SunVTS 5.0 User's Guide

Chapter 3 Starting SunVTS

This chapter contains information that describes:

SunVTS Runtime Considerations

Before you start SunVTS, consider the following runtime issues:

Requirements for Starting SunVTS

Your system must meet the following requirements to run SunVTS:

Note -

Although it is not a requirement, it is good practice to prepare devices like tape drives, CD-ROM drives, and diskette drives by installing the proper media before starting SunVTS. This practice assures the most reliable device-probe results. See "Preparing Devices for Testing" for more information.

Overview of SunVTS Procedures

The following table describes the process for testing your system with SunVTS. The table provides a brief description, and refers you to the location in the document for more detailed information.

Table 3-1 SunVTS Procedures




Become superuser 

Log in as root or use su to become root (superuser).

Note: To access SunVTS the user or host must be granted access through one of the SunVTS security mechanisms. See "SunVTS Security".

Determine the current state of the system you plan to test 

Your system is considered online if other applications are running and the system is operating in a production capacity. If the system is online, you should stop the applications and make sure the system remains offline for the duration of your testing. See "SunVTS Runtime Considerations".

Prepare devices for testing 

Load the required test media and loopback connectors. Test media is required when testing your tape, CD-ROM, and diskette drives in Functional mode. Communication port tests require loopback connectors. 

Refer to "Preparing Devices for Testing".

Start your desired graphical environment (optional) 

SunVTS runs in the CDE window environment, or in a non-graphical window environment (in TTY mode). 

TEST LINK 7/31: 

"Starting SunVTS on a Local System "

"Getting Started with the SunVTS CDE UI"

Chapter 4, Using the SunVTS CDE User Interface

"Getting Started with the SunVTS CDE UI"

Start SunVTS 

There are many ways to start the SunVTS application. 

Refer to the following sections: 

Set up SunVTS with your desired test session configuration 

The method for doing this depends on the SunVTS interface that you are using: 

Run the tests 

To run the tests, select the start button in the SunVTS interface.

The testing process may take as little as one second, or run indefinitely, based on how SunVTS is configured. 

Review the test results 

Test results are displayed real-time in the SunVTS interface and logged in three log files. You can also configure SunVTS to notify you by email. 

Quit SunVTS 

Refer to "Quitting SunVTS" for more details.

Preparing Devices for Testing

Several tests require the installation of media or loopback connectors. Install such requirements before the SunVTS kernel probes for devices (when SunVTS is started, or when the SunVTS reprobe command is run) to allow the SunVTS kernel to properly identify each device.

You must install media in these devices if you plan to test them in Functional Mode:

Note -

Any device that requires your intervention before the test can run (such as loading media for tape, CD-ROM, and diskette tests), also requires that you notify SunVTS that you have performed this action by selecting the Intervention checkbox. You cannot select any intervention mode tests until you select this checkbox.

Starting SunVTS on a Local System

This section describes the common ways to start SunVTS:

Using the sunvts Command

The typical way to start SunVTS is to use the sunvts command. This command starts the SunVTS kernel, either the 32-bit or 64-bit version, and one of the SunVTS user interfaces, based on your system environment.

The SunVTS UI that starts is determined by the following criteria:

Note -

The sunvts command starts SunVTS assuming that the system under test is in an offline state. All other system applications should be stopped.

To Start SunVTS with the sunvts command
  1. Become superuser.

  2. Run the sunvts command:

    # /opt/SUNWvts/bin/sunvts

    Note -

    If you receive an error message such as: connection to ":0.0" refused by server Xlib: Client is not authorized to connect to Server Error: Can't open display: :0.0 You may need to grant xhost permissions by typing: xhost display_hostname

  3. Refer to one of the following chapters according to the SunVTS UI you are using:

To Use the sunvts Command With Options

You can use the sunvts command with a variety of options (Table 3-2) to control how SunVTS is started.

  1. For example, the following command starts SunVTS with the TTY UI no matter what window environment you are using:

    # /opt/SUNWvts/bin/sunvts -t

    Table 3-2 The sunvts Command Syntax

    /opt/SUNWvts/bin/sunvts [-elpqstv] [-o options_file] [-f logfile_directory] [-h hostname] -display local_hostname:0





    Disables the connection permission checking feature 


    Starts the SunVTS kernel, but does not probe the test system's devices 


    Automatically quits both the SunVTS kernel and the user interface when testing stops 


    Automatically starts testing a selected group of tests; the flag must be used with the -o options_file flag


    Starts vtstty, a TTY-based program. If you do not specify this option, and the system is running CDE, sunvts starts vtsui.


