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iPlanet Delegated Administrator 4.5 Deployment and Customization Guide

Appendix B       Upgrading from Delegated Administrator Version 4.11

This appendix describes modifcations you must make to your directory information tree (DIT) in order to upgrade an existing Netscape Delegated Administrator 4.11 installation to iPlanet Delegated Administrator 4.5. The appendix contains the following topics:

Changes from Version 4.11 to Version 4.5

In order to support user directories that are already deployed, Delegated Administrator 4.5 uses a new, highly flexible DIT model. It defines a new grammar that is capable of creating an abstract representation of the user tree which can be interpretted by the back end. By making a few changes in your existing user directory, and representing your existing tree in terms of the new grammar, you can use Delegated Administrator 4.5 to with the user directory you created using version 4.11.

Figure B-1 illustrates the default DIT used in Delegated Administrator 4.11.

Figure B-1    Default DIT used in Delegated Adminstrator 4.11

Changes and additions were necessary to introduce flexibitlity in the support of arbitrary DITs. Figure B-2 illustrates the resulting default DIT used in Delegated Administrator 4.5.

Figure B-2    Default DIT in Delegated Administrator 4.5

Modifying the User Directory

Before Delegated Administrator 4.5 can work with the administrators created using Delegated Administrtor 4.11, you must modify entries at the Top level and at the Organization level of your existing tree.

Step 1: Modify Entries at the Top Level

  1. Rename the top level cn=Help Desk administrators group to cn=Service Help Desk Administrators.

  2. Create ou=Groups, <base suffix>

  3. Move the Service Help Desk and Service Administrator Groups to under ou=Groups, <base suffix>.

  4. Add the cn=domainConfiguration tree under ou=config, <base suffix>.

Step 2: Modify Entries at the Organization Level

  1. Rename cn=Dept Administrators, <domain dn> to cn=Domain Department Administrators, <domain dn>.

  2. Rename cn=Help Desk administrators to cn=Domain Help Desk Administrators.

  3. Move the cn=Domain Administrators group, cn=Domain Help DeskAdministrators group and the cn=Domain Department Administrator group to under ou=Depts, <domain dn>

Add New Objectclasses and Attributes

New ACIs, objectclasses, and attributes were added in Delegated Administrator 4.5. Before you install version 4.5, you must modify the following entries created by Delegated Administator 4.11:

    • The Top-level entry

    • All Organization entries

    • The NDAUser entry

    • All Administrator Group entries

    • All OrgUnit entries

    • All Department or Group entries

    • All User entries

Step 1: Modify the Top-level Entry

  1. Add the new Top Level ACI replacing the old.

    If you had made changes to the original Delegated Adminisstrator 4.11 ACIs, you may need to make corresponding changes in the new set for iDA4.5. The following ACIs need to be added at the Top Level :

