SunVTS 5.0 User's Guide

Installing SunVTS

There are several utilities available for installing packages. This chapter describes how to use the pkgadd utility to load SunVTS from a local CD-ROM drive. For information on how to install packages using other installation methods, see the Solaris 9 Sun Hardware Platform Guide.

To Install SunVTS With the pkgadd Command
  1. Login to the system and become superuser:

    % su

  2. Check to see if any SunVTS packages are currently installed on the system:

    # pkginfo -c sunvts
    • If the system does not display anything then no SunVTS packages are installed and you can proceed with the installation.

    • If you see any messages such as the following message, then SunVTS is installed and you should remove the existing SunVTS software before proceeding. See "Removing SunVTS".

      system      SUNWvts        SunVTS

  3. Load the Software Supplement for the Solaris Operating Environment CD (the Supplement CD) into the CD-ROM drive.

    Volume Manager automatically mounts the CD.

  4. Install SunVTS using pkgadd as shown in one of the examples below.

    • The following command installs SunVTS in the default directory (/opt):

      # pkgadd -d /cdrom/cdrom0/SunVTS_5.0/Product SUNWvts

    • The following command prompts you to enter the directory where SunVTS will reside instead of using the default (/opt) directory.

      # pkgadd -a none -d /cdrom/cdrom0/SunVTS_5.0/Product SUNWvts

      Note -

      If you install SunVTS in a directory other than the default (/opt) directory, you must set the VTS_PM_PATH variable before you use the SunVTS CDE interface. See "To Perform Additional Setup When SunVTS Is Installed in a Directory Other Than /opt".

  5. Answer the installation questions.

    You are asked if you want to enable the Kerberos-based, Sun Enterprise Authentication Mechanism (SEAM) security which provides the highest level of SunVTS security. You should only enable this if you have the SEAM software installed and the SEAM server and clients configured in your networked environment. Refer to "SunVTS Security". You can always answer no to this question, even when SEAM is configured in your environment.

    If you choose to run SunVTS with SEAM security, use the following SEAM assignments:

    • Principal--set to sunvts

    • Complete Service Name--set to sunvts@host, where host is the fully qualified domain name of the host where the SunVTS kernel is running.

    Note -

    You may see installation messages that inform you of other package requirements. These notifications do not prevent the successful installation or execution of SunVTS. The following steps explain how to install these other packages.

  6. Install the SunVTS supporting packages that are appropriate for your configuration. (See "SunVTS Packages" for more details.)


    # pkgadd -d /cdrom/cdrom0/SunVTS_5.0/Product SUNWvtsx SUNWvtsmn SUNWvtsol

    Note -

    Type -a none option again if you used it for the installation of SUNWvts.

    Note -

    The SUNWvtsx package only installs on systems that have the 64-bit Solaris Operating Environment installed.

    Note -

    The configd packages (SUNWeswsa, SUNWsycfd, SUNWesnta, and SUNWeswga) are no longer needed, and no longer supplied, for physical mapping support.

  7. Verify the presence of the packages:

    # pkginfo  SUNWvts SUNWvtsx SUNWvtsmn SUNWvtsol
    system      SUNWvts        SunVTS
    system      SUNWvtsmn      SunVTS Man Pages
    system      SUNWvtsx       64-bit SunVTS

To Set Up Access to the SunVTS Man Pages

The SunVTS man pages are installed in the SunVTS_install_dir/man directory (/opt/SUNWvts/man by default). To access them, add this directory to your MANPATH shell variable in the initialization file that corresponds to your login shell (usually .profile for the Bourne and Korn shells or .login for the C shell).

Note -

The steps that follow assume that the default SunVTS installation directory (/opt) was used when the SunVTS packages were installed. If this is not the case, adjust the instructions to use the directory where the man pages were installed.

  1. Using an editor, add the SunVTS man directory (/opt/SUNWvts/man by default) to the MANPATH variable in the appropriate initialization file.

    Bourne, Korn Shell example:

    MANPATH=/usr/share/man:/usr/man:/opt/SUNWvts/man;export MANPATH

    C shell example:

    setenv MANPATH /usr/share/man:/usr/man:/opt/SUNWvts/man

  2. Have the shell read the modified initialization file by sourcing it (with the . [dot] or source command) or log out and log back in.

  3. Verify that the SunVTS man directory is part of the MANPATH variable:

    # echo $MANPATH

    Note -

    For more information about customizing a user's work environment, shell variables, and initialization files, refer to your Solaris system administration guides.

To Perform Additional Setup When SunVTS Is Installed in a Directory Other Than /opt

When you install SunVTS in a directory other than the default directory (/opt), you must set the VTS_PM_PATH environment variable before you can use the SunVTS CDE user interface. This variable is used to locate graphic elements in the SunVTS CDE interface.

Note -

The VTS_PM_PATH variable is not required if SunVTS is installed in the default directory (/opt).

  1. Using an editor, open the appropriate initialization file such as .profile (for the Bourne or Korn shells) or .login (for the C shell).

  2. Add the VTS_PM_PATH variable as shown:

    Bourne or Korn Shell example:

    VTS_PM_PATH=your_base_install_dir/SUNWvts/bin/pm;export VTS_PM_PATH

    C shell example:

    setenv VTS_PM_PATH your_base_install_dir/SUNWvts/bin/pm

  3. Have the shell read the modified initialization file by sourcing it (with the . [dot] or source command) or log out and log back in.