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Sun ONE Identity Server Policy Agent Pack Guide

Chapter 7   Policy Agent for Lotus Domino 5.0.10

Sun ONE Identity Server Policy Agents work in tandem with Sun ONE Identity Server to grant or deny user access to web servers in an enterprise. The Sun ONE Identity Server Policy Agent for Lotus Domino 5.0.10 supports only the Single Sign-on (SSO) feature of Sun ONE Identity Server. This chapter explains how to install the Sun ONE Identity Server Policy Agent for Lotus Domino 5.0.10 server running on the Windows 2000 operating system.

Topics include:

Before You Begin

Be sure that you are familiar with the concepts presented in Chapter 1 "Read This First." The chapter includes brief but important information on the following topics:

Using the Graphical User Interface (GUI) Version of the Installation Program

Use the GUI version to install the Policy Agent.

Installing the Policy Agent Using GUI

You must have administrator privileges to run the Installation program.

  1. Unzip the product binaries file.

  2. Run the Installation program by double-clicking setup.exe.

  3. In the Welcome panel, click Next.

  4. Read the License Agreement. Click Yes to agree to the license terms.

  5. In the Select Installation Directory screen, select where you would like to install the agent by clicking Browse, or click Next to accept the default.

  6. Mark the check box to select the component "SunTM ONE Identity Server Policy Agent 1.1 for Lotus Domino 5.0.10" and click Next.

  7. Provide the following information about the web server where this agent will be installed:

    Host Name: Enter the fully qualified domain name of the system where the agent web server is installed. For example,

    Domino directory: Enter the full path to the directory where the Domino Web Server instance is located. This is the web server instance that the agent will protect. For example, /Web_Server_root/

    Domino Data directory: Enter the full path to the directory where the Domino data is located.

    Web Server Port: Enter the port number for the web server that will be protected by the agent.

    Web Server Protocol: If the web server has been configured for SSL, then select HTTPS; otherwise select HTTP.

    Agent Deployment URI: Enter a directory name. The default URI for the policy agent is /amagent.

    The Universal Resource Identifier (URI) prefix tells the web server where to look for HTML pages the agent needs to display. For example, when a user attempts to access a URL, but cannot provide proper credentials, the agent must display an "Access denied" message. The URI prefix tells the web server where to look for the HTML page that contains the message. A directory denoted by this URI, will be created in the web server Document Root you supplied.

    If all the information entered is correct, click Next.

  8. Provide the following information about the web server that runs Identity Server services.

    Identity Server Services Host: Enter the fully qualified domain name of the system where the primary web server that runs Identity Server services is installed. For example,

    Identity Server Services Port: Enter the port number for the primary web server that runs Identity Server services.

    Identity Server Services Protocol: If the web server that runs Identity Server services has been configured for SSL, then select HTTPS; otherwise select HTTP.

    Identity Server Services Deployment URI: Enter the location that was specified when Identity Server was installed. The default Universal Resource Identifier (URI) for Identity Server is /amserver.

    Failover Server Host: Enter the fully qualified domain name for the secondary web server that will run Identity Server services if the primary server becomes unavailable. If no failover server exists, then leave this field blank.

    Failover Server Port: Enter the port number of the secondary web server that will run Identity Server services. If no failover server exists, then leave this field blank.

  9. If all the information entered is correct click Next.

  10. Click Install Now.

  11. When the installation is complete you may review the details, and then click Exit.

After the agent is installed successfully, configure the Domino DSAPI filter. See "Configuring the Domino DSAPI Filter".

Uninstalling the Policy Agent

  1. Invoke Lotus Notes, choose File > Preferences > Local Preferences.

  2. Click Internet Protocols > HTTP tab.

  3. Remove the DSAPI filter file name and leave this field blank.

  4. Click the Save and Close button to save the changes.

  5. Open Domino console and restart the server by entering the following commands:

    tell http quit

    load http

  6. From the Start Menu, choose Settings > Control Panel.

  7. In the Control Panel, double-click Add / Remove Programs.

  8. In the Add/Remove Programs window, choose iPlanet Directory Services Access Management Edition Agent 1.1 for Lotus Domino 5.0.10 and then click Change/Remove.

  9. In the Welcome Panel, click Next.

  10. In the Type of Uninstall Panel, select Full.


    Since there is only one component, it is recommended that you select Full uninstallation.The Partial uninstallation is not supported.

  11. Click Uninstall Now.

  12. Click Exit after uninstallation is complete.

Using the Command-Line Version of the Installation Program

The command-line version of the Installation program provides you an alternative to the graphical user interface (GUI) version.

Installing the Policy Agent Using the Command Line

  1. In the directory where you unzipped the binaries file, at the command line, enter the following command:

    java agent_Domino_W2K -nodisplay

  2. When prompted, provide the following information:

    Have you read, and do you accept, all of the terms of the preceding Software License Agreement?

    Install Sun ONE Identity Server Agent in this directory: Specify the directory where you want the agent to be installed. To accept the default directory that is displayed in brackets, press Enter. Otherwise, enter a full path.