# Allow anonymous read and search access to user entries
aci: (targetattr != "userPassword")
(version 3.0; acl "Anonymous access to User entries";
allow (read,search) userdn="ldap:///anyone";)
# Allow anonymous read and search access to postmaster entry
aci: (target="ldap:///cn=postmaster, o=ISP")
(version 3.0; acl "Anonymous access to Postmaster entry";
allow (read,search) userdn="ldap:///anyone";)
# ------------------------------------------------
# NDAUser access control
# Allow read and search access to uid, mail, and userCertificate
# attributes of user entries
aci: (targetattr="objectClass||uid||mail||userCertificate")
(version 3.0; acl "NDAUser access to user attributes"; allow (read,search)
userdn="ldap:///uid=NDAUser, ou=config, o=ISP";)
# Allow read and search access to nsManagedISP entries
aci: (targetattr="objectClass||o||nsNumDomains")
(version 3.0; acl "NDAUser access to toplevel attributes"; allow (read,search)
userdn="ldap:///uid=NDAUser, ou=config, o=ISP";)
# Allow read and search access to domain entries
aci: (targetattr="objectClass||o||nsdaorgid||nsNumUsers||nsNumDepts|| nsNum MailLists||nsNumDomains
(version 3.0; acl "NDAUser access to domain entries"; allow (read,search)
userdn="ldap:///uid=NDAUser, ou=config, o=ISP";)
# Allow read and search access to department entries
aci: (targetattr="objectClass||cn||nsNumUsers||nsNumDepts||nsMaxUsers ||ns MaxDepts")
(version 3.0; acl "NDAUser access to dept entries"; allow (read,search)
userdn="ldap:///uid=NDAUser, ou=config, o=ISP";)
# Allow read and search access to nsManagedOrgUnit entries
aci: (targetattr="objectClass")
(version 3.0; acl "NDAUser access to orgunits"; allow (read,search)
userdn="ldap:///uid=NDAUser, ou=config, o=ISP";)
# Allow read and search access to mail list entries
aci: (targetattr="objectClass||cn||nsNumUsers||nsMaxUsers")
(version 3.0; acl "NDAUser access to mail lists"; allow (read,search)
userdn="ldap:///uid=NDAUser, ou=config, o=ISP";)
# Allow write access to nsNumDomains attribute of nsManagedISP entries
aci: (targetattr="nsNumDomains")
(version 3.0; acl "NDAUser write access to toplevel"; allow (write)
userdn="ldap:///uid=NDAUser, ou=config, o=ISP";)
# Allow write access to nsNum* attributes of all domain entries
aci: (targetattr="nsNumUsers||nsNumDepts||nsNumMailLists||nsNumDomain s")
(version 3.0; acl "NDAUser write access to domains"; allow (write)
userdn="ldap:///uid=NDAUser, ou=config, o=ISP";)
# Allow write access to nsNum* attributes of all department entries
aci: (targetattr="nsNumUsers||nsNumDepts")
(version 3.0; acl "NDAUser write access to depts"; allow (write)
userdn="ldap:///uid=NDAUser, ou=config, o=ISP";)
# Allow write access to nsNumUsers attribute of all mail list entries
aci: (targetattr="nsNumUsers")
(version 3.0; acl "NDAUser write access to mail lists"; allow (write)
userdn="ldap:///uid=NDAUser, ou=config, o=ISP";)
# ------------------------------------------------
# Service Administrator access control
# Allow read and search access to all ISP nodes
aci: (targetattr="*")
(version 3.0; acl "SA root node access"; allow (read,search)
groupdn="ldap:///cn=Service Administrators, ou=Groups, o=ISP";)
# Allow all access to all domains, organizational units, departments,
# mail lists and users
aci: (targetattr="*")
(version 3.0; acl "SA domain access"; allow (all)
groupdn="ldap:///cn=Service Administrators, ou=Groups, o=ISP";)
# ------------------------------------------------
# Service Help Desk Administrator access control
# Allow read and search access to all ISP nodes, domains, and users
aci: (targetattr="*")
(version 3.0; acl "SHDA root node access"; allow (read,search)
groupdn="ldap:///cn=Service Help Desk Administrators, ou=Groups, o=ISP";)
# Allow all access to all mail lists
aci: (targetattr="*")
(version 3.0; acl "SHDA mail list access"; allow (all)
