C H A P T E R  3

SPARC Optimization and Parallel Processing

This chapter describes how to use compiler and linking options to optimize applications for:

TABLE 3-1 shows a comparison of the 32-bit and 64-bit operating environments. These items are described in greater detail in the following sections.

TABLE 3-1 Comparison of 32-bit and 64-bit Operating Environments

32-bit (ILP 32)

64-bit (LP64)


v8, v8plusa, v8plusb

v9, v9a, v9b

Fortran Integers



C Integers







Names of routines

Names of routines with _64 suffix

Using Sun Performance Library on SPARC Platforms

The Sun Performance Library was compiled using the f95 compiler provided with this release. The Sun Performance Library routines were compiled using -dalign and -xarch set to v8, v8plusa, or v9a.

For each -xarch option used to compile the libraries, there is a library compiled with -xparallel and a library compiled without -xparallel. When linking the program, use -dalign, -xlic_lib=sunperf, and the same command line options that were used when compiling. If -dalign cannot be used in the program, supply a trap 6 handler as described in Getting Started With Sun Performance Library. If compiling with a value of -xarch that is not one of [v8|v8plusa|v9a], the compiler driver will select the closest match.

Sun Performance Library is linked into an application with the -xlic_lib switch rather than the -l switch that is used to link in other libraries, as shown here.

 my_system% f95 -dalign my_file.f -xlic_lib=sunperf

Compiling for SPARC Platforms

Applications using Sun Performance Library can be optimized for specific SPARC instruction set architectures and for a 64-bit enabled Solaris operating environment. The optimization for each architecture is targeted at one implementation of that architecture and includes optimizations for other architectures when it does not degrade the performance of the primary target.

Compile with the most appropriate -xarch= option for best performance. At link time, use the same -xarch= option that was used at compile time to select the version of the Sun Performance Library optimized for a specific SPARC instruction set architecture.

Note - Using SPARC-specific optimization options increases application performance on the selected instruction set architecture, but limits code portability. When using these optimization options, the resulting code can be run only on systems using the specific SPARC chip from Sun Microsystems and, in some cases, a specific Solaris operating environment (32-bit or 64-bit Solaris 7, Solaris 8, or Solaris 9).

The SunOStrademark command isalist(1) can be used to display a list of the native instruction sets executable on a particular platform. The names output by isalist are space-separated and are ordered in the sense of best performance.

For a detailed description of the different -xarch options, refer to the Fortran User's Guide or the C User's Guide.

Use the following command line options to compile for 32-bit addressing in a 32-bit enabled Solaris operating environment:

  • UltraSPARC Itrademark or UltraSPARC IItrademark systems. Use -xarch=v8plus or -xarch=v8plusa.
  • UltraSPARC IIItrademark systems. Use -xarch=v8plus or -xarch=v8plusb.

Use the following command line options to compile for 64-bit addressing in a 64-bit enabled Solaris operating environment.

  • UltraSPARC I or UltraSPARC II systems. Use -xarch=v9 or -xarch=v9a.
  • UltraSPARC III systems. Use -xarch=v9 or -xarch=v9b.

Compiling Code for a 64-Bit Enabled Solaris Operating Environment

To compile code for a 64-bit enabled Solaris operating environment, use -xarch=v9[a|b] and convert all integer arguments to 64-bit arguments. 64-bit routines require the use of 64-bit integers.

Sun Performance Library provides 32-bit and 64-bit interfaces. To use the 64-bit interfaces:

  • Modify the Sun Performance Library routine name. For C and Fortran 95 code, append _64 to the names of Sun Performance Library routines (for example, rfftf_64 or CFFTB_64). For Fortran 95 code with the USE SUNPERF statement, the _64 suffix is not strictly required for specific interfaces, such as DGEMM. The _64 suffix is still required for the generic interfaces, such as GEMM.
  • Promote integers to 64 bits. Double precision variables and the real and imaginary parts of double complex variables are already 64 bits. Only the integers are promoted to 64 bits.

64-Bit Integer Arguments

These additional 64-bit-integer interfaces are available only in the v9, v9a, and v9b libraries. Codes compiled for 32-bit operating environments (-xarch set to v8plusa or v8plusb) can not call the 64-bit-integer interfaces.

To call the 64-bit-integer interfaces directly, append the suffix _64 to the standard library name. For example, use daxpy_64() in place of daxpy().

However, if calling the 64-bit integer interfaces indirectly, do not append _64 to the name of the Sun Performance Library routine. Calls to the Sun Performance Library routine will access a 32-bit wrapper that promotes the 32-bit integers to 64-bit integers, calls the 64-bit routine, and then demotes the 64-bit integers to 32-bit integers.

For best performance, call the routine directly by appending _64 to the routine name.

For C programs, use long instead of int arguments. The following code example shows calling the 64-bit integer interfaces directly.

#include <sunperf.h>
long n, incx, incy;
double alpha, *x, *y;
daxpy_64(n, alpha, x, incx, y, incy);

The following code example shows calling the 64-bit integer interfaces indirectly.

