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iPlanet Directory Server Resource Kit 5.1 Tools Reference

Chapter 15

The tool is a Perl script that helps automate the process of creating new Directory Server 4.x instances on a machine where that product has already been installed. The tool will create the new instance using existing configuration files and information given interactively by the user.

The tool is incompatible with the Directory Server 5.x product.

This chapter contains the following sections:

Command Usage

The tool reads existing configuration files and queries the user for more information about the new instance. It uses this information to create a file named newdsinst.inf describing the new instance. When finished, the tool will prompt you to run the command that will create the new instance using the configuration in this file.

The tool has the following command-line syntax:

cd serverRoot /admin-serv/config

The tool has no options, but it must be run from the serverRoot /admin-serv/config directory of a previously installed administration server.

This script requires Perl version 5.005_03 or later. See "Where to Find Additional Information" for links to Perl resources.

Sample Configuration

The following listing shows the file generated by the tool. Placeholders in this listing show the origin of the configuration information, either from an existing file or provided interactively through user input. The file format is the same as that used by the silent installation feature described in Chapter 4 of the iPlanet Directory Server Installation Guide available at the following URL:

Code Example 15-1    Contents of the Generated newdsinst.inf File

FullMachineName=   value of ldapHost from adm.conf file
SuiteSpotUserID=   user input of OS user ID
SuitespotGroup=   user input of OS group ID
ServerRoot=   value of ServerRoot from local.conf file
AdminDomain=   value of isie from adm.conf file
ConfigDirectoryAdminID=   administrator ID extracted from admpw file
ConfigDirectoryAdminPwd=   user input of existing config DS admin password
ConfigDirectoryLdapURL=   ldap://ldapHost :ldapPort / from adm.conf file
Components= svrcore,base,slapd,admin

SlapdConfigForMC= No
SecurityOn= No
UseExistingMC= Yes
UseExistingUG= No
ServerPort=   user input of new server port
ServerIdentifier=   user input of new server identifier
Suffix=   user input of new data suffix
RootDN=   user input of new root DN
UseReplication= No
SetupSupplier= No
SetupConsumer= No
AddSampleEntries= No
InstallLdifFile= none
AddOrgEntries= No
DisableSchemaChecking= No
RootDNPwd=   user input of new root DN password
Components= slapd,slapd-client

SysUser=   value of configuration.nssuitespotuser in local.conf file
Port=   value of configuration.nsserverport in local.conf file
ServerIpAddress=   value of configuration.nsadminaccessaddresses in local.conf file
ServerAdminID=   administrator ID extracted from admpw file
ServerAdminPwd=   user input of existing config DS admin password
Components= admin,admin-client

Components= base,base-client,base-jre

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Copyright 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc.. All rights reserved.

Last Updated April 15, 2002