groupdn="ldap:///cn=Service Help Desk Administrators, ou=Groups, o=ISP";)
# Allow write access to userPassword attribute of all users except
# Service Administrators and Service Help Desk Administrators
aci: (targetattr="userPassword||passwordExpirationTime")
(&(!(memberOf=cn=Service Administrators, ou=Groups, o=ISP))
(!(memberOf=cn=Service Help Desk Administrators, ou=Groups, o=ISP)))))
(version 3.0; acl "SHDA user write access"; allow (write)
groupdn="ldap:///cn=Service Help Desk Administrators, ou=Groups, o=ISP";)
# ------------------------------------------------
# Specific Department Administrator access control
# Allow read and search access to all depts s/he can view
aci: (targetattr="*")
(version 3.0; acl "Dept Adm dept access"; allow (read,search)
userdn="ldap:///o=ISP??sub?(memberOf=cn=Department Administrators*)" and
# Allow write access to nsNumUsers, nsNumDepts, and uniqueMember attributes
# of the dept entry s/he can modify
aci: (targetattr="nsNumUsers||nsNumDepts||uniqueMember")
(targetfilter=(|(objectClass=nsManagedDept)(objectClass=nsManage dDept)))
(version 3.0; acl "Dept Adm dept write"; allow (write)
userdn="ldap:///o=ISP??sub?(memberOf=cn=Department Administrators*)" and
# Allow all access to the depts s/he owns
aci: (targetattr="*")
(version 3.0; acl "Dept Adm all access to dept"; allow (all)
userdn="ldap:///o=ISP??sub?(memberOf=cn=Department Administrators*)" and
# Allow read, search, write and delete access to all users in dept
aci: (targetattr="*")
(&(!(memberOf=cn=Service Administrators, ou=Groups, o=ISP))
(&(!(memberOf=cn=Service Help Desk Administrators, ou=Groups, o=ISP))
(&(!(memberOf=cn=Domain Administrators*))
(!(memberOf=cn=Domain Help Desk Administrators*)))))))
(version 3.0; acl "Dept Adm user access"; allow (read,search,write,delete)
userdn="ldap:///o=ISP??sub?(memberOf=cn=Department Administrators*)" and g
# Allow add access to create new users
aci: (targetattr="*")
(version 3.0; acl "Dept Adm user create access"; allow (add)
userdn="ldap:///o=ISP??sub?(memberOf=cn=Department Administrators*)";)
# Allow a department administrator to add self to any group/subgroup that they
# administer
aci: (targetattr="memberOf||owner") (version 3.0; acl
"Dept Adm access to add self to group and subgroups"; allow (write)
userdn="ldap:///o=ISP??sub?(memberOf=cn=Department Administrators*)" and
# ------------------------------------------------
# User access control
# Allow read and search access to self
aci: (targetattr="*")
(version 3.0; acl "User self read,search"; allow (read,search)
# Allow write access to self except for uid, ou, owner,
# nsDAModifiableBy, nsDACapability, mail, mailAlternateAddress,
# memberOf, and nsDADomain attributes
aci: (targetattr!="uid||ou||owner||nsDAModifiableBy||nsDACapability
(version 3.0; acl "User self modification"; allow (write)
# Deny delete access to self
aci: (targetfilter=(objectClass=nsManagedPerson))
(version 3.0; acl "User self deletion"; deny (delete)
# ------------------------------------------------
# Mail List access control
# Allow designated users to create mail lists
aci: (targetattr="*")
(version 3.0; acl "Mail list create access"; allow (add)
# Allow mail list owner read, search, write, and delete access to
# the mail lists s/he owns except for the nsMaxUsers attribute
aci: (targetattr!="nsMaxUsers")
(version 3.0; acl "Mail list owner access"; allow (read,search,write,delete)
# ------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------
aci: (targetattr="nsNumDomains")(targetfilter=(objectClass=nsManagedI SP))(version 3.0; acl "Write Counters"; allow
(write) groupdn="ldap:///cn=Service Administrators, ou=Groups, o=ISP";)
aci: (targetfilter=(objectClass=nsValueItem))(version 3.0; acl "SA domain access"; allow (all)
groupdn="ldap:///cn=Service Administrators, ou=Groups,o=ISP";)

