select All, Clear All, and Reverse buttons in the Select Filters dialog box let you select experiments for which you want to change the data displayed. The Enable All, Enable All Selected, Disable All, and Disable All Selected buttons let you enable and disable data display for experiments.

Hardware Counter Overflow Profiling

Hardware counter overflow profiling records the callstack of each light-weight process (LWP) at the time the hardware counter of the CPU on which the LWP is running overflows. The data recorded includes a timestamp and the IDs of the CPU, the thread, and the LWP. Hardware counter overflow profiling can be done only on UltraSPARC III systems running the Solaris 8 Operating Environment SPARC Platform Edition and on Intel systems (Pentium II or III) running the Solaris 8 Operating Environment Intel Platform Edition. For more information, see "Hardware Counter Overflow Profiling Data" and "Choosing the Data to Collect" in the Using the Debugging Window section of the Sun WorkShop online help.

Standalone collect Command

The new collect command allows you to collect performance data on your applications independent of Sun WorkShop and dbx. It provides arguments for specifying the types of data to be collected, naming experiments and experiment groups, and requesting that the target process be left stopped on the exit from the exec system call, in order to allow a debugger to attach to it. For more information, see the collect(1) man page.

Improved Support for MPI Applications

The new collect command provides the following improved message-passing interface (MPI) support:

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