SunVTS 5.0 Test Reference Manual

gfxtest Test Requirements

Caution - Caution -

DO NOT run any other application or screen saver program that uses the PGX32 frame buffer card. These programs cause SunVTS to return incorrect errors.

Disable all screen savers before testing any graphics device. Type xset s off at a UNIX prompt to disable the Solaris screen saver.

Due to the nature of graphics tests, reading from or writing to the frame buffer during graphics tests will disturb user operation.

Do not run gfxtest from the SunVTS TTY mode when you are at the console.

For full instructions on testing frame buffers, see "Testing Frame Buffers".

Note -

DO NOT run Open Windows across multiple monitors.

Note -

To start SunVTS with vtsui, but without vtsk, you may need to add the host name to xhost as: xhost + hostname.