  1. Add objectclass: nsUniquenessDomain

    For more indepth information on iDA 4.5 schema, see Appendix B "Delegated Administrator Schema" in the Deployment and Customization Guide.

Step 2: Modify Each Organization Entry

  1. Add the following new attributes with appropriate values for each.

    • nsMaxDomains

    • nsNumDomains

    • nsMaxMailLists

    • nsNumMailLists

  2. Remove the following attribute


  1. Add the new Domain Level ACI replacing the old. If you had made ACI changes to the original NDA4.11 ACI at the domain level, you may need to make corresponding changes in the new set for iDA4.5. The following acis need to be added at the domain level :

    aci: (targetattr="*")
    (version 3.0; acl "Domain Adm domain access"; allow (read,search)
    groupdn="ldap:///cn=Domain Administrators, ou=Groups, o=Siroe, o=ISP";)
    # Allow read and search access to the Domain Administrators group
    aci: (target="ldap:///cn=Domain Administrators, ou=Groups, o=Siroe, o=ISP")
    (version 3.0; acl "Domain Adm dept access"; allow (read,search)
    groupdn="ldap:///cn=Domain Administrators, ou=Groups, o=Siroe, o=ISP";)
    # Allow read, search, and write access to the Domain Help Desk
    # Administrators group
    aci: (target="ldap:///cn=Domain Help Desk Administrators, ou=Groups, o=Siroe, o=ISP")
    (version 3.0; acl "Domain Adm dept access"; allow (read,search,write)
    groupdn="ldap:///cn=Domain Administrators, ou=Groups, o=Siroe, o=ISP";)
    # Allow read, search, and write access to all Domain Department
    # Administrators group for Domain and Domain Dept Admins
    aci: (target="ldap:///cn=Domain Department Administrators, ou=Groups, o=Siroe, o=ISP")
    (version 3.0; acl "Domain Adm dept access"; allow (read,search,write)
    groupdn="ldap:///cn=Domain Administrators, ou=Groups, o=Siroe, o=ISP" or
    groupdn="ldap:///cn=Domain Department Administrators, ou=Groups, o=Siroe, o=ISP";)
    # Allow read and search access to all organizational units in this domain
    aci: (target="ldap:///ou=*, o=Siroe, o=ISP")
    (version 3.0; acl "Domain Adm org unit access"; allow (read,search,write)
    groupdn="ldap:///cn=Domain Administrators, ou=Groups, o=Siroe, o=ISP";)
    # Allow all access to the departments and mail lists in this domain
    aci: (target="ldap:///ou=*, o=Siroe, o=ISP")
    (version 3.0; acl "Domain Adm dept access"; allow (all)
    groupdn="ldap:///cn=Domain Administrators, ou=Groups, o=Siroe, o=ISP";)
    # Allow read, search, and add access to all users in domain and subdomains
    aci: (targetattr="*")(targetfilter=(objectClass=nsManagedPerson))
    (version 3.0; acl "Domain Adm user access"; allow (read,search,add)
    groupdn="ldap:///cn=Domain Administrators, ou=Groups, o=Siroe, o=ISP";)
    # Allow write and delete access to all users in domain s/he owns
    # except for Service Administrators and Service Help Desk Administrators
    aci: (targetattr="*")(targetfilter=(&(objectClass=nsManagedPerson)
    (&(!(memberOf=cn=Service Administrators, ou=Groups, o=ISP))
    (!(memberOf=cn=Service Help Desk Administrators, ou=Groups, o=ISP)))))
    (version 3.0; acl "Domain Adm user modify access"; allow (write,delete)
    groupdn="ldap:///cn=Domain Administrators, ou=Groups, o=Siroe, o=ISP";)
    # Allow all access to subdomains and their organizational units,
    # departments, and mail lists
    aci: (target="ldap:///o=*, o=Siroe, o=ISP")
    (version 3.0; acl "Domain Adm access"; allow (all)
    groupdn="ldap:///cn=Domain Administrators, ou=Groups, o=Siroe, o=ISP";)
    aci: (targetfilter=(|(objectClass=nsValueItem)
    (version 3.0; acl "Domain Adm config access";
    allow (all) groupdn="ldap:///cn=Domain Administrators, ou=Groups, o=Siroe, o=ISP";)
    # ------------------------------------------------
    # Domain Help Desk Administrator access control
    # Allow read and search access to this domain, its subdomains, and all users
    aci: (targetattr="*")
    (version 3.0; acl "DHDA access"; allow (read,search)
    groupdn="ldap:///cn=Domain Help Desk Administrators, ou=Groups, o=Siroe, o=ISP";)
    # Allow all access to all mail lists
    aci: (targetattr="*")
    (version 3.0; acl "DHDA mail list access"; allow (all)
    groupdn="ldap:///cn=Domain Help Desk Administrators, ou=Groups, o=Siroe, o=ISP";)
    # Allow write access to userPassword attribute of all users in domain except for
    # Service Administrators, Service Help Desk Administrators, and Domain Administrators
    aci: (targetattr="userPassword||passwordExpirationTime")(targetfilter =(&(objectClas s=nsManagedPerson)
    (&(!(memberOf=cn=Service Administrators, ou=Groups, o=ISP))
    (&(!(memberOf=cn=Service Help Desk Administrators, ou=Groups, o=ISP))
    (&(!(memberOf=cn=Domain Administrators, ou=Groups, o=Siroe, o=ISP))
    (!(memberOf=cn=Domain Help Desk Administrators, ou=Groups, o=Siroe, o=ISP)))))))
    (version 3.0; acl "DHDA user write access"; allow (write)
    groupdn="ldap:///cn=Domain Help Desk Administrators, ou=Groups, o=Siroe, o=ISP";)
    aci: (targetattr="uniqueMember")
    (targetfilter=(&(objectClass=nsManagedMailList)(mgmanJoinability =all)))
    (version 3.0; acl "User self subscribe access"; allow (selfwrite)
    userdn="ldap:///uid=*, ou=People, o=Siroe, o=ISP";)
    # Allow users read and search access to mail lists in their domain
    aci: (targetattr!="uniqueMember||mgrpRfc822MailMember")
    (targetfilter=(&(objectClass=nsManagedMailList)(mgmanHidden=fals e)))
    (version 3.0; acl "User mail list access when visible"; allow (read,search)
    userdn="ldap:///uid=*, ou=People, o=Siroe, o=ISP";)
    # Allow users read and search access to members of mail lists in their domain
    aci: (targetattr="uniqueMember||mgrpRfc822MailMember")
    (targetfilter=(&(objectClass=nsManagedMailList)(mgmanMemberVisib ility=all)))
    (version 3.0; acl "User mail list member access"; allow (read,search)
    userdn="ldap:///uid=*, ou=People, o=Siroe, o=ISP";)

