SunVTS 5.0 Test Reference Manual

Chapter 26 Floating Point Unit Test (fputest)

fputest checks the floating point unit on machines with SPARC architecture.

fputest Subtests

Instruction tests:

Benchmark tests:

fputest Options

To reach the dialog box below, right-click on the test name in the System Map and select Test Parameter Options. If you do not see this test in the System Map, you might need to expand the collapsed groups, or your system may not include the device appropriate to this test. Refer to the SunVTS User's Guide for more details.

Figure 26-1 fputest Test Parameter Options Dialog Box


fputest Test Modes

Table 26-1 fputest Test Modes

Test Mode 





In this mode, fputest includes all the instruction tests.




Runs all the instruction tests and all the benchmark tests. 

Stress mode 


This mode runs several fpu benchmark tests.

fputest Command-Line Syntax

/opt/SUNWvts/bin/fputest standard_arguments

Note -

64-bit tests are located in the sparcv9 subdirectory: /opt/SUNWvts/bin/sparcv9/testname. If a test is not present in this directory, then it may only be available as a 32-bit test. For more information refer to "32-Bit and 64-Bit Tests".