    Displays version information from the SunVTS kernel and UI 

    -o options_file

    Starts the SunVTS kernel with the test options loaded from the options_file; these options are saved by the user interface and are stored in the /var/opt/SUNWvts/options directory

    -f logfile_directory

    Specifies an alternative logfile directory other than the default directory /var/opt/SUNWvts/logs

    -h hostname

    Starts the user interface (vtsui or vtstty) on the local machine and tries to connect to the SunVTS kernel (vtsk) of the specified host machine. If hostname is the same hostname of the machine on which the tests are being run, sunvts starts the SunVTS kernel (vtsk). If vtsk is already running on the test system, the sunvts command ignores the -o, -f, -q, -p, and -s options

    -display local_hostname:0

    When running SunVTS through a remote login, this option starts the SunVTS kernel on the remote system, and the user interface is displayed on the local machine designated as local_hostname:0

Starting the SunVTS Kernel and Interface Separately

The sunvts command starts both the SunVTS kernel and the user interface that is appropriate for your system. However, there are commands that you can use to start just the SunVTS kernel, or to specify a specific user interface.

To Start the SunVTS Kernel (vtsk)
  1. The vtsk command starts the SunVTS kernel. You can use command-line options (see Table 3-3 below) to control the behavior of this command.

    • For systems running in the 32-bit Solaris environment, use the following command:

      # /opt/SUNWvts/bin/vtsk

    • For systems running in the 64-bit Solaris environment, use the following command:

      # /opt/SUNWvts/bin/sparcv9/vtsk

    The vtsk command-line syntax and options are listed below:

    Table 3-3 The vtsk Syntax

    /opt/SUNWvts/bin/vtsk [-epqsv] [-o options_file] [-f logfile_directory]





    Disables the connection permission checking feature 


    Starts the SunVTS kernel, but does not probe test system devices 


    Quits both the SunVTS kernel and the user interface when testing is complete 


    Starts testing a selected group of tests; this flag must be used with the -o options_file flag


    Displays only the version information from the SunVTS kernel, vtsk; this option does not start the vtsk daemon

    -o options_file

    Starts the SunVTS kernel with the test options saved in the options_file; these options are saved and stored in the /var/opt/SUNWvts/options directory

    -f logfile_directory

    Specifies an alternative to the default logfile directory (/var/opt/SUNWvts/logs)

To Start a Specific SunVTS User Interface

In most cases, when you use the sunvts command, the appropriate SunVTS user interface is started.

  1. For situations when you want to start a specific user interface without starting the SunVTS kernel, use one of the following:

    • To start the CDE interface:

      # /opt/SUNWvts/bin/vtsui

    • To start the TTY interface:

      # /opt/SUNWvts/bin/vtstty

    In all cases, the user interface attempts to connect to the SunVTS kernel.

Starting SunVTS to Test an Online System

As of SunVTS 4.3, the SunVTS online testing capability that was initiated using the command is no longer available. The SUNWodu package that provides this online testing functionality is no longer provided.

Online Diagnostic testing of Sun systems is now available through the Sun Management Center software using the Sun Hardware Diagnostic Suite add-on software. See for details.

Before you start a SunVTS test session stop all user applications.

Starting SunVTS on a Remote System

You can start, view, and control SunVTS testing sessions over a network. There are several ways to do it, but the desired effect is to have SunVTS display the SunVTS user interface on the local system (the system that you are on), while the SunVTS kernel is running and testing a remote system (connected via Ethernet, modem lines, and the like).

The following procedures are described in this section:


In addition to the normal SunVTS requirements (refer to "Requirements for Starting SunVTS"), the following requirements must be met to run SunVTS on a remote system:

To Connect the User Interface to a Remote System
  1. Type the following command:

    # /opt/SUNWvts/bin/sunvts -h remote_hostname

    Replace remote_hostname with the hostname or IP address of the remote system.

    The sunvts command starts the SunVTS kernel (vtsk) on the remote system, and starts the SunVTS user interface on the local system. The user interface connects to the kernel and the displays the test session of the remote system. Refer to Figure 3-1 below.

    The term system under test (SUT) refers to the system running the SunVTS kernel, which is the remote system in this example.

    Figure 3-1 Running sunvts With the -h Option


    Note -

    If the user interface is already running on your local system, you can use the "Connect to" button to connect to a remote machine SunVTS kernel, provided that the SunVTS security is set up properly.