Step 3: Modify the NDAUser Entry

Set the NDAUser userpassword to auth (default password set in the servlet/ file). You may want to change this password in both places after installing iDA against the user DIT.

Step 4: Modify Administrator Group Entries

All administrator groups should be modified as follows

  1. Add objectclass: nsManagedDeptAdminGroup to the entry.

  2. Add objectclass: inetAdmin to the entry.

  3. Remove objectclass: nsManagedDept from the entry, if it exists.

  4. Add adminRole: <rdn of the Administrative Group entry> e.g.

  5. To the Service Administrators group add the attribute -> adminRole: Service Administrators

  6. Remove nsNumUsers and nsMaxUsers from the Administrator group entry if they exist.

  7. For the Department level Administrator groups, rename the group rdn from cn=Dept Administrators to cn=Department Administrators. Make corresponding changes from Dept to Department in all places where this dn exists as an attribute value.

Step 5: Modify OrgUnit Entries

Add objectclass: nsManagedOrgUnit to the ou=Users & ou=Depts entries.

Step 6: Modify Department or Group Entries

  1. Add attributes nsNumDepts & nsMaxDepts with appropriate values to each entry.

  2. Change the attribute name 'owner' to 'nsDAModifiableBy' and retain the old attribute value.

Step 7: Modify User Entries

Since UID translation is no longer supported in iDA4.5, the uid value in each entry needs to be changed to just the userID without the domain name suffixed to it. Corresponding changes would need to be made in the user tree if UID translation was on. For example: will now become uid=bill.

All references to the user entry would need to be modified accordingly.

  1. Change the attribute name 'nssearchfilter' to 'nsDADomain' and retain the old attribute value.

  2. Change the attribute name 'ou' to 'memberOf' and retain the old attribute value.

Importing New Configuration Information

Delegated Administrator 4.5 configuration information, which formerly existed on the file system, has been moved into the directory server. This allows other applications to access the configuration and leverage the DIT structure information. This arrangement also allows other applications to garner additional useful information on predefined search datatypes and other generic parameters from the configuration. Since this information was absent in the NDA4.11 DIT, it needs to be imported into the user tree.

