SunVTS 5.0 Test Reference Manual

disktest Test Options

To reach the dialog box below, right-click on the test name in the System Map and select Test Parameter Options. If you do not see this test in the System Map, you might need to expand the collapsed groups, or your system may not include the device appropriate to this test. Refer to the SunVTS User's Guide for more details.

Figure 12-1 disktest Test Parameter Options Dialog Box


Table 12-2 describes the disktest option menu for different test modes.

Table 12-2 disktest Configurations and Options

disktest Options



Displays the partition for the Media subtest. If a partition is mounted, its mount point is appended after the partition number, such as 1(/usr), where 1 is the partition number, and "(/usr)" is the mount point.

Test Media 

Enables or disables the Media subtest. 

Media Write Read Mode 

Enables Read-Only or Compare after Read or Read after Write, with or without backup. 

Media Test Method 

Enables or disables the Media Test Methods (SyncIO and AsyncIO). 

Media Coverage (%) 

Enables users to test all or part of a partition (in percentages). 

Media Transfer Size 

Displays the transfer size of the media subtest. 

Test File System 

Enables or disables the File System subtest. 

File System File Size 

Creates a file system file size twice the size of what is specified. 

File System Transfer Size 

Displays the transfer size of the File System subtest. 

File System Test Pattern 

Test pattern of File System subtest. 

Connection Test for Hard Disk 

  • Option Menu for hard disk partition--0 - 7 [default]

  • Test Media--[Enable] (fixed to Enable)

  • Media Write Read Mode--[Read Only] (fixed to Read Only)

  • Media Test Method-[SyncIO] (fixed to SyncIO)

  • Media Coverage(%)--1

  • Media Transfer Size--[2KB]

  • Test File System--[Disable] (fixed to Disable)

Online Mode for Hard Disk 

  • Partition--0 - 7 [default]

  • Test Media--[Enable] [Disable]

  • Test Mode--[Read-only~] (fixed to Read-only)

  • Media Coverage(%)--[10]

  • Media Transfer Size--[2KB]]

  • Test File System--[Disable~] (fixed to Disable)

Functional Test for Hard Disk 

  • Partition--0 - 7 [default]

  • Test Media--[Enable] [Disable]

  • Media Write Read Mode--[Readonly] [CompareRead] [WriteRead]

  • Media Test method--[SyncIO] [AsyncIO]

  • Media Coverage(%)--[30]

  • Media Transfer Size--[2KB] [16KB] [32KB] [64KB] [128KB] [256KB] [512KB]

  • Test File System--[Enable] [Disable]

  • File System File Size--[512KB] [2MB] [8MB] [20MB] [100MB] [200MB]

  • File System Transfer Size--[512B] [1024B] [10KB] [40KB] [80KB]

  • File System Test Pattern--[sequential] [0x00000000] [0xffffffff] [0x5aa55aa5] [0xdb6db6db] [random]

Functional Test for Floppy Disk 

  • (under Other-Devices group)--partition: 0 - 7 [default]

  • Test Media--[Enable]- [Disable]

  • Media Write Read Mode--[Read-only] [BackupWriteRead]

  • Media Test Method--[SyncIO] [AsyncIO]

  • Media Coverage(%)--[30]

  • Media Transfer Size--[2KB] [10KB] [20KB]

  • Test File System--[Enable] [Disable]

  • Floppy File Size-- [100KB] [200KB]

  • Floppy Transfer Size--[512B] [1024B] [10KB]

  • File System Test Pattern--[sequential] [0x00000000] [0xffffffff] [0x5aa55aa5] [0xdb6db6db] [random]