#include <sunperf.h>
int  n, incx, incy;
double alpha, *x, *y;
daxpy   (n, alpha, x, incx, y, incy);

For Fortran programs, use 64-bit integers for all integer arguments. The following methods can be used to convert integer arguments to 64-bits:

  • To promote all default integers (integers declared without explicit byte sizes) and literal integer constants from 32 bits to 64 bits, compile with -xtypemap=integer:64.
  • To promote specific integer declarations, change INTEGER or INTEGER*4 to INTEGER*8.
  • To promote integer literal constants, append _8 to the constant.

Consider the following code example.

CALL DAXPY_64(N,ALPHA,X,1_8,Y,1_8)

INTEGER*8 arguments cannot be used in a 32-bit environment. Routines in the 32-bit libraries, v8, v8plusa, v8plusb, cannot be called with 64-bit arguments. However, the 64-bit routines can be called with 32-bit arguments.

When passing constants in Fortran 95 code that have not been compiled with -xtypemap, append _8 to literal constants to effect the promotion. For example, when using Fortran 95, change CALL DSCAL(20,5.26D0,X,1) to CALL DSCAL(20_8,5.26D0,X,1_8). This example assumes USE SUNPERF is included in the code, because the _64 has not been appended to the routine name.

The following code example shows calling CAXPY from Fortran 95 using 32-bit arguments.

       COMPLEX X(*), Y(*)

The following code example shows calling CAXPY from Fortran 95 (without the USE SUNPERF statement) using 64-bit arguments.

       COMPLEX   X(*), Y(*)

When using 64-bit arguments, the _64 must be appended to the routine name if the USE SUNPERF statement is not used.

The following Fortran 95 code example shows calling CAXPY using 64-bit arguments.

       COMPLEX   X(*), Y(*)

In C routines, the size of long is 32 bits when compiling for V8 or V8plus and 64 bits when compiling for V9. The following code example shows calling the dgbcon routine using 32-bit arguments.

void dgbcon(char norm, int n, int nsub, int nsuper, double *da,
            int lda, int *ipivot, double danorm, double drcond, 
            int *info)

The following code example shows calling the dgbcon routine using 64-bit arguments.

void dgbcon_64 (char norm, long n, long nsub, long nsuper,
                  double *da, long lda, long *ipivot, double danorm,
                double *drcond, long *info)

Parallel Processing

If using multithreading, use one of the following options:

  • For code compiled with automatic or explicit compiler parallelization, use the same parallelization option (-xparallel, -xexplicitpar, or -xautopar) at link time as at compile time, as shown in the following example.
  • % cc  -dalign -xarch=... -xparallel a.c   -xlic_lib=sunperf

% f95 -dalign -xarch=... -xparallel a.f95 -xlic_lib=sunperf 

  • For code that uses POSIX or Solaris threads, use -mt on the link line, as shown in the following example.
  • % cc  -dalign -xarch=... -mt        a.c   -xlic_lib=sunperf

% f95 -dalign -xarch=... -mt        a.f95 -xlic_lib=sunperf

Sun Performance Library does not support mixing compiler parallelization and POSIX multithreading or Solaris multithreading.

Run-Time Issues

At run time, if running with compiler parallelization, Sun Performance Library uses the same pool of threads that the compiler does. The per-thread stack size must be set to at least 4 Mbytes with the STACKSIZE environment variable, as follows:

% setenv STACKSIZE 4000

Setting the STACKSIZE environment variable is not required for programs running with POSIX or Solaris threads. In this case, user created threads that call Sun Performance Library routines must have a stack size of at least 4 Mbytes. Failure to supply an adequate stack size for the Sun Performance Library routines might result in stack overflow problems. Symptoms of stack overflow problems include runtime failures that could be difficult to diagnose. For more information on setting the stack size of user created threads, see the pthread_create(3THR), pthread_attr_init(3THR) and pthread_attr_setstacksize(3THR) man pages for POSIX threads or the thr_create(3THR) for Solaris threads.

Degree of Parallelism

Sun Performance Library will attempt to parallelize each Sun Performance Library call according to the user's parallelization model by using either explicit threads or loop-based compiler multithreading.

The number of threads Sun Performance Library routines will attempt to use is set at run time by the user with the PARALLEL environment variable. The PARALLEL environment variable can be overridden by calls to the Sun Performance Library USE_THREADS routine.

For example, if user programs with POSIX or Solaris-thread codes are linked with -mt, each Sun Performance Library call will produce PARALLEL threads. The code will oversubscribe the machine if:

  • One bound thread per CPU is created
  • Each thread makes a Sun Performance Library call
  • PARALLEL is set to a value greater than one

For codes using compiler parallelization, Sun Performance Library routines are parallelized with loop-based compiler directives. Because nested parallelism is not supported, Sun Performance Library calls made from a parallel region will not be further parallelized.

In the following code example, none of the calls to DGEMM is parallelized, because the loop is parallelized and only one level of parallelization is supported.

 !$<some parallelization directive>
  DO I = 1, N
    CALL DGEMM(...)