To Import Configuration Changes

  1. Change the base suffix from the default value of o=ISP to the appropriate suffix value in each of the ldifs.

  2. Download the file on the download site:

  3. Import the following LDIF files in the order in which they are listed :

    • config.ldif

    • main.ldif

    • op.ldif

    • macros.ldif

    • servlets.ldif

    For detailed information on importing LDIF files into the directory, see the documentation that comes with Netscape Directory Server.

Changing Container Names

In Delegated Adminstrator 4.11, the container for user entries was ou=Users; the container for group entries was ou=Depts. In version 4.5, the container for user entries is ou=People; the container for group entries is ou=Groups. Before you can use Delegated Administrator 4.5 with entries created under version 4.11, you must reconcile these differences

Table B-1    Container names

Container type


Administrator 4.11

Delegated Administrator 4.5







. You can do this using one of two methods. You can change the version 4.11 DIT to match the new container names in version 4.5. This is the recommended method. Or you can change the version 4.5 configuration to match the old container names in the version 4.11 DIT. Consider the size and complexity of your DIT in determining which method to use.

Step 1: Change the Version 4.11 Container Names

Since it is not possible to simply rename an entry's DN in the directory, the users & people's container would need to be repopulated if you use this approach.

  1. Change the existing people container (ou=Users) to ou=People.

  2. Change the existing groups container (ou=Dept) to ou=Groups.

Step 2: Change the Version 4.5 Container Names

  1. Change the iDA4.5 configuration entry for the people container object to use ou=Users.

  2. Change the iDA4.5 configuration entry for thegroup container object to use ou=Depts.

    This would need to be done in servlets.ldif before importing it in the above step. The following changes would need to be made:

    ou=config, o=ISP
    objectclass: top
    objectclass: extensibleObject
    cn: UsersOrgUnit
    iDAobjectclass: top
    iDAobjectClass: organizationalUnit
    iDAobjectClass: nsManagedOrgUnit
    iDArequiredAttribute: ou
    iDArdnAttribute: ou
    iDAattribute: ou "People" "Users"
    iDAattribute: aci `(targetattr!="userPassword")
    (version 3.0; acl "User access to all users in domain";
    allow (read,search) userdn="ldap:///uid=*, ou=People, $DomainContainerDN$";)' iDAparentDN: $DomainContainerDN$
    dn: cn=DeptsOrgUnit, cn=objects, cn=servletsconf, cn=en, cn=domainConfiguration, ou=config, o=ISP
    objectclass: top
    objectclass: extensibleObject
    cn: DeptsOrgUnit
    iDAobjectclass: top
    iDAobjectClass: organizationalUnit
    iDAobjectClass: nsManagedOrgUnit
    iDArequiredAttribute: ou
    iDArdnAttribute: ou
    iDAattribute: ou "Groups" "Depts"
    iDAobjectToManage: DomainAdminGroup
    iDAobjectToManage: DomainHelpDeskAdminGroup
    iDAobjectToManage: DomainDeptAdminGroup
    iDAparentDN: $DomainContainerDN$

  3. In servlets.ldif and main.ldif, change occurances of People to Users; change occurances of Users to Dept.

  4. In the ACIs for at the Top level and at the Organization leve, change all occurances of People to Users; change all occurances of Groups to Depts.

Initializing the Object Counters

Delegated Administrator keeps track of the number of objects in the user data tree such as users, groups, organizations, and mailing lists . After manually making changes to the tree, including the steps above to make an existing tree manageable by Delegated Administrator, the object counters must be initialized. This task is typically performed only by Top-level Administrators.

To Initialize the Object Counters

  1. Login as a Top-level administrator and click the Configuration tab.

  2. Click the Initialize Counters button in the Initialize Counters section of the Configuration tab interface. The Initializing Counters window appears and completes the initialization task.

  3. When the task is complete, click Close. If for any reason you do not want to continue the initialization process it may be interupted by clicking the Stop or Stop and Close buttons at the bottom of the Initializating Counters window.

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Copyright © 2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Some preexisting portions Copyright © 2000 Netscape Communications Corp. All rights reserved.

Last Updated May 24, 2001