  3. The following text displays:

    Sun ONE Identity Server Agent components showing a checked box will be installed. Only one agent may be installed at a time.
    [ ] 1 Sun(TM) ONE Identity Server Policy Agent for Lotus Domino 5.0.10

Enter 1 to install the agent.When a check mark appears beside your choice, enter 0 to continue.

  1. When prompted, provide the following information about the Domino server instance this Agent will protect:

    • Host Name

    • Domino directory

    • Domino Data directory

    • Web Server Port

    • Web Server Protocol

    • Agent Deployment URI

    For details on these items, refer to "Using the Graphical User Interface (GUI) Version of the Installation Program" on page 112.

  2. When prompted, provide the following information about the Domino Server that runs Identity Server Services:

    • Identity Server Services Host

    • Identity Server Services Port

    • Identity Server Services Protocol

    • Identity Server Services Deployment URI

    • Failover Server Host

    • Failover Server Port

    For details on these items, refer to "Using the Graphical User Interface (GUI) Version of the Installation Program" on page 112.

  3. When displayed, review the summary of installation information you've specified. Press Enter to continue, or enter and exclamation point (!) to exit the program.

  4. The following message displays:

    Ready to Install

    1. Install Now
    2. Start Over
    3. Exit Installation

    What would you like to do

    To continue with installation, enter 1.

  5. After the agent is installed, configure the Domino DSAPI filter. Refer to "Configuring the Domino DSAPI Filter"

Uninstalling the Policy Agent

  1. In the Agent_Install_Dir directory, at the command line, enter the following command:

    java uninstall_DSAME_Agent_Pack -nodisplay

  2. When prompted, provide the following information:

    Please select the type of uninstall to perform from the following choices: To remove the product and all of the components, enter 1 for Full. To select some, but not all, product components to removed, enter 2 for Partial.


    Since there is only one component, it is recommended that you enter 1 for Full uninstallation.The Partial uninstallation is not supported.

  3. The following message displays:

    Ready to Uninstall

    1. Uninstall Now
    2. Start Over
    3. Exit Uninstallation
    What would you like to do?

    To begin uninstalling the agent, enter 1.

  4. The following message displays

    Product                  Result    More Info
    1.  Domino Agent         Full      Available
    2.  Done

    To see log information, enter 1. To exit the Installation program, enter 2.

  5. When the Installation program is finished, you must reboot the system.

Configuring the Domino DSAPI Filter

Use the following procedure to configure DSAPI filter.

  1. Invoke Lotus Notes, choose File > Preferences > Local Preferences.

  2. Click Internet Protocols > HTTP tab.

  3. Enter the following for DSAPI filter file name:


  4. On Domino console restart the server by entering the following commands:

    tell http quit

    load http

Using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) With an Agent

During Installation, if you specify the HTTPS protocol for the web server that runs Identity Server services, the agent is automatically configured to communicate over SSL.

The Agent's Default Trust Behavior

By default, a policy agent is installed on a Domino Server that will trust any server certificate presented over SSL by the web server that runs Identity Server services; the agent does not check the Certificate Authority (CA) certificate. If the web server that runs Identity Server services is SSL-enabled, and you want the policy agent to perform certificate-checking, you must do the following:

  1. Disable the agent's default trust behavior.

  2. Install a CA certificate on the web server where the agent is installed. The CA certificate must the be same one that is installed on the web server that runs Identity Server service.

Disabling the Agent's Default Trust Behavior

The following property exists in the AMAgent.properites file, and by default it is set to true:

This means that the agent does not perform certificate checking.

To Disable the Default Behavior

The following property must be set to false:

Installing the CA Certificate

The CA certificate that you install on the Domino server must be the same one that is installed on the web server that runs Identity Server services.

To Install the CA Certificate on Domino Server

See the instructions for installing a CA Certificate in the documentation that comes with the web server. Generally, this is done through the web server's Administration console.

  1. Go to the following directory:


  2. Add the same certificate that is installed on the web server that runs Identity Server services into the existing certificate database. At the command line, enter the following command:

    certutil -A -n cert-name -t "C,C,C" -d cert-dir -i cert-file

    using the following variables:

    • cert-name can be any name for this certificate.

    • cert-dir is directory where the certificate-related files are located. On Windows the locations is:


    • cert-file is the base-64 encoded certificate file.

    • For more information on certutil, type certutil -H

  3. Restart Domino Server.

Troubleshooting Information

  • Installation failure

    Generate debug file by executing the following command:

    java agent_Domino_W2K -debug -debugMessage

    Check the debug messages in the debug file agent_Domino_W2K.class

  • Unable to start Domino Server

    Check the Windows registry and verify whether the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Sun ONE\IS Domino Agent has the Install path set correctly to Agent_Install_Dir.

  • Domino Server starts with an error message "Unable to load filter".

    Ensure that you have set the DSAPI filter correctly.

  • The Sun ONE Identity Server Policy Agent uninstaller displays a blank screen and hangs when Partial uninstallation type is selected.

    To troubleshoot this problem:

    1. Close the Command Prompt window from where you executed the uninstall script.

    2. Delete the productregistry.access.tmp file located at C:\Winnt\system32

    3. Run the uninstall script again.

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Copyright 2002   Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.

Last Updated November 20, 2002