The loop consists of many DGEMM instances running in parallel with one another, but each DGEMM instance uses only one thread.

In the following code example, the loop is not parallelized.

DO I = 1, N
    CALL DGEMM(...)

If the code is linked for parallelization with -mt, -xparallel, -xexplicitpar, or -xautopar, the individual calls to DGEMM will be parallelized. The number of threads used by each DGEMM call will be taken from the run-time value of the environment variable PARALLEL. However, if a higher-level loop has already parallelized this region, no further parallelization would be performed.

The number of OpenMP threads can be set by a variety of means. For example, by setting the OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable or by setting the OMP_SET_NUM_THREADS() run-time call. If both environment variables are set, they must be set to the same value. If the run-time function is called, it overrides any environment variable setting.

The degree of parallelization within a pure-OpenMP code can be set with the OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable. The Sun Performance Library USE_THREADS() routine can also be used to set the degree of parallelism for Sun Performance Library calls, which overrides the OMP_NUM_THREADS value.

In the following code example, each DGEMM call would be parallelized.

  DO I = 1, N
    CALL DGEMM(...)

Note that the DOSERIAL* directive suppresses parallelization, but only for the loop nest within the same subroutine and it is overridden by any other directive within that nest. The DOSERIAL* directive does not impact parallelization within Sun Performance Library.

In the following code example, there will be at most two-way parallelism, regardless of the setting of the number of OpenMP threads.

  DO I = 1, N / 2
    CALL DGEMM(...)
  DO I = N / 2 + 1, N
    CALL DGEMM(...)

Only one level of parallelism exists, which are the two sections. Further parallelism within a DGEMM() call is suppressed.

Synchronization Mechanisms

The underlying parallelization model determines the Sun Performance Library behavior.

The two basic modes of multithreading, compiler parallelization and POSIX or Solaris threads, use two different types of synchronization mechanisms. Compiler parallelized code uses spin waits, which produce the most responsive synchronization operations, but aggressively consume CPU cycles. Compiler parallelized code produces optimal performance when each thread has a dedicated CPU, but wastes resources when other jobs or threads are also competing for CPUs.

However, codes that explicitly use POSIX or Solaris threads use synchronization functions from libthread. These synchronization functions are less responsive, but they relinquish the CPU when the thread is idle, providing good throughput and resource usage in a shared (oversubscribed) environment.

With compiler parallelization, the environment variable SUNW_MP_THR_IDLE can be used at run time to alter the spin-wait characteristics of the threads. Legal settings of SUNW_MP_THR_IDLE are as follows.

% setenv SUNW_MP_THR_IDLE spin
% setenv SUNW_MP_THR_IDLE 2s
% setenv SUNW_MP_THR_IDLE 100ms

These settings would cause threads to spin wait (default behavior), spin for 2 seconds before sleeping, or spin for 100 milliseconds before sleeping, respectively.

The link-time option -xlic_lib=sunperf links in Sun Performance Library functions that employ the same parallelization model as the user code, as indicated by -mt or by a compiler-parallelization option (-xparallel, -xexplicitpar, or -xautopar). Using Sun Performance Library routines do not change the spin-wait behavior of the code.

Parallel Processing Examples

The following sections demonstrate using the PARALLEL environment variable and the compile and linking options for creating code that supports using:

  • A single processor
  • Multiple processors

Using a Single Processor

To use a single processor:

1. Call one or more of the routines.

2. Link with -xlic_lib=sunperf specified at the end of the command line.

Do not compile or link with -xparallel, -xexplicitpar, or -xautopar.

3. Make sure the PARALLEL environment variable is unset or set equal to 1.

fThe following example shows how to compile and link with libsunperf.so.

cc -dalign -xarch=... any.c -xlic_lib=sunperf


f95 -dalign -xarch=... any.f95 -xlic_lib=sunperf

Using Multiple Processors

To compile for multiple processors:

  • Use the same parallelization option for the compiling and linking commands.
  • Specify the number of processors at runtime with the PARALLEL environment variable before running the executable.

For example, to use 24 processors, type the following commands.

 my_system% f95 -dalign -mt my_app.f -xlic_lib=sunperf
 my_system% setenv PARALLEL 24
 my_system% ./a.out

The previous example allows Sun Performance Library routines to run in parallel, but no part of the user code my_app.f will run in parallel. For the compiler to attempt to parallelize my_app.f, either -xparallel or -explicitpar is required on the compile line.

Note - Parallel processing options require using either the -dalign command-line option or establishing a trap 6 handler, as described in Enabling Trap 6. When using C, do not use -misalign.

To use multiple processors:

1. Call one or more of the routines.

2. Link with -xlic_lib=sunperf specified at the end of the command line.

Compile and link with -xparallel, -xexplicitpar, or -xautopar.

3. Set PARALLEL to the number of available processors.

The following example shows how to compile and link with libsunperf_mt.so.

cc -dalign -xarch=... -xparallel any.c -xlic_lib=sunperf


f95 -dalign -xarch=... -xparallel any.f95 -xlic_lib=sunperf