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iPlanet Certificate Management System Command-Line Tools Guide

Chapter 3   Kill Process Tool

If an error causes iPlanet Certificate Management System (CMS) to become unresponsive, and all attempts to stop it from Netscape Console fail, it may be necessary to kill the server processes manually. This chapter describes the killproc utility, which enables you to terminate CMS processes manually.

This chapter has the following sections:


The killproc tool is located with the rest of the command-line tools in this directory: <server_root>/bin/cert/tools


The killproc command takes one argument, the process ID of the process to be killed:

killproc <process_id>

where <process_id> specifies the ID of the process that needs to be terminated.


If an error causes Certificate Management System to become unresponsive, and all attempts to stop it from Netscape Console fail, it may be necessary to kill the server processes manually. The processes that should be killed are identified as follows:

  • cms_server

  • cms_watchdog

  • cms_daemon

On a Windows NT system, the server processes will have .exe file extension and will be listed in the Windows NT Task Manager. However, because they are system processes, you cannot terminate them from the Task Manager. Instead, you should terminate them using the killproc command-line tool.

In order to kill system processes, the user that runs killproc command must have the Debug Programs permission. By default, this permission is given only to the Administrators group, although this can be changed in the Windows NT User Manager. Assuming it is not changed, killproc command must be run by a member of the Administrators group (such as the user Administrator).

You can obtain the process ID from the Windows NT Task Manager. For example, to kill the jre process whose process ID is 255, you should type:

c:\> killproc 255
Killed process 255.

Note The killproc tool should only be used as a last resort. Because it forces the process to terminate abruptly, the process is not able to cleanup or to save its internal state before exiting.

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Copyright © 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Some preexisting portions Copyright © 2001 Netscape Communications Corp. All rights reserved.

Last Updated April 02, 2001