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iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 Administrator's Guide

List of Tables

Table 2-1   Entry Templates and Corresponding Object Classes

Table 3-1   Suffix Attributes

Table 3-2   Components Allowed to Chain

Table 3-3   LDAP Controls and Their OIDs

Table 3-4   Database Link Configuration Attributes

Table 3-5   Database Link Connection Management Attributes

Table 3-6   Database Link Processing Error Detection Parameters

Table 3-7   Cascading Chaining Configuration Attributes

Table 4-1   Comparison of Importing Data Versus Initializing the Database

Table 4-2   Description of ldif2db Options Used in the Examples

Table 4-3   Description of Options Used in the Examples

Table 4-4   Description of db2ldif Options Used in the Example

Table 4-5   Description of Options Used in the Examples

Table 5-1   CoS Definition Entries

Table 5-2   CoS Definition Entry Attributes

Table 6-1   LDIF Target Keywords

Table 6-2   LDIF Bind Rule Keywords

Table 6-3   Macros in ACI Keywords

Table 7-1   Password Policy Attributes

Table 7-2   Account Lockout Policy Attributes

Table 7-3   Description of Options Used in the Example

Table 7-4   Description of Options Used in the Example

Table 8-1   Replicate_Now Variables

Table 8-2   Attributes of a Retro Change Log Entry

Table 8-3   Directory Server Console - Status Tab

Table 9-1   Columns of Tables in the Attributes Tab

Table 9-2   Attribute Syntax Definitions

Table 9-3   Fields of the Object Classes Tab

Table 10-1   Default indexes

Table 10-2   System indexes

Table 10-3   Approximate Searching With Phonetic Codes

Table 10-4   Description of Options Used in the Examples

Table 10-5   Description of vlvindex Options Used in the Examples

Table 10-6   Primary Attribute Name and Their Alias

Table 12-1   Server Performance Monitoring - Resource Summary Table

Table 12-2   Server Performance Monitoring - Current Resource Usage Table

Table 12-3   Server Performance Monitoring - Connection Status Table

Table 12-4   Server Performance Monitoring - Global Database Cache Table

Table 12-5   Database Performance Monitoring - Summary Information

Table 12-6   Database Performance Monitoring - Database Cache Information

Table 12-7   Database Performance Monitoring - Database File-Specific table

Table 12-8    Database Link Monitoring Attributes

Table 13-1   Operations Table Managed Objects and Descriptions

Table 13-2   Entries Table Managed Objects and Descriptions

Table 16-1   PTA Plug-In Parameters

Table 17-1   Attribute Uniqueness Plug-In Variables

Table A-1   LDIF Fields

Table A-2   LDIF Elements in Organization Entries

Table A-3   LDIF Elements in Organizational Unit Entries

Table A-4   LDIF Elements in Person Entries

Table B-1   Search Filter Operators

Table B-2   Search Filter Boolean Operators

Table B-3   Search Types, Operators, and Suffixes

Table C-1   LDAP URL Components

Table D-1   Supported Locales

Table D-2   Supported Language Subtypes

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Copyright © 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Some preexisting portions Copyright © 2001 Netscape Communications Corp. All rights reserved.

Last Updated October 29, 2001