SunVTS 5.0 Test Reference Manual

sunlink Command-Line Syntax

/opt/SUNWvts/bin/sunlink standard_arguments -o dev=device_name,p=port#, P=data_pattern,brate=speed_n,I,C=clocksource

Table 53-3 sunlink Command-Line Syntax




Specifies the device to be tested. 


Use hih0 for the HDLC protocol


Specifies the port number to be tested. 


Specifies the data_pattern as one of the following:

  • c--Character (0x55)

  • i--Incrementing

  • d--Decrementing

  • r--Random (default)


Specifies the bit rate transfer speed from 9600bs to 2.048mbs. 


Enables internal loopback for HSI. 


Specifies the clock source value as one of the following: 

  • B--Onboard clock source

  • E--External clock source

The following is a typical command-line syntax for testing a SunHSI board:

# /opt/SUNWvts/bin/sunlink -o dev=hih0,P=0+1+2+3,brate=100000

This command tests the internal loopback for ports 0, 1, 2, and 3. It does not run for the port to port internal loopback test.

Note -

64-bit tests are located in the sparcv9 subdirectory: /opt/SUNWvts/bin/sparcv9/testname. If a test is not present in this directory, then it may only be available as a 32-bit test. For more information refer to "32-Bit and 64-Bit Tests".