  2. Configure SunVTS for the test session and start the tests as described in the following sections:

To Run SunVTS Through a Remote Login
  1. Use the xhost command to allow the remote system to display on your local system.

    % /usr/openwin/bin/xhost + remote_hostname

    Replace remote_hostname with the name of the remote system.

  2. Log in to the remote system as superuser.

    Use a command such as rlogin.

  3. Start SunVTS:

    # /opt/SUNWvts/bin/sunvts -display local_hostname:0

    Replace local_hostname with the name of the local system.

    The SunVTS kernel starts on the remote system and the user interface displays on your system.

  4. Configure SunVTS for the test session and start the tests.

To Run SunVTS Through telnet or tip (TTY Interface)

You can run SunVTS on a remote system with the TTY interface through a telnet or tip session.

You need to set the correct terminal type and number of columns and rows before starting the interface. The steps below describe this process.

  1. Use the echo command to display the value of the TERM variable:

    In this example, the TERM variable is a Korn or Bourne shell variable and the value is sun-cmd. Your display device may be something else like a Wyse, TeleVideo, or other kind of terminal. In that case your TERM value will be something different.

    $ echo $TERM

  2. Use the stty command to display the settings of your terminal:

    $ stty
    speed 9600 baud; -parity hupcl 
    rows = 60; columns = 80; ypixels = 780; xpixels = 568;
    swtch = <undef>; 
    brkint -inpck -istrip icrnl -ixany imaxbel onlcr 
    echo echoe echok echoctl echoke iexten 

    Note -

    You must have a minimum of 80 columns and 24 rows to run the SunVTS TTY interface.

  3. Write down the values of your TERM variable and rows and columns settings.

    You will need these values later.

  4. Connect to the remote system using either the telnet or tip commands.

    Refer to the telnet(1) and tip(1) man pages for more information about these commands.

  5. Become superuser on the remote system.

  6. Identify your terminal type and settings in the telnet (or tip) session window:

    # TERM=sun-cmd
    # stty rows 60
    # stty columns 80

  7. Start SunVTS with the TTY interface:

    # /opt/SUNWvts/bin/sunvts -t

  8. Configure SunVTS for the test session and start the tests.

    Refer to Chapter 5, Using the SunVTS TTY User Interface.

Quitting SunVTS

To Quit SunVTS
  1. If SunVTS is testing, stop the test session before quitting SunVTS.

  2. To quit SunVTS, access the Quit SunVTS submenu and choose from one of the following:

    • vts kernel and ui--terminates the user interface and the SunVTS kernel

    • vts kernel--terminates only the SunVTS kernel

    • vts ui--terminates only the user interface

    • Quit Button--terminates only the user interface

Displaying Devices With the vtsprobe Utility

The vtsprobe command lists all of the system testable devices, associated configuration information, and corresponding hardware tests.

The SunVTS kernel must be running on the test machine for the vtsprobe command to work. See "Starting the SunVTS Kernel and Interface Separately".

Any user or remote host that wishes to run vtsprobe must be listed in the .sunvts_sec file. By default, root on the local host is listed.

To Display the Devices for a Local System
  1. Type the following command:

    Example 3-1 vtsprobe Example

    example% /opt/SUNWvts/bin/vtsprobe
    		Architecture: sparc
    		Type: TI TMS390Z50 SuperSPARC chip
    		System Configuration: sun4m SPARCstation 10 (1 X 390Z50)
    		System clock frequency: 40 MHz
    		SBUS clock frequency: 20 MHz
    		Amount: 233580KB
    		Physical Memory size:48 Mb
    		Host_Name: example
    		Host Address:
    		Host ID: 12347f61
    		Domain Name:
    		Logical Name: c0t0d0
    		Capacity: 510.23MB
    		Controller: esp0
    		Logical Name: c0t0d0
    		Drive Type: Exabyte EXB-8200 8mm Helical Scan
    		term/a & term/b
    		5000KB required for testing.
    		Controller:Intel 82077
    		Logical Name: diskette
    		Controller: Intel 82077
    		Audio Device Type: DBRI Speakerbox

To Display Devices of a Remote System

Note -

The user or local host must be listed in the .sunvts_sec file on the remote system.

  1. Make sure that the SunVTS kernel is running on the remote system.

  2. Type the following command:

    # vtsprobe -h hostname

    The vtsprobe utility connects to the remote machine and displays the hardware devices of the remote machine. The output is displayed on the window in which you invoke